The Supernatural


Registered Senior Member
The supernatural does not only mean ghost,but also this, man dreams of the death of a friend and wakes to the letter announcing it, a spoon bends into a hoop while being gently stroked with a forefinger, a person stands terrified as crockery moves unaided through the air,a person under hypnosis descries in detail a life lived before in another countrya hundred years ago,does anyone have any thoughts on the supernatural.:eek:

supernatural huh?

Blastoff, its a neet subject, but as far as being able to define anything in black and white Im at a loss. I think there are things that are Unknown. I know that psi and remote viewing can be trained. For most I think its a extra awareness. For others I dont think they have time to notice?

Can you expand on that a little to a specific. I dont think there is any hockus Pokus except in the movies? Harry Potter for instance?

Of course if I ever saw anything like that I might change my mind, but other than goosebumps and some wierd lights, I have never seen anything like that?

Re: EEEKKK.....

"supernatural" is, I think, the wrong word; if it's not natural, it can't happen. Some of the things you've mentioned can be explained - spoonbending, for example, is an example of charlatanry at its finest, and the 'death of a friend' thing is, like most of our woes today (religion, et al) a result of people not understanding probablility. As for the others: if they're genuine phenomena, then they're unexplained, not supernatural.
Re: supernatural

can you explain the readings of Nostradamus,they say most of his writings have come true,the wars the plagues,it is said that he useda magic mirror when casting the horoscopes of Cathrine de Medics children he began as a doctor in 1529 and decame well known for his treatment of plague at Aix and Lyon in 1546 he started making prophecies in around 1547 and published them in 1555 he did not get his last prophecy right thank god. because he did say that it would be the end of the world in the year 2, all over the world people practice VOODOO,even to this very day,they still beleave surly there might be something in it.
Re: Re: supernatural

Originally posted by BLASTOFF

can you explain the readings of Nostradamus,they say most of his writings have come true

Pah. When I was young 'n' impressionable, I read Nostradamus, and a number of his myriad interpreters. He's said to have predicted victory for the Germans in WWII, victory for teh allies in WWII, victory for Southern Venezuela in WWII... have a read. Try and interpret the quatrains into something that will happen; don't try to ascribe them to past events. See how many of your interpretations were accurate.

it is said that he useda magic mirror when casting the horoscopes of Cathrine de Medics children
It is also said that Bilbo used a magic ring to escape from the goblins.

And really... horoscopes. There's any support for Nostradamus doomed right there.

he did not get his last prophecy right thank god. because he did say that it would be the end of the world in the year 2,000
My mate at work just told me that his ex girlfriends brother used to speak fluent russian in his sleep. The only thing is,he doesn't know any russian. Explain that for me.
Originally posted by Neb

My mate at work just told me that his ex girlfriends brother used to speak fluent russian in his sleep. The only thing is,he doesn't know any russian. Explain that for me.
Three possible explanations out of the possible millions:

1. A friend of a friend speaks russian in his sleep. 'Nuff said.

2. If no-one in the family speaks Russian, it's possible he's speaking gibberish that's being interpretd as Russian

3. He watched Russian movies, or heard russians speak, and is subsconsciously remembering the dialogue.
As far as Nostradamus is concerned, when his wrote most of his prophecies he used his own improvised shorthand, that really only made sense to him at the time. Many people have interpreted his writings in different ways, but the most apocalyptic sounding ones get published. I've sat through more than one "end of the world", and am no worse the wear.
Originally posted by rde
Three possible explanations out of the possible millions:

1. A friend of a friend speaks russian in his sleep. 'Nuff said.

2. If no-one in the family speaks Russian, it's possible he's speaking gibberish that's being interpretd as Russian

3. He watched Russian movies, or heard russians speak, and is subsconsciously remembering the dialogue.

maybe the last one, what do you mean by, nuff said,are you suggesting because its not someone I know first hand then its not true, I'm offended if thats what your saying because my friend at work doesn't just make up stories.
No there not stupid so it wasn't gibberish.

Ok lets try this, one of the strangest occult manifestations was in europe during the 1970s it was in a spanish village the people that lived in a house there went into her kitchen and saw a strange face looking up at her from the kitchen floor, it looked painted but nothing would scratch the paint it was part of the floor, the floor that the image was on was broken up with a pick axe and replaced with new concrete,one week later the image was back in exactly the same place, it was removed and placed behind glass,the floor was dug up and human bones where found, also the house was found to be built on an old disused cemetry,was this a face from the other side?;)

Originally posted by BLASTOFF

Ok lets try this, ... was this a face from the other side?;)
I'm beginning to feel like Scully here.

Simplest explanation: scam. Just because noone here can think of a better explanation doesn't, of course, mean that there isn't one.

I have often heard that if when one falls from a great height in a dream, and does not wake up before landing, dies in real life upon impact. This is bullshit. The other night I dreamt that I fell from a ninety story skyscraper. I hit the ground before I woke up. I did NOT die in real life. I simply lay in a pool of blood and shattered bone while in unfathomable agony for several hours until I finally awoke.

Stonehenge has a very strange feeling around it, when you stand close to it you feel like there are other beings there that you can not see, some have said that Stonehenge was a place that was used as an execution place,as Stonehenge means Stone Gallows, you can fel strang things mainly on a summer salsis, explain this even i have felt something strange while i was there.:eek:
orginally posted by blastoff - does anyone have any thoughts on the supernatural

The question is- what do you call to be supernatural. If you lived in 5000 BC, would you call a plane to be supernatural? I think yes.
My oppinion is that every apparition we have in our world is natural. The question is about human perception. Supernatural are many things we do ourselves, but don't consider them to be so.

I will write smth about some of those paranormal and
" supernatural" things later. got to go now.