The Slow Influence and the Fast Influence


The Slow Influence and the Fast Influence
(SI) + (FI)
(FI’)- (SI’)
In my first book, I explained that:

‘’ We march along through time at the speed of light... however; my perception of it is quite not as fast. Unlike the clock on the wall, sometimes my time can vary - it can fluctuate, making one time feel longer than another time. Why does this happen?
To explain this will take a little thought. Relativity explains that time becomes stretched when one moves faster and faster until one reaches the maximum speed of light, time will stop completely. I envision the mind being the opposite. Somehow the mind when in a fast mode of thinking, time is not stretched - in fact, time can move quite fast when we are enjoying ourselves. Only when the speed of our thought slows down and we become less aware does time begin to stretch.
We already saw an example of the in the part titled 'Time' - certain narcotics can alter what we perceive as time. For instance, cannabis can alter ones state of perception. Using cannabis time can move slowly for the user... in other cases, some have reported that time speeds up. LSD, the hallucinogen can also either speed up or slow down what we perceive as time. Why does this happen? There may be many reasons for this effect. However, my explanation is a little more conservative. It all has to do with our minds capacity of awareness in one single day. Let me explain.

First Pointer - Time is at its fastest when the mind is fully occupied with reality (FI)

Second pointer - Time is at its slowest when the mind is not fully occupied with reality (SI)

* I would like to note here, that both pointers depend on a particular state of mind.

It is these two rules that govern perception, and i call them the 'fast influence' (FI), and the 'slow influence' (SI). We can imagine certain drugs have different influences on different individuals. Thus, a certain drug can have either a fast influence on time inside our minds, and to others, it might have a slow influence. Other drugs however, will have more or less the same effect on our perceptions, such as amphetamines (speed).
However, there are certain times we all feel the strains of fast and slow influences. For instance, most mornings we will wake up in a state that perceives time at its slow influence. My god... we all know mornings like that - it seems to take us forever to adjust if we don't have that strong cuppa. This is time being stretched. This means that our minds are not fully occupied with reality. Now, this is not hard to imagine, if one takes into consideration the fact they where sleeping. In a sleep state, the mind is not fully aware - it is, hence, unconscious. Thus, it will take a while for the mind to adjust, and speed up - this speeding up is actually the mind becoming more occupied with being awake, and eventually, my brain will start functioning properly in its fast influence state.

Time can seem to stretch quite a bit if we stay up a little late as well. Perhaps you sat up, watching a thrilling film, and realize that it is 4.00am. You decide not to go back to sleep because you need to go to work at 7.00am, and if you did go to sleep, you would never be able to get up in time - so, you wait it out; however, those remaining 3 hours seem to take forever. Your tired brain finds it hard to speed up, and the 3 hours seem more like 6 hours.
Obviously the brain needs sleep. You can imagine that, because you are supposed to be asleep, your brain is continuously slowing down. This is the brain not fully occupied with reality - and time is thus stretched. We would be experiencing what i call, slow influence all over again...
Thus our minds will continuously fluctuate between slow influences and fast influences due to our awareness in reality. We don't tend to experience time, in other words, in a dream state - unless it is the phenomenon known as a lucid dream. We simply do not concern ourselves with the perception of time in our sleeps - but our minds can tend to oscillate through the time barriers in our sleeps. Let me quickly explain.
Ever had a dream that replays some event you experienced earlier that day, or that week? This is your mind recreating a past event. Your mind has nothing like a memory system of files we can flick through in physics. And there are even the estranged phenomena of psychic visions in dreams, where you might see an event come about before it has happened. This can only be answered in physics via backwards-through-time-travel. It is very possible that information can travel backwards in time, and we receive that information in our neural networks, like a transmitter in a radio, tuning into a certain frequency.
Now, i use slow influence and fast influence to describe the differential speeds that the mind can experience, like in the examples, morning time and afternoon time, with night time and back to morning. These durations can only be explained by having a fast and a slow influence, and it is all brought about by the simple speeds of perception at different peaks. Thus, the brain needs to speed up to function during the day, and the brain needs to function slower to drift off into sleep. It is waking our minds from the entropy of slow to fast influence, and from fast to slow we must all experience.
Now the slow influence and the fast influences are only descriptions. We might not always wake in a daze. We might wake up and be totally energized, ready from go. We might not always get tired if we stay up. When we are active in mind, when our brains are functioning at normal speeds, it might not always stay at this speed. You might get tired at 1:00pm, and need an afternoon cat-nap. The slow influence and the fast influence is only a description i use to describe our quantum natures. It doesn't necessarily need to always occur. If our brains continued at the same speeds till a specific time everyday, we would not have experience; now this experience is the everyday experiences we might have. Those worried thoughts that might go slowly compared to our adrenaline of excitement where time might go fast. It is these experiences that permeates our perceptions everyday and makes us who we are. Without our differentiating perception throughout the day, in other words, our emotions and experience would be suspended in time... that would be, mental, imaginary time.
However, the fast influence and slow influences actually bring with them quite a good argument concerning time; and that is that it has a direction - a distinct and obvious track. This is forward. We can determine this process through the fast and slow influences, whenever we have to move from the slow into the fast influences, and vice versa. It is a process - of gradual steps. These steps actually resemble an arrow of time.’’

The scientists of the New Physics have shown that there is a gene directly associated to this affect: The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. What we don’ yet know, is how the mind curves into the gene itself. I propose something new.

Now, imagine you are walking down a street very fast, relativity would explain that the spacetime around you would slow down, to a relative observers clock. This is very true. Now imagine if you walked slower, the speed of the relative observer clock becomes faster. This would mean that the fast walker would experience a Slow Influence, and a fast walker would experience a Slow Influence…

A little complilated math shows this:

(a) – Observer moving fast (SI)
(b) – Observer moving slow (FI)
(a’) – Observer moving slow (FI’)
(b’) – Observer moving fast (SI’)

a>c ~ T_ab = (FI)
b<c ~ T¬_ab = (SI)

Where T_ab is the stress energy tensor affecting the mind > And this can be explained through a vector field set of equation where electri and magnetic fluctuations curve into each other…

Topological spaces, are actually pathological paths: The reason why, is because Wormholes are topological openings, which are described by Dr and Prof Tipler as systems that twist through space and time.

Real flat spacetime, is represented as:

X = (X_1, X_2, X,3) ~ X_n

Because the value of ‘’n’’ is a non-negative integer.

The Vector Space Conclusions I have presented, shows that R^n (a manifold), folds into the magnetic curves into electricity, and electricity and magnetical qualities of the fifth and sixth dimensions.

This can be simply reduced into:

\mathbf{x}=\sum_{i=1}-^n x_i\mathbf{x}_i

… now…

The Algebra of Vector Space, or electromagnetic curvature, has a constant variable that equals 1… but there is something strange and perhaps wrong about this… it should be represented as;

(1/2)- (2/1) – SINCE magnetism and electronic forces, should rotate into each other: In other words, both (1/2) is proportional to the curving of (2/1), if we allow ‘’1’’ to magnetism and ‘’2’’ for electromagnetism…
Because of the rotational values of relativistic equations, we couldn’t totally identify ‘’1’’ as being necessarily as magnetism, and neither ‘’2’’ as electronic… so we can now say that these set of equations are described as:

(1/2)- (2/1) ~ (2/1’)- (1/2’)…

Does the ‘’Magnetic Transversal Theory’’ Twist Mind Into Space as Much as Space Distorts Into Matter?

If magnetism curves into the electronic forces through the fifth dimension, is this how mind communicates with spacetime? I think so.
If we take Biofields seriously, then they are electromagnetic fields, which would inexorably have profound effects on how the mind projects this two dimensional world into the three dimensional phenomenon.

The mind twists into space, because matter twists into mind, and this is only because electromagnetism are oscillators… much like an analogy of a right hemisphere of the human brain operating in fluctuations with the right hemisphere.

The amazing thing I think about all of this is that if this is indeed true, then the outside world cannot simultaneously operate with the mind at the same time…!!! In other words, the mind and the universe are like oscillators themselves.
Aside from the effects of relativity (very high speeds), it's been long-recognized that there are two kinds of time - objective and subjective. Time passing objectively is measured by clocks, time passing subjectively is simply a matter of psychology - for example, when we are enjoying ourselves and when we are not.

Time spent while waiting in the dentist's chair or while waiting for some highly anticipated event to occur can seem very, very slow.

These things are clearly recognized and understood by every adult and I see no reason at all to invoke mathematical equations in an attempt to explain them. Exactly what is the point of all this?
Who published your first book? Where can I buy it?

I have already explained, i have to finish all three books, before i publish them... Ok? :shrug:

Now, i am sick of being called a pseudoscientist... This is well compact and well-muscled... but it gives no mod anyone round here any reason to continuously call me this... for this reason, make me a mod of psuedo-thread... and i will shut up and calculate.
Aside from the effects of relativity (very high speeds), it's been long-recognized that there are two kinds of time - objective and subjective. Time passing objectively is measured by clocks, time passing subjectively is simply a matter of psychology - for example, when we are enjoying ourselves and when we are not.

Time spent while waiting in the dentist's chair or while waiting for some highly anticipated event to occur can seem very, very slow.

These things are clearly recognized and understood by every adult and I see no reason at all to invoke mathematical equations in an attempt to explain them. Exactly what is the point of all this?

Math is there to make a clearer picture... understand?
Math is there to make a clearer picture... understand?

In many, many cases - yes. In this case - no.

It seems that for all your hand-waving, equation shuffling and theorizing that you've produced nothing useful. Nor anything has has any significance whatsoever. The effects are purely psychological as I explained before in just a few simple words. All that I can see is that you've contorted something very simple into something rather meaningless.
Now... Since i haven;t had a proper response from any mod, i'll conclude that my arguement has already been won. :)
Now... Since i haven;t had a proper response from any mod, i'll conclude that my arguement has already been won. :)

Oh, really?? It's still nonsense. And look what category it remains in - that's the Mod's response to you. You have no more victory here than with your other pseudo-scientific stuff.

I've reached a firm conclusion about you, Reiku: you are no scientist of any kind - far from it, in fact. You're nothing but an amateur mathematician who goes off the deep end trying to apply math to anything/everything.

Yes, most things can be described mathematically - but when you ventured into THIS area and others like numerology in the Bible, you displayed what a lousy fanatic you are.

And what about your latest promise to leave???? Your word is completely worthless along with just about everything else you say.
Read-Only besides accusations...what have you to contribute to the science agenda of this forum?

I've made several contributions to the forum, thank you very little. But in this particular thread there is NO science in the presentation - just imagination.

Hmmm... In fact, I did make a scientific contribution in this very thread. I explained quite simply and clearly what's known as objective and subjective time. Which, despite the high-sounding title, is what the thread is really about anyway.
Eh.... helllllooooo? The math involved draq is speaking about.... perk up your ears, because you are saying a lot, just not about the right stuff.... ::::::::