The Sumerian Religion?


The Sumerians were the first human civilization, and they believed in gods. Seeing as their writings are older than the bible's, or any other religion's, for that matter, how can one believe in the organized relgions of today?

Snakelord could provide some info. on how the sumerians got the idea of God.
The Sumerians really didn't have Gods, or at least they didn't call them that. According to the Sumerians, all of their "gods" came from Planet Niribu, a planet that comes close to Earth (about 14 million miles away) every 3600 years according to the Sumerians. Nasa is looking for Planet X a planet that is affecting Neptune. NASA says that "The descriptions of this planet by the Sumerians match precisely the specifications of "Planet X" (the Tenth Planet)". It follows a similiar orbital path that the Sumerians described. Could all the Gods be Aliens? It is true that all major religions depict god(s) from above and pray up to the sky (heavens). I think that the truth lies in the ancient religions and the oldest cultures.
Originally posted by VitalOne
NASA says that "The descriptions of this planet by the Sumerians match precisely the specifications of "Planet X" (the Tenth Planet)". It follows a similiar orbital path that the Sumerians described.
The Planet X Saga
actualy all of that stuff VitalOne is talking about is a lot of bunk cooked up by folks who arnt historians. There isnt any historical evedence that sumerians belived in a place called nibiru (and they almost certainly didnt belive in a planet called nibiru because the concept was probably forign to them) and they did have gods as such. lots of them.
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
I think Zoroastrianism predates the Sumerian gods?
The religion was founded by Zarathushtra (Zoroaster in Greek; Zarthosht in India and Persia). Conservative Zoroastrians assign a date of 6000 BCE to the founding of the religion; other followers estimate 600 BCE. Historians and religious scholars generally date his life sometime between 1500 and 1000 BCE on the basis of his style of writing.


Originally posted by VitalOne
You're right, Planet X isn't a planet, its a comet, Chiron.
(Off Topic) Does "Planet X" exist, and could it come close to Earth?

Is there really a 10th planet?

Many people are fascinated by the idea of finding another planet in our Solar System, but as yet there is no good evidence that there is another large body beyond Pluto.

There are several "Planet X" stories that circulate from time to time in the popular press.

The more scientific Planet X story concerns several astronomers who, after analyzing the orbits of a large number of comets, suggest that there may be a large body in the Oort cloud which is disrupting the orbits of some of the long-period comets that we see, so that they swing into the inner Solar System. Other astronomers have done a similar analysis, though, and they do not see any evidence for a planet. Most astronomers would need better evidence to be convinced of the existence of another planet.

A less scientific Planet X story concerns Zechariah Sitchin, who published a book called The Twelfth Planet in 1976. (Ancient peoples considered the Sun and the Moon to be planets because the move with respect to the stars, so those plus the usual nine give a total of eleven planets that we can all agree on.) Through a combination of some suspect Sumerian archaeology and a complete ignorance of the laws of physics, Sitchin cooked up a hypothesis about a giant planet named Marduk or Nibiru. According to Sitchin, Nibiru swings through the inner Solar System every 3600 years, and the planet and its angel-like alien inhabitants are responsible for everything from the tilt of Uranus to the origin of the human race to the parting of the Red Sea.

I hear that some follower of Sitchin recently predicted the return of Nibiru in the spring or early summer of 2003. Needless to say, Nibiru has yet to be detected by astronomers. [More...]

Source: Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer

See also: 10 FAQs about Planet-X (The Astronomy Cafe)