The secret of youth and longevity?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Studies on Caenorhabditis elegans have demonstrated that worms with mutations in the insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor homologue DAF-2 gene remain youthful and active longer and can live more than twice as long. This appears to be mediated through DAF-16 (a transcription factor); phosphorylation of this factor through Akt signaling appears to shorten lifespan. DAF-2 prevents DAF-16 accumulation in nuclei. Both sensory neurons and germline activity regulate DAF-16 accumulation and lifespan can be extended by modulating the sensory neurons or germ cells.

Reference:Nature Genetics 28, 139 - 145 (2001)

This produces an interesting line of thought; is our lifespan modulated by our reproductive capacity? Are we programmed for shorter lifespans if we reproduce, so we don't compete with our progeny for resources?

What do you think?
The signaling pathway:

The look for longevity and inmortality are just attempts to prevent the innevitable. You are afraid of dying, because you think that the shadow is the substance.
This produces an interesting line of thought; is our lifespan modulated by our reproductive capacity? Are we programmed for shorter lifespans if we reproduce, so we don't compete with our progeny for resources?

Out of my depth on the icky biology, as you know, but:

So how does our body (or whatever that "decides") know we've reproduced and accordingly shorten our lifespan?
In males I mean, I can sort of see that reproduction or not in a female is easily identified :D
The look for longevity and inmortality are just attempts to prevent the innevitable. You are afraid of dying, because you think that the shadow is the substance.

Very interesting, but this is not the philosophy forum
Out of my depth on the icky biology, as you know, but:

So how does our body (or whatever that "decides") know we've reproduced and accordingly shorten our lifespan?
In males I mean, I can sort of see that reproduction or not in a female is easily identified :D

It would appear that in C. elegans at least, reproduction would lead to accumulation of DAF-16 in the nuclei;perhaps fertilisation of germ cells produces signals that indicate reproduction? how that shortens lifespan, I don't know, but evolutionarily it would make sense.
I agree it makes sense, I just wonder how there's a difference between having offspring or not for the male (biologically/ physiologically speaking).
Or maybe just having kids makes you want to die early. :D
Maybe my *booga* mom was right, jerking off CAN kill you.

Well, if you look into the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, Osho, Gurdjeff, the Dalai Lamas, Oriental Medicine, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Lao-Tzu etc... They teach not to ejaculate, because the only purpose of ejaculation if the release of sexual energy, that is life energy concentrated in our lower sphere.

So this makes sence, I personally agree with this, you feel good after ejaculation because you release of sexual energy, so you have no sexual energy to channelize.

It is obvious that we get it back, but do you think the source of this energy has a miraculous capability of infinite energy? Nope, we are releasing and releasing energy, all we do is die slowly...

Look up White Tantra Sex, they have this covered for thousands of years ahead of us. Besides the Tantra Sex, there is the inner-alchemy, experienced by Nicholas Flammel, whom is said to have reached inmortality; but by the same means.

It is obvious that this energy has an end, we call it death.

Not to be left behind is the spiritual potion of long life. The transcendental meditation (TM) of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is said to aid longevity. Maharishi's organization claims that people practicing TM have a lower biological age. In ancient China, attainment of longevity—and finally immortality—was the chief goal of Taoism. He who attained it became hsien, a self-actualized human or demigod. Taoists believed that each person's life begins with a fixed amount of vital substances that he must preserve as the first step towards longevity. To do so, you must reduce the breathing rate, swallow the breath on exhalation for nourishment and direct the breath to the brain when inhaling. The Taoists also set great score by preserving sexual forces. Not through abstinence, but through non-ejaculation while copulating and sending the sexual energies upward to vitalize the brain..
How many times do you need a hint?

They are talking about how longevity is liked with reproductive behaviour.
I´m just stating the fact that A LOT of religions, beliefs and even Oriental Medicine, have been saying that from thousands of years now.
But there was no "evidence", people had to take it from simple belief, you ask for evidence? There it is.

Longevity is linked to sexual behaviour, it is in Genesis. And science is just starting to realize that.

Maybe when you have enough proof, people will finally get it. Hard heads.
And by the way, oriental medicine is not a religion or belief. Is it not science? After all, it cured my asthma for real, while Occidental medicine was simpy killing and torturing me.
I personally practice the non-ejaculation technique, and I swear, you feel way better than if you release the "love juice". And BELIEVE me, the girl does appreciate the time you spent on pleassing her.
According to Taoist lore (see Mantak Chia's books) repressing ejaculation is only positive if the essence is draw up into the brain...through mysterious and inscrutable methods. :cool:

If not 'subliminated' the sexual force will just make you more restless.
The human body eventually dies because the cells are no longer able to replicate themselves.

The number of possible replications is determined by the length of the telomeres.

There is a rare disease affecting children in which they are born with very short telomeres, causing them to age prematurely and die at the age of 13-15.

Even by the time they are 9-10 they look very old.

Can we discuss why reproduction might lead to a decrease in lifespan from an evolutionary standpoint?
Studies on Caenorhabditis elegans have demonstrated that worms with mutations in the insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor homologue DAF-2 gene remain youthful and active longer and can live more than twice as long. This appears to be mediated through DAF-16 (a transcription factor); phosphorylation of this factor through Akt signaling appears to shorten lifespan. DAF-2 prevents DAF-16 accumulation in nuclei. Both sensory neurons and germline activity regulate DAF-16 accumulation and lifespan can be extended by modulating the sensory neurons or germ cells.

Reference:Nature Genetics 28, 139 - 145 (2001)

This produces an interesting line of thought; is our lifespan modulated by our reproductive capacity? Are we programmed for shorter lifespans if we reproduce, so we don't compete with our progeny for resources?

What do you think?

I had a friend who opined that once. He figured we were programmed to die to avoid exactly that. But my rejoinder, before I buried him in the swamp, was that we could just have children later; i.e. a late-term cohort that I wouldn't compete with. In the meantime, the long-livers could have as many offspring as they wanted, and if there was competition, so be it. After that it's the drive to fixation.
According to Taoist lore (see Mantak Chia's books) repressing ejaculation is only positive if the essence is draw up into the brain...through mysterious and inscrutable methods. :cool:

If not 'subliminated' the sexual force will just make you more restless.

Yes, you are correct my friend. Deep meditation is needed for this, it is the art of transforming the energy into consciosness.Kundalini energy rises by itself practicing meditation daily.
Althought I´m not a master in this practice, I have witnessed the potential this has on male overall health. Females are lucky about this, they don´t release energy during sex, only men do. Females actually feel rejuvenated, because they are re-charged with sexual energy after sex. If you have sex, as a male, and avoid ejaculation, I guarantee you will get the rejuvenating feeling, you won´t feel tired, you will feel like you just woke up from a long nap in a cabin at the forrest.

Although I practice this, I´m aware of the harmfull effect it can have if not done properly, so sometimes I get overwhelmed with the energy, and I practice a little "release of energy" with my wife. I do this sporadically, when the energy is too much to handle.

On the other hand, I now look at masturbation like a meaningless energy suicide.
I´m not talking about sex itself, I´m talking about ejaculation alone. Sex is rejuvenating for a male only if you don´t ejaculate. If you ejaculate, you are only releasing your energy, you will loose it. You get re-charged later, but you don´t get back what you loose.

Regardless, there is evidence to suggest that more sex promotes a longer life. Since there is no mention otherwise I assumed ejaculation (since ejaculation is fairly standard).
"Sex energy"? Please elucidate.