Guys, keep it on topic. Neutrinos wouldn't be used in computers, they can't be detected and manipulated in any practical way. The experiments using giant machines detected 10 events over the space of weeks. A computer which can flip 10 bits in a fortnight isn't very useful.
Saying "The neutrino might be faster than light!" isn't something unique to Reiku, it's long been the best candidate, if one exists. Reiku never provided any quantitative models which made predictions, he literally just made stuff up on the spot without even basic competency in mathematics (nor could much be said for his spelling and grammar). He spouting so much nonsense and random crap it's hardly surprising he hit on something not utterly wrong.
Anyone who thinks Reiku had anything actually worth listening to didn't pay attention in school. Just like Reiku.
The diagram isn't a literal space-time path for particles, it only represents schematically the topology of an interaction. The paths are not drawn to any proper scale nor are the paths straight or curved like that.