The Sun Proves Big Bang Theory Incorrect


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The surface of the sun is the same temperature as lightning, or there abouts.

The Sun isn't burning anything but your skin, its a nuclear furnace which is sustained by electrical currents. The only "fuel" is the free energy reaction of the static currents caused by extremely high temperature atomic matter moving around at high speeds. The sun is a cosmic arc welder.

Imagine the water particles in a rain cloud moving around causing a static build up for a lightning strike to happen, now imagine particles of matter in a fusion state running around like a madhouse on the surface of the sun.... That produces a hell of a lot more static-charge build up than most scientists are willing to bravely comprehend.

Saying that the sun is burning itself out is like saying lightning is just a fire that comes and goes really quickly and that no one knows why. How absurd!

Its electricity! Don't make me go Dr. Tesla on your Big Bang Brain! :D
could the sun get its power frokm the atmosphere? iow's converting some atmospheric properties into power. similar to solar energy.
The surface of the sun is the same temperature as lightning, or there abouts.

The Sun isn't burning anything but your skin, its a nuclear furnace which is sustained by electrical currents. The only "fuel" is the free energy reaction of the static currents caused by extremely high temperature atomic matter moving around at high speeds. The sun is a cosmic arc welder.

Imagine the water particles in a rain cloud moving around causing a static build up for a lightning strike to happen, now imagine particles of matter in a fusion state running around like a madhouse on the surface of the sun.... That produces a hell of a lot more static-charge build up than most scientists are willing to bravely comprehend.

Saying that the sun is burning itself out is like saying lightning is just a fire that comes and goes really quickly and that no one knows why. How absurd!

Its electricity! Don't make me go Dr. Tesla on your Big Bang Brain! :D

We k now the Sun is made of mostly hydrogen. We know its mass, we can culaculate the temperative at its core. We know that when hydrogen reaches that high a temperature it fuses.

How does your elertric arc welder theory prevent fusion?

Also, saying that the sun is burning itself out is NOT AT ALL like saying lightning is just a fire that comes and goes really quickly and that no one knows why. Actually, it's like saying that Sun undergoes nuclear fusion at its core and that fusion is a one way process that will eventually use up all the hydrogen readily available.

How do you account for supernovas, red giants, neutron stars and black holes if every star is a perpetual electic "free energy" driven thing?
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Moderator action: The original post is full of nonsense. Moved to pseudoscience.
Static electricity and lightning don't produce neutrinos. A neutrino image of the sun was taken by the Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan some time ago (I forget when exactly):


The observations agree with the fusion theory. There are of course many others but I like that picture :p.
The surface of the sun is the same temperature as lightning, or there abouts.

The core is a lot hotter.

The Sun isn't burning anything but your skin, its a nuclear furnace which is sustained by electrical currents. The only "fuel" is the free energy reaction of the static currents caused by extremely high temperature atomic matter moving around at high speeds. The sun is a cosmic arc welder.

Show me the maths.

Saying that the sun is burning itself out is like saying lightning is just a fire that comes and goes really quickly and that no one knows why. How absurd!

What's your explanation for why the hydrogen to helium ratio in the Sun is changing over time?
If the sun isn't getting its power from nuclear reactions, what's the source for all those neutrinos we're detecting from it?
OK, you guys are most likely correct, there IS hydrogen being burned.

I theorize then that the sun is actually converting energy (in the form of electricity) into atomic matter. While sustaining high burning temperatures, it is also producing a lot of high voltage electricity in the mean time.

The high temperature atomic matter in and on the sun is moving chaotically all over the surface, this accumulates powerful electro-static charges, much like a rain cloud except with even more static build up due to much greater mass being shoved about.

I love how quickly this was shoved to the pseudoscience section before I could fully discuss this.
Except rain clouds start neutral and become charged. The sun is entirely ionised, there aren't neutral atoms there because the electrons has so much energy they exceed the ionisation energy pf the elements present in the Sun.

There are not atoms in or on the Sun, there are only nuclei and electrons. It's only when you get to the cooler regions, where the material cools below ionization temperatures, that you get atoms and spectroscopy.
Why do we need another model for the sun anyhow, when we already have one that describes its characteristics with great accuracy and has successfully anticipated many of the measurements we make on it? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The surface of the sun is the same temperature as lightning, or there abouts.

Yes, the surface is, but the core is in the millions of degrees and is where the fusion happens.

The Sun isn't burning anything but your skin, its a nuclear furnace which is sustained by electrical currents. The only "fuel" is the free energy reaction of the static currents caused by extremely high temperature atomic matter moving around at high speeds. The sun is a cosmic arc welder.

Wrong, the sun fuses Hydrogen into Helium and then into other, heavier elements.
In the stars around twenty times the sun's mass they continue until they reach Iron which can not be used in fusion, then the star goes super nova. Also, how is everyting heavier then Iron created if the stars don't die? What are super nova, red giants black holes, white drawfs etc. if not the the corpses of long dead stars?

Imagine the water particles in a rain cloud moving around causing a static build up for a lightning strike to happen, now imagine particles of matter in a fusion state running around like a madhouse on the surface of the sun.... That produces a hell of a lot more static-charge build up than most scientists are willing to bravely comprehend.

What happens to all the heat from the fusion? Why is the sun yellow and not white since the surface should be far hotter if there is fusion going on there?

Saying that the sun is burning itself out is like saying lightning is just a fire that comes and goes really quickly and that no one knows why. How absurd!

What are super nova then if not stars that have died?
The high temperature atomic matter in and on the sun is moving chaotically all over the surface, this accumulates powerful electro-static charges, much like a rain cloud except with even more static build up due to much greater mass being shoved about.

Well, there are lots of electromagnetic phenomena occuring in the Sun. Since there is charged matter flowing about all over the place there are huge magnetic fields generated, which are closely related to sunspots and solar flares. Not really electrostatic though.
Yes, the surface is, but the core is in the millions of degrees and is where the fusion happens.

When a solar flare launches you've some highly heated matter which is pulling away from the Sun like a volcanic eruption. The FRICTION that is created creates super high voltage currents and amperage's.

Just take a look at this EXTREMELY MINUTE amount of lava shooting from the Earth, especially when compared to the solar flares that are often LARGER THAN THE EARTH ITSELF.




As you can see, high voltage currents happen when masses of extremely excited atomic matter are moving around, since the atomic matter in and on the sun is always moving.... draw your own conclusions.

In the stars around twenty times the sun's mass they continue until they reach Iron which can not be used in fusion, then the star goes super nova. Also, how is everyting heavier then Iron created if the stars don't die? What are super nova, red giants black holes, white drawfs etc. if not the the corpses of long dead stars?

I believe that Super Novas are a result of stars that have accumulated atomic matter through converting energy directly into atomic matter. We have machines that can assemble gold particle by particle, the sun ASSEMBLES atomic matter much more efficiently than any machine here on Earth.

What happens to all the heat from the fusion? Why is the sun yellow and not white since the surface should be far hotter if there is fusion going on there?

It is white. That's why you can see the whole color spectrum when you go outside. Go and look at the Sun(not truly advisable), you'll find that it is quite white indeed. NASAs photos of the sun are dimmed down with contrast increased so you can actually see the surface. If the sun isn't true white, then you got some vision problems!

The only occasion when the sun appears orange or even remotely yellow, is when it goes through our atmosphere during sunsets.
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This thread was falsely placed into pseudoscience by some closed minded moderators.