The spiral structure of matter!?


Registered Senior Member
The spirals (the vortexes) are omnipresent. For example, consider the shape of galaxies, hurricanes and simple whirls. The DNA double helix is the genetic code of life and a three-dimensional spiral is the genetic code of the universe /1,2/.

Is life an expanding interaction in a "firework universe", where everything seems to expand from and afterwards to collapse on its source, as argued by Eugene Savov - author of the book Theory of Interaction?

2. Eugene Savov, Theory of Interaction, Geones Books, 2002
Its like saying why are so many thing round? Its just a simple shape with very efficient and stabling properties. Many natural things have rounded or spiral shapes because it would to unstable or impossible to have square or polygonal shapes! Beware of the “Non Causa Pro Causa” Fallacies.
theres a thread in the physics forum about vortex theory, most agree that its bunk