The Showdown


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
A type of today...
Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel.
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said;
How long halt ye between two opinions?
If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.
And the people answered him not a word....

Israel had accepted the wrong man, who had made those organizations, and had turned down the true Word.
Look at today, what we call the prophets of the churches today.
Her ministers calling themselves doctors and so forth, of the Bible.

I KINGS 18:40
"And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there."

Could history repeat itself again? The Bible says it does.


Matthew 24:24 "insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
And who is it that shall attempt to deceive the very elect?
The spirit of antichrist in the "false anointed ones" of this last day.
These false ones have already come in "Jesus' Name" claiming that they have been anointed of God for the last day.
They are the false Messiahs (anointed ones).
They claim that they are prophets. But are they one with the Word? Never. They have added to it or taken from it.
No one denies that the Spirit of God manifesting in gifts is upon them.
But like Balaam they all have their programs, make their appeal for money, exercise gifts, but deny the Word or by-pass it for fear that a controversy might diminish their chances for greater gain.
Yet they preach salvation and deliverance through the power of God, just like Judas, with a ministry imparted by Christ.
But because they are wrong seed, consequently they have a wrong spirit motivating them. Religious? Oh my!
This false spirit that in the last day is so close to the real, it can be distinguished only by its deviation from the Word.

The nominal Christian church of Rome incorporated paganism and Christianity, and thereby became the Holy Roman Empire.
But Rome is not going it alone. Her protestant daughters are right with her and she will take over absolute authority by the World Council of Churches.

This may seem far fetched to some but actually it is very plain for all to see because right now the churches are controlling politics and at the opportune time will manifest exactly how great is that control. This ecumenical move will end up with Rome at the head even though the people did not envision it that way. Mystery Babylon is seated on the beast.

The Vatican will be attacked and destroyed by nuclear weapons, and so will the cities of America, where the protestant daughter churches of this "harlot" system resided.
Vicar of Christ means "instead of Christ"
The pope was calling himself the Holy Ghost, or deposing the Holy Ghost, acting for Him.

God has been patient, giving America a time to repent....but she could not.
Since she has acted as speaking for God as a Christian nation before the whole world but denied the truth, the mesinger of God sent to "turn the hearts of the children to the fathers" and the very return of the Son of Man Himself.....
She has been indicted.
REVELATION 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
LUKE 17:29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all.
LUKE 17:30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

The world's only Superpower.....and the city on seven hills, the Vatican.
REVELATION 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

REVELATION 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
REVELATION 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
LUKE 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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TheVisitor said:
Ahab ...whatever...Son of man.
If you make enough prophecies, word them as vaguely as possible, and leave it long enough, there will ALWAYS be situations to which the "prophecies" can be moulded.
When faced with the unexplained or the supernatural such as a miracle, prophecy fulfilled, or the discernment of the very thoughts in your will have to call it something.
Either it is of God or not of God.
Your answer should be a careful one.
I agree with the basics of what you have written here visitor. Although i see the roman catholic church as a daughter of the harlot not the harlot herself.

The harlot to me is the powers behind the creation of false religion. They made their capitol and set up their kingdom in the New World. Washington and New york are where that masonic whore sits. And she has members all over the world. She has set up her false Israel to deceive the Jews. She does not love the Jews she has only made them a final concentration camp. She serves her coming lord the anti-christ. She will be burned with nuclear fire and the great world traders will mourn her destruction because they made their fortunes by trading with her.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I agree with the basics of what you have written here visitor.
She will be burned with nuclear fire and the great world traders will mourn her destruction because they made their fortunes by trading with her.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

An eyewitness account;
"I looked and saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America".
It happened, and Russia launched the attack.
Who do you guys to be the beast?
What is the postion of the Middle East in your idea of prophecy?
Is there anything about Iraq (Babylon)?
DiamondHearts said:
Who do you guys to be the beast?
What is the postion of the Middle East in your idea of prophecy?
Is there anything about Iraq (Babylon)?

In the vision of the prophet Daniel;
The Times of the Gentiles had within it four historical divisions which were known by the dominating empire in each division: Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, Roman.
The greatest and most absolute monarchy was the Babylonian which was typified as the head of gold.
The next in glory was the Medo-Persian and was typified as the breast and arms of silver.
Then there followed the Grecian age as thighs of brass.
Finally, the last kingdom which was the Roman Empire typified as the legs and feet.
When it came to the feet it was a mixture of iron and clay.
This Roman Empire of iron was to be made of two main divisions.
The empire literally split into two--East and West.
Both were very powerful, crushing all before them.

When Khrushchev took off his shoe at the 1955, and beat the table with it there was five eastern nations gathered there and there were five western nations.
Khrushchev headed the eastern nations, Eisenhower headed the western nations.
There's the two main leaders, the toes.
"Khrushchev," in Russian means "clay."
"Eisenhower," in English, means "iron."
In the days of these kings, a kingdom was to be set up in the hearts of men that would have no end.
And it has.

People look at Rome. They look at the nation of Italy. And as they look they do not realize that Rome with her strict confines where the pope has an actual area as his domain is literally a nation within a nation, and she has ambassadors and receives ambassadors.
The spirit that motivated pagan Rome is the same spirit that now motivates false Christian Rome.

The Beast was a creature like a man, the serpent.
You know that a hybrid is what comes of two species mixing.
The result is no longer pure like the original. It is mongrel.
Eve allowed the beast to mingle his seed with hers she produced a creature called Cain that wasn't pure human. He was of the wicked one.
Notice how different he was from Abel. Notice how different he was from Seth. He hated God and would not obey the Word and persecuted and killed the righteous. He set himself up above the Word of God.

The church, too, has departed from what she originally was. She is a hybrid. That is, the church nominal is a hybrid. People say, "I am a Baptist.", "I am Methodist." ect...

It wasn't so in the beginning. Instead of the straight Word of God, instead of the Spirit-filled men in the church who were led by Spirit-given revelation, there are now creeds, and by-laws, and the educated guesses of educated men.
Learning has taken the place of revelation. Reason has replaced faith. Program has replaced spontaneous praise in the Holy Ghost.
It wasn't so from the beginning. The whole specie has changed. It has become a hybrid church.
Cain and Abel, Moses and Baalam, Judas and Jesus, Esau and Jacob.
Everything is a twin in this great warfare that we're in.

Now each seed, though different, will utilize the same earth, nourishment, moisture, and sunshine, but it will bring forth after its own kind.
At the harvest they will be seperated...not before because until the have manifested whats in them at the harvest they look alike.

Denomination is the mark of the beast. See, it's a wrong father. He's steering people to an organization instead of to the Word. It's a Cain move.
Theres your wrong spirit identified in man, in the governments of man, and in the church.
Follow the trail of the serpent and you can see it run all through history.

The beast in the beginning is the beast at the end.
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Who do you believe are people Gog and Magog?
Where will Jesus peace be to him arrive when he descends from Heaven?
DiamondHearts said:
Who do you guys to be the beast?
What is the postion of the Middle East in your idea of prophecy?
Is there anything about Iraq (Babylon)?

The beast is the King of the North. He will rule a united empire of nations. I believe this empire is an expanded EU. One day The Anti-Christ will rise and take control of an expanded European Union. He will launch two huge invasion of the middle east the first one will be a disaster but the second one will exterminate the arab people. He will decieve many of the Jews into thinking he is their promised Messiah.

There is a Military alliance within the EU that only has 10 members this corrolates to the 10 horns that the beast of relevation is said to have the WEU members are

United Kingdom

This alliance within the EU has already formed a united rapid deplyment force that has already been used in the Congo, this is just the start this force will become the main military force within the EU.
These 10 nations are the reformed core of the roman empire. One day the leaders of these nations will give control of their nations over to the anti-christ.

the following are sections of the European parliments Recomendation 666 tabled in the year 2000 dealing with the WEU

Document A/WEU REC 666 | 5 June 2000

Forty-sixth session (First Part)

on the consequences of including certain functions of WEU in the European Union - reply to the annual report of the Council


The Assembly,

Thanking the Council for rapidly conveying the second part of its forty-fifth annual report and the detailed information contained therein;

Noting that the Council's informal reflection process on Security and Defence Europe deals with the preparation of WEU's legacy and problems connected with the inclusion of those WEU functions that the European Union regards as necessary to fulfil its responsibilities in the area of crisis management, but that the parliamentary dimension is not part of that process;

Aware that the Council and the Assembly will continue to exist for as long as the modified Brussels Treaty remains in force and that they both bear the prime responsibility for application of the Treaty;

Reminding the Council nevertheless that the modified Brussels Treaty assigns it responsibilities with a view to promoting the progressive integration of Europe and cooperation with other European organisations and that the Treaty on European Union, which states that WEU is an integral part of its development, confers upon it additional tasks in respect of the European Union;

Recalling that the parliamentary dimension of European security and defence forms part of WEU's legacy and that the Council must exercise its responsibility with a view to guaranteeing the continuity of such dimension;

Stressing the fundamental importance of WEU's responsibility to ensure that the establishment of direct cooperation between the European Union and NATO can be successfully achieved once WEU ceases to play its pivotal role between the European Union and NATO;

Stressing also the need for the Council urgently to clarify what is to become of those WEU responsibilities that are not transferred to the European Union and the resultant consequences for WEU as an Organisation;

Strongly desirous that WEU, whose major achievements since its reactivation laid the foundations for the initiatives that led to the Cologne and Helsinki decisions, should do its utmost to further the success of projects to be finalised between now and the end of 2000;

Welcoming with satisfaction the Declaration issued at the Helsinki Summit which confirms that the European Union recognises that primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security lies with the United Nations Security Council,


Take the measures necessary for WEU to ensure that the collective defence commitment provided for in Article V of the modified Brussels Treaty is effectively maintained, taking account of the recent decisions concerning the European Security and Defence Policy;

Pursue its process of informal reflection on Security and Defence Europe and include the parliamentary dimension within it on the basis of the proposals contained in Assembly Recommendation 664;

Propose to the European Union that, on the basis of the work undertaken by the Portuguese presidency and joint proposals put forward by Britain and France, it establish a Consultative Council for the CESDP bringing together European Union member states, EU applicant countries and non-EU European members of NATO, which would meet at least twice a year at ministerial level;

Ensure, while respecting the European Union's decision-making autonomy, that the delegations of the non-EU European members of NATO and of the EU applicant countries have participation rights in the Consultative Council for the CESDP at least equivalent to those they have acquired in the WEU Council as associate members and associate partners;

Propose to the European Council that the European Union sign a protocol to be appended to the Treaty on European Union, stipulating that the Consultative Council for the CESDP - without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 4 and 21 - shall make an annual report on those of its activities under the CFSP which have defence implications, to the European Security and Defence Assembly (ESDA) composed of representatives of the fifteen parliaments of the signatory states of the Treaty on European Union, representatives of the fifteen parliaments of the EU applicant countries and the non-EU European members of NATO, and representatives of the European Parliament;

Ensure that the delegations of the non-EU European members of NATO and of the EU applicant countries have participation rights in the European Security and Defence Assembly that are at least equivalent to those they have acquired in the WEU Assembly as associate members and associate partners;

Do what is necessary to ensure that during the transitional period WEU is in a position to respond more effectively to any requests from the European Union to develop and implement actions of the Union, anticipating them in so far as is possible;

Assist the European Union in framing its "headline goal" of deploying and sustaining a European force capable of carrying out the full range of Petersberg missions, on the basis of the work done by WEU, in relation especially to the illustrative Petersberg mission profiles;

Make public opinion and the political authorities in the member states aware of the need for additional funding to achieve the "headline goal", in particular to guarantee that the said European force is militarily self-sufficient and has the necessary capability to carry out the proposed missions;

Ensure that the function WEU currently fulfils as an essential element of the European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI) within the Atlantic Alliance is in future fulfilled by the European Union's CESDP;

Support efforts to set up flexible forms of closer cooperation in the framework of the CFSP and CESDP that are not strictly limited to European Union member states;

Support proposals for the WEU Secretary-General and CFSP High Representative to preside over the PSC and civilian crisis-management machinery and give him powers to convene the Council of the European Union in the event of an emergency;

Propose to the European Union that it base its relationship with NATO on a provision of the Treaty on European Union comparable with that of Article IV of the modified Brussels Treaty;

Prepare and transmit to the European Union an in-depth assessment of its experience in the field of crisis management and propose to the Union that it base its new responsibilities in this area on a new provision of the Treaty on European Union drawing on Article VIII.3 of the modified Brussels Treaty;

Assist the European Union in coordinating civilian and military crisis management using the CIMIC concept as a basis and inform the Assembly about this concept;

Carry out an audit of those areas of the modified Brussels Treaty not transferred to the European Union and a study of the resultant consequences for WEU as an Organisation;

Give the Assembly an indication of the repercussions the transfer of certain WEU functions to the EU will have for the annual report the Council has to make to the Assembly, pursuant to Article IX of the modified Brussels Treaty;

Strengthen and extend the activities of the Torrej—n Satellite Centre, taking into account all the implications of its transfer to the European Union, including the fact that it works in a configuration of 16 countries, and inform the Assembly of its findings before taking any decision on such a transfer;

Ensure that the WEU Institute for Security Studies can continue its activities in the service of WEU and the European Union;

From now on, give the National Armaments Directors, and WEAG and WEAO which the Council has decided should for the time being remain WEU's responsibility, more specific guidance and a more positive political impetus, so as to strengthen European cooperation in this connection, and consult the Assembly before taking any decision on the future tasks and institutional position of such organisations;

Take a decision on the future of the Transatlantic Forum, ensuring that the European Union is able to take advantage of the Forum's acquis to help it organise security cooperation with the transatlantic allies:

Ensure that all WEU bodies for a time continue their dialogue with Russia and Ukraine and consider how the acquis represented by that dialogue can be preserved if transferred to the European Union, taking account in particular of the need for continuity of the formal relations the WEU Assembly has established with both chambers of the Russian Parliament;

Continue its dialogue with the southern Mediterranean countries and consult the Assembly before taking any decision as to the future of that dialogue;

Oppose any solution worked out within the European Union framework that seeks to reduce associate member and associate partner participation rights in missions whose implementation is to be transferred to the European Union;

Encourage the observer countries to commit themselves fully and without reservation to all aspects of the European Security and Defence Policy and invite their parliaments to send full delegations to the Assembly's meetings and sessions as the Assembly invites them so to do in Order 112;

Propose to the European Union General Affairs Council that it hold a meeting with the Assembly's Presidential Committee as soon as possible.

You get the drift.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days
DiamondHearts said:
Who do you believe are people Gog and Magog?
Where will Jesus peace be to him arrive when he descends from Heaven?

The peoples of Gog and magog will not come into the picture until after Jesus has been on earth for 1000 years. The battle of gog magog will not happen before the return of the messiah Jesus.

Jesus will descend to Jerusalem on the mount of olives when He returns. He will destroy a great army that is lead by the Anti-christ on the plains of Megiddo. This army will be 200 million strong.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
TheVisitor said:
The crazy, bugeye motherfucker with the wooden pegleg? Oh, snap! That fucker's hilarious! He's all "I catch that white whale, arggh!!", and he, like, dies or somethin'.
Moby Dick is a damn good book. :D
Hapsburg said:
The crazy, bugeye motherfucker with the wooden pegleg? Oh, snap! That fucker's hilarious! He's all "I catch that white whale, arggh!!", and he, like, dies or somethin'.
Moby Dick is a damn good book. :D

I agree, and when I read 'Ahab', I thought the same thing, hahaha.
DiamondHearts said:
I agree, and when I read 'Ahab', I thought the same thing, hahaha.
Ahab was a king of Israel in the days of the prophet Elijah, and was married to a priestess of idolatry, who through her influence led the whole nation into idolatry and created a "school" to train prophets with man-made theology against the true word of God.
Thats what Elijah was standing against in the "showdown" to call fire down from heaven.
It's the same thing that has repeated in America and Christian denominations today.
God sent a prophet to warn us of the apostasy of organized religion in the spirit of Elijah as was foretold would happen in Malachi the Fourth chapter, just before the great destruction by fire.