The Secret of Hapiness and Success


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I should have post this a long time ago...
Anyways... better late then never...
Here it goes...

The Secret of Hapiness and Success

1. Realize that the Truth is within you, in your Spirit, not outside.

2. Know yourself. To do that, empty your mind and you will listen to your Spirit. It's like opening a little flower. The flower is already beautiful, but when it opens, you discover that is much more. You start to rediscover the Truth and stop the confusion of your mind. Life begins to make sense when you listen to your Spirit instead of your mind. Leads to Wisdom.

3. Be yourself. Being yourself you'll not only feel comfortable but will also attract the right people to you, improving syncronicity. Sincronicity is the things that happens that leads to what God planned to your life.

4. Accept yourself. Accepting yourself, you meet with Inner Peace and comfort. You start to deal better with your problems and life make more sense to you.

5. Trust yourself. Leads to recognition, success and Inner Peace. You start to "flow" peacefully in your life. Lots of syncronicity. You live according to the Deepest Laws of God. If you have Trust, have Faith, in yourself, anything can stop or harm you. Faith that moves mountains...

The most important:

6. Love yourself. When you Love yourself, people Love you. Love of the others starts with you loving yourself. This leads to Hapiness and Success along with many other things. If everyone loved and accepted themselves, this would be a very peacefull world.

This means that the Truth is within you, in your Heart, your Spirit (which is yourself).

Love is Wisdom, Wisdom is Love.
Wisdom is the knowledge of yourself.


Just a few comments.

1. Realize that the Truth is within you, in your Spirit, not outside.

We are looking for happiness and success, is that what you mean by ‘truth within”?

2. Know yourself. To do that, empty your mind and you will listen to your Spirit. It's like opening a little flower. The flower is already beautiful, but when it opens, you discover that is much more. You start to rediscover the Truth and stop the confusion of your mind. Life begins to make sense when you listen to your Spirit instead of your mind. Leads to Wisdom.

This is gibberish. You talk about ‘rediscovering truth’, and this seems to be a different truth to that in (1), since that referred to ‘happiness and success’ which is what we are seeking, so it would not be possible to rediscover it. Or perhaps ‘truth’ means something entirely different, in which case what do you mean by ‘truth’.

And just how does one ‘empty one’s mind’, just what does that mean in practical terms? The analogy with a flower sounds nice, but it just doesn’t follow. And what is this confusion you speak of? Are you saying that people who are not happy are confused? If my spouse had just died would you claim that I am confused because I am not happy? That is clearly nonsense.

3. Be yourself. Being yourself you'll not only feel comfortable but will also attract the right people to you, improving syncronicity. Sincronicity is the things that happens that leads to what God planned to your life.

I am always myself, how can I be someone else? This is just more gibberish. Just what do you mean by this? An example might help. And after two misspellings of a keyword you might like to know that the word is spelt ‘synchronicity’. And what are the ‘right people’?

4. Accept yourself. Accepting yourself, you meet with Inner Peace and comfort. You start to deal better with your problems and life make more sense to you.

I suspect you have some notion of what you mean by this, but you have forgotten to communicate it here. What is the difference between this and ‘Be yourself’, that you also did not explain.

5. Trust yourself. Leads to recognition, success and Inner Peace. You start to "flow" peacefully in your life. Lots of syncronicity. You live according to the Deepest Laws of God. If you have Trust, have Faith, in yourself, anything can stop or harm you. Faith that moves mountains...

This works fine if you know you have adequate knowledge. What takes real courage and leads to true success is knowing when to trust others, especially when your future or life depends on such trust.

And what are ‘the deepest laws of God’? Does that imply that God has some shallow laws?

The most important:

6. Love yourself. When you Love yourself, people Love you. Love of the others starts with you loving yourself. This leads to Hapiness and Success along with many other things. If everyone loved and accepted themselves, this would be a very peacefull world.

Pretty close to being useful. The only thing you’ve said that makes sense. Although it doesn’t necessarily follow that others will love you because of it. But it certainly helps if you have a positive attitude about your self.

This means that the Truth is within you, in your Heart, your Spirit (which is yourself).

That is just more gibberish, and there’s that undefined ‘truth’ thing again that you like to throw in at random times. Still have no idea what you mean by it.

Love is Wisdom, Wisdom is Love.
Wisdom is the knowledge of yourself.

Well no not really. Wisdom is a lot of things and a lot more than a single emotion. But it is certainly wise to understand yourself at least.

Have fun
The Idea


Just one comment.
All this is based in all Religions and Philosophies of the world. But I would like to point out the only one that explains it without much simbolism. This Philosophy is called Buddhism.

Buddhism is based on the idea that desires bring suffering. Why? Because since you have no control of the circumstances what you desire most like you won't have or won't stay long in your life. This leads to suffering. My whole idea in this thread is to pass a message that we can supply all our own needs by just loving ourselves. If you Love yourself and don't project your Love in an object, which creates attachment, then desire and then suffering, you'll live a peacefull and happy life.

I explained it as much rationally and reasonably possibly.
I hope you understood.

Good luck in your life.
