The Shamen's Portal

I guess it is a new one. Never heard about it but don't take my advice... I'm pretty new to these UFO events
No, it's not new. I have heard of this case. It was back in 1975 when I was associated with the M.G.M. program. The story fell into my hands and it is one of the few that I cannot currently ascribe to normal, if rare, phenomena. I attempted then to compare it to the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, but the two were so dissimilar that I had to dismiss the comparison. I haven't heard much about it since, but I know it is not an isolated incident. Although a green flash isn't mentioned, there was an incident in Kansas in the 1930s where a runner was being paced by his friends in a car. He tripped, in plain view of his friends, and vanished. This case remains open, although nothing else has vanished there.
What the heck is the M.G.M Program?

I got in touch with Dr. Mark Thatcher and he isn't too keen to share the rest of his story after being ruffled by the FBI over there. I think he's planning on leaking it bit by bit to me...we'll see.
It sounds like a Bermuda triangle type scenario more than anything else. I'm a little disappointed that everyone makes the claim that it is a doorway to another dimension or time...based on what??? Has anyone talked to someone who came through from the other side? Say it merely disintegrates you then and more less??!! The only thing that is certain is that you vanish. To where or what and how is the big question.
If the government dug up a craft in '95 then theoretically, according to claims made that "the star drive of a spaceship was left on hundreds of years ago" there will be no more occurances there, right? I mean, the source was removed - so that is that for Beaver State!...we'll have to wait nad see on that one too.
I also notice that dune buggies and bike enthusiasts blast all over those dunes completely oblivious to the history there.
Has any of them ever dissappeared?
Can you keep digging on this one, Witness? I'll keep it up this end and see what else Thatcher has to offer - he says there's way more than you could imagine going on and he's not keen to yap openly for now - let you know what else I find by email!
I am eager to hear more on this, too. As I said, I haven't read much on it lately.

The M.G.M. program was implemented in the early 70s, I believe. It's goal was to identify the 'gifted' children and move them along at an accelerated rate along the path of study that they showed the best aptitude for. Far beyond being simply "bright", it was not unusual for children in the program to be working on quantum physics projects (just the simple stuff, though). In 1977 it was shut down by the United Nations in favor of the far more regimented GATE program, in which the gifted student is given a curriculum. It was a drastic change from the free-style format of M.G.M., and most, if not all, of the M.G.M. students dropped out of the program to pursue their chosen fields on their own. As a result, GATE was left with students who were smart, but nowhere near the level of the M.G.M. students. The M.G.M. instructors took other jobs and assignments, assimilating themselves back into the educational community.

Boy, I haven't heard reference to MGM in years! (MGM stands for "mentally gifted minor", by the way) I was targeted to be part of that program, but it shut down before I was old enough to go to school. I did end up in some of the GATE programs, but they were terrible. Whatever happened to education being a focus of this supposedly great nation?? Somehow it's been shoved to the back burner, and I think that's probably one of the biggest problems this country faces and will continue to face - undereducated people.

Sorry, that was off-topic, but I just had to jump in when I saw you reference MGM. What a pity I never got to participate.

your quote:

-Whatever happened to education being a focus of this supposedly great nation??-

I am of the opinion that most governments worldwide would prefer it if the majority of the people were under educated.
By reason that the more educated one is, the more difficult it is to lie to him or control him by subterfuge.
It is easy to see this, as governments are always touting the value of education but never fund it realistically. Leaving the joys and benefits of it to the priviledged few who can afford it.
Otherwise, a deeply revised and enriched, comprehensive and contemporarily relevant education, would be the main focus of attention in every society and it should be free, or near as dammit!
I agree, tab. Stupid people are easier to control. It's harsh, but it's true.

SkyeBlue: At last! Someone else who has heard of M.G.M.! You would have loved it! Imagine if a child asks what the stars are, and in response he or she gets an observatory and an astronomer as a private instructor! It was an academic dream come true! I was fortunate enough to be in what would become Silicon Valley, so I got to tour a lot of high-tech labs and even got to pay with the satellite dishes at our (locally) famous and ever mysterious "Blue Cube", an R&D facility near an air base. We toured the NASA Ames Reseach Center, the Stanford Linear Accelerator, Memorex, Measurex, IBM, and we were taken to see the first Pong game when it got installed in a bar in Sunnyvale. I could go on forever about M.G.M., but I'll stop now lest I sound like Plato describing Atlantis.
Got the email address of an ( alleged ) first hand witness that ( allegedly ) saw the Military digging a cylinder out of the dunes in Beaver County.
I'll let you know if they answer and what they say.

dave....... have you gotten any info???

it sounds really interesting

thats all i got

I emailed the witness and am waiting for a reply.
Dr. Thatcher hasn't come good with any more info either... I'll give him a reminder and see what happens there as well.

( I'd like to remind a certain poster on this
board about getting back to me too....LOL!


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited January 14, 2000).]
The "witness" ends up being someone who is in touch with a few of the real first hand witness'. I was redirected back to the site this thread first started with for more info.
No new feedback from Dr. Thatcher as yet.
I'll see if I can get a full recount of events from the REAL witness there.
Hang on.......
Talk about going in circles......
It didn't click 'till right this minute!
Do you know who my "witness" was..??
Have a look at the guy who started this thread! Check his email address <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>
</A>. I was given the same email address as he has, by Dr Mark Thatcher! I just thought to check the email address of the topic starter when I realised I was waiting to hear from a witness ..... !!!!
Round the merry-go-round we go!!!

Not impressed....

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited January 22, 2000).]

Looks like "witness" is looking for other "witnesses" to corroborate the event... Can't say as I blame them! Can you imagine?! :(
You know, who really cares if anyone believes an event took place or not!
You've been there - done that, right? How many people REALLY believe you? I took for granted that people believed me, until lately, when I asked what they thought of my encounters. I honestly thought they believed me but apparently they are way more sceptical than they ever let on. "Stiff sh*t!" I say!! I was there - they missed out, that's not my problem. Until they get their own anal probe, let them remain sceptical! ( No! I did NOT get a reckie poke!! ;)...or maybe I just don't remember ... EEEEeuuuuuwwwwwhh!!!!! )
As for being first hand witness's - enjoy it I say.

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited January 22, 2000).]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Dave... I hear ya... no, it's not important to me whether anyone believes me... first-hand experience can't be beat... (and no, ya can't take that away from me)... but, it does seems to be important to a lot of other people for various reasons.

My apologies... I missed your recently shared experiences... searched the last ten days but I didn't see anything... could you point me in the right direction? I'd like to read them...

P.S. ... Glad you didn't get the reckie-poke! :)
I posted it last year, so long ago, in fact, that it doesn't come up in my history of posts on this board!
I'll write you.


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited January 24, 2000).]