The self inflating hedgehog disease!

Did you read the article ??

How can a deflated hedgehog go back to normal?
She made a small scalpel incision in the hedgehog's skin and then inserted a short piece of plastic tubing.
"The air escaped with a loud 'phfwooooft' noise and within three hours he was back to his normal size."

Why is it starvation that kills it rather than the inflation?
Becky added: "Michelin is recovering well but if you don't catch a ballooning hedgehog in time it will expand until it can no longer move and will then starve to death."

Surely not many animals can inflate like that?

Depends on what they eat and if they have a gas problem in their digestive tracts. They really need Gas X to relieve these symptoms and feel better. :D
Enmos I did read the artical thank you. I was wondering how it was so simple for it to go back to normal. Its such an extreme condition that I am shocked it doesn't kill it.
Enmos I did read the artical thank you. I was wondering how it was so simple for it to go back to normal. Its such an extreme condition that I am shocked it doesn't kill it.

Well, I had some thoughts about that too.. obviously some tissues were pried apart by the air pressure. But apparently that isn't as harmful as we might think.
Maybe it's comparable to an infection underneath muscle tissue.. you know when you get a 'ball' on your cheek when you have a tooth infection for example.
The only thing that concerns me more is the pressure the internal organs must have been under..
this sounds like a pnemothorax and the treatment is essentually the same