The start of apocalipse


Registered Member
I think that 666 is the no. of anthihrist's name.Which contain's D,C,L,X,V,I.And that the APOCALIPSE/ARMAGHEDON is onlie 40 years distant.Because God sayd that the 7th day is the resting day...but did not menchion wich day is the 7th.I think that the 7th day is afther the apocalipse because we humans put Mondais,Tusday... .And in the Apocalips form the bible it sayd that 1440 peple folowed the stabed lam,the stabed lam signifies the 7th day and 1440the year of apocalipse.If yow ERASE every 7th day out of our calendar we are actualy in the year 1400. sory for the spelling.