What are you rambling about? At least 3 out of 4 of the things 'Putin does not say' are absolutely verified facts.
From ElectricFetus post#994 :
- quote - "What Putin does not say
- I have bases in syria I want to keep.
- I sell weapons to syria so they can keep killing people.
- I have citizens in syria, including
- I just don't like toppling dictators or allowing foreign influence in other countries" - unquote
ElectricFetus, here are some things the President of my country does not say that are "absolutely verified facts".
- I have bases and allies in the Middle East that I want to keep and perform military interventions for
- I sell/supply to Syrian rebels and elements of al-qaeda in Syria, and also sell/supply massive amounts of military weapons to other countries in the region and also the rest of the world so they can keep killing people.
- I have boots on the ground in Syria, including (!?!?!)
- I just don't like toppling dictators or allowing foreign influence in other countries but I and the Presidents before me have been doing it for decades anyway
So, ElectricFetus, what are you rambling about? All 4 of the things the President of my country does not say are absolutely verified facts.
"Go look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls,"!
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