I see you still don't know what that word means.
Oh, then why are you compelled to neurotic behaviors? The dictionary isn’t that far away if you need some assistance.
Citation? I'd like to take you at face value, but I've learned abut your loose conception of truth.
Are you really that ignorant? I guess you are. Simply because you are ignorant, it doesn’t mean more informed and intelligent folk have a “loose conception of truth”. I suggest you look up Tora Bora.
By December 17, 2001, the last cave complex had been taken and their defenders overrun.[citation needed] US forces continued searching the area into January, but did not find any signs of bin Laden or the al-Qaeda leadership. According to his book published in 2005, the former CIA officer, Gary Berntsen, led the CIA team (consisting primarily of CIA Paramilitary Officers from Special Activities Division) in Afghanistan tasked with locating bin Laden during the armed conflict.[4][page needed]
In his book Jawbreaker (2005), Berntsen said that his team had pinpointed bin Laden's location.[page needed] He wrote that a number of al-Qaeda detainees later confirmed that bin Laden had escaped into Pakistan via an easterly route through snow-covered mountains to the area of Parachinar, Pakistan. He believed that bin Laden could have been captured at the time if the United States Central Command had committed the troops which Berntsen had requested.[4][page needed] In a 2005 interview, the former CIA officer Gary Schroen concurred with Berntsen's opinion.[5] Pentagon documents suggest bin Laden escaped at Tora Bora.[6]
That's the occupation, not the invasion. Still, I give you some of that as being almost so. So what's Obama's excuse for messing up? Should be a good one.
No, that was during the invasion, military and police armories should have been secured during the invasion – even more so because George Junior had accused the regime of possessing weapons of mass destruction. Securing those facilities should have been a key part of the invasion plan and they were not. It occurred to them as an afterthought…after the weapons started showing up in the hands of insurgents.
Two, George Junior declared “major combat operations” on May 1. On May 23 the Bush government issued its formal declaration disbanding the Iraqi government, not that it mattered much, because since the invasion began the Bush administration had been rounding up and arresting Iraqi government officials. And as a result, the Iraqi people were without vital services like water and sewer and electricity. And in fact, major combat operations had not ceased. Major combat operations continued at least into June.
So the bottom line is, you still don’t know what you are writing about.