The story of Satan


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
I was thinking about the origins of the story of satan being cast into hell. I have a picture of an ancient king throwing his rebelious little brother into a lava pit. Is there any way we could know if this might have happened?
Not the actual story of satan, but somebody being thrown into a lava pit.
I guess you just have to do the rounds in your local neighbourhood of all the people being sacrificed into volcanoes and make up a short list of those that innvolve a person who goes by the name of "Satan".
Satan, Lucifer, what ever you are going to name the nemis of god, the only reason this deity was created, and it's home "hell" the eternaly damned in fire, for not believing in such diety god, allah, zeus, whateve, this shit was created to MANIPULATE the ignorant. It has worked wonders, it has made many a priest have total power of idiots who believed this shit, and they live off those who pay the sob's that have raped their children, live in better houses than most of the congregations, drive Mercedes, wear Rollex watches, and spew bull shit every Sunday morning on TV, and still the dumbasses suport these theives! Cause of fear of ending up in such made up bull shit as hell, or that some devil, satan exists! :bugeye:
all satan did was reason a little bit asking, "God, why are you God and not me?"

Then God condemned him and at the same time, granted him ability to dominate and control hell and then eventually permission to put "sinful" people into hell for eternity. Yeah, God is really creative, isn't he?