The Supreme Comedy Uncorked



The Supreme Comedy: No matter how we put subject, verb and object together, it can make no difference because they are all the same: Reality’s nothing, fiction, thoughts, words.

The Supreme Comedy starts with a thought: “I am different.” Call it ego.
The Supreme Comedy is also supreme because its Laughter is lethal to this thought called ego: “I am different.”

This lethal-Laughter is called Kundalini in the East.
And the Supreme Comedy gets even more supreme because in the West there is no word for its lethal-Laughter because doctors call it every mental-disease in their books.

This lethal-Laughter is Physics’ quantum-gap which can only make this Laughter even more lethal.
This quantum-gap accounts for all the elements the universe needs to exist. The quantum-gap thus account for not only the universe but also all its order and chaos that need these elements of the Periodic Table to exist.

Even though Physics has this quantum-gap, without which there can be no universe, this gap cannot have any particles. And because this quantum-gap has no particles the greatest geniuses in physics insist that it cannot belong to physics – EVEN THOUGHT IT ACCOUNTS FOR not only the UNIVERSE but also for ALL THE ORDER AND CHAOS IN THE UNIVERSE.

But this Comedy is Supreme because it is funny from all its words, angles, and so it always get better.
Since this quantum-gap has no thoughts in it, the greatest geniuses in philosophy insist that it cannot belong to philosophy – EVEN THOUGHT IT ACCOUNTS FOR not only the UNIVERSE but also for ALL THE ORDER AND CHAOS IN THE UNIVERSE.

And then all the remaining best geniuses insist that because this quantum-gap cannot contain any gods it cannot belong to theology – EVEN THOUGHT IT ACCOUNTS FOR not only the UNIVERSE but also for ALL THE ORDER AND CHAOS IN THE UNIVERSE.

This quantum-gap is the Hindu Atman, Physics’ Unified-Field, the thoughtless-silence of dreamless-sleep, Samadhi. It is the Reality whose nothing is fiction, thoughts like “universe” and ego, order and disorder.
Samadhi is simply Physics’ black-hole its particles need to vanish into the thoughtless-Silence, the quantum-gap, called Samadhi, Nirvana… the Reality that the “I am Different,” ego, has to totally ignore because Reality is void of thoughts, even the “I am different” thought called ego.

LISTEN...i am an ego and also know how to laugh, ok? ego is my point of view. you will NEVER fathom it
You can't have a universe made of gaps. The universe is both "gap" and whatever is between the gaps, it's a polarity. I wonder what book you have been reading.
How is this method of "thinking" or lack of it, whatever you might call it, working for you?
If there is a you.
Not even sure how to talk to you.
Anyways, just curious.
spidergoat said:
You can't have a universe made of gaps. The universe is both "gap" and whatever is between the gaps, it's a polarity. I wonder what book you have been reading.

I learned that particles have to cross the quantum gap to get from one level to another -- but they have to do it in such a way that they can NEVER-EVER enter the quantum-gap. It is impossible unless they are thoughts.

And if one particle cannot enter the quantum-gap then nor can all the particles, the universe.

Trying to find a universe in a quantum-gap is like trying to stuff mickey mouse into the TV set so he can be on TV.

What fricking Stephen King book did you read to find this polarity of quantum-gaps?
genep said:
I learned that particles have to cross the quantum gap to get from one level to another -- but they have to do it in such a way that they can NEVER-EVER enter the quantum-gap. It is impossible unless they are thoughts.

And if one particle cannot enter the quantum-gap then nor can all the particles, the universe.

Trying to find a universe in a quantum-gap is like trying to stuff mickey mouse into the TV set so he can be on TV.

What fricking Stephen King book did you read to find this polarity of quantum-gaps?
Howww((((((((( pray, did you learn this, child?