The Seventh Deadly Sin

actually to be fair greed and lust have killed the most. lust for power, resorces ect
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Greed and lust in the name of religion? Crusades, Holocaust, The wars in the middle east, just to name a few popular ones....
Greed and lust in the name of religion? Crusades, Holocaust, The wars in the middle east, just to name a few popular ones....

actually flip that, political power struggles using religion as there excuse
I see your point, if there wasn't religion as an excuse there would be another excuse.

Hitler didn't use religion, just the stupidity and immorality of his own nation.
actually to be fair greed and lust have killed the most. lust for power, resources, etc.
No no no no. In the original Greek, the word was porneia, translated into Latin as fornicatio. There is absolutely no ambiguity there. It's strictly about sexual lust.

This is from the traditional list of the Seven Deadly Sins, which was developed by the Church in the 4th century; it's not from the Bible. There was a list in Galatians, but it's much longer than seven, and it includes both fornication and adultery, for good measure--as well as drunkenness, revelry, and mere uncleanness. There is a list of seven in Proverbs, but it rambles and focuses on lying, dishonesty and garden-variety wickedness.

This Church list is the original list of Seven Deadly Sins and it makes clear that "lust" is of the carnal variety, not the metaphorical.

I like Ice-T's concise summation: "There's nothing wrong with lust! Lust is normal! You know the whole list is bullshit if the first thing on it is lust!"
I see your point, if there wasn't religion as an excuse there would be another excuse.

Hitler didn't use religion, just the stupidity and immorality of his own nation.

Wrong. The German people followed Hitler in the beginning because he helped the nation. He got the country out of a pretty major depression, he created MANY jobs to the point that their unemployment rate which was sky rocketing dropped to nearly nothing. He also increased the household income average. Throughout the war however, his approval rating went down drastically and the most of the German people DID want him out of power. But because of the tight hold that Hitler held on his nation, the odds of that happening were very slim. Not only that, but the voice of the people and any resistance or opposition was quickly silenced by Hitler and his military police.

Be careful not to insult the German people. They didn't want the atrocities that came along as much as we didn't.
...Be careful not to insult the German people. They didn't want the atrocities that came along as much as we didn't.

LOL, in denial much?: LOL :rolleyes:

I find greed to be the worst. Its so self serving. The other sins don't have to be. Even religion doesn't have to be self serving.