The Second horse rider.


And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say. Come and see. And there went out another horse that was
red : and power was given to him that sat theron to take peace from the earth...that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword.

* And the Bible said, " Let him that has the gift of wisdom count the numbers of the beast, for it's the number of a man. And his number is six hundred and sixty six. Now, you take the VICARIVS FILII DEI, and draw a line, with Roman numbers; the "V" for five and "I" for one...And add it up ,and see if you haven't got six hundred and sixty six.

*(VICARIVS FILII DEI) which means "In stead of Son Of God" located over the throne of the pope.(Vatican City)

And so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness:and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood fo the martyrs fo Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration. (Rev:17)

* Now just watch , that symbol , that " Seven heads." Now you see here where it said, "And the heads which thou sawest are seven hills on which the woman sitteth." Rome sit's on seven hills. See? Now there is no mistake about it , see, "Seven heads.".... "And ten horns" you know are ten kingdoms, and so forth.

* And, of course, you will remeber that Satan is the head of all political power. of every nation(Matthew 4:8)

*Now you find out he unites his power, then , when he become both state and church , the ecclesiastical. Then what are you going to do? He forms his own religion (Nicolaitanes) And now he can do what ever he wants to. Then he has the right to put to death whosoever will not agree with him. That's exactly what he did, too. And he did that just exactly. He did it to the true saints of the living God , who kept the Word and wouldn't agree with him on him dogma's. He put them to death.

* Now listen, I'm quoting from the martyrology, "From the time of Saint Augustine of Hippo, untill 1586," on the Roman martyrology, " the Roman Catholic church put sixty-eight million protestants to death." Was his sword not red? Was he riding a red horse? What was it? The same power; the same rider. There is the Seal. They admitt, " Sixty-eight million" on the martyrology, besides all those put to death outside of that. During the dark ages, there were million fed to lions, and slaughtered in every way, because they wouldn't bow to that Catholic dogma.(Schmucker's Glorious Reformation)

*** Excerpts from William Marrion Branham

I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000

Vicarivs Filii Dei

5+1+100+1+5 + 1+50+1+1+ 500+1 = 666
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And, of course, you will remeber that Satan is the head of all political power. of every nation(Matthew 4:8)

*Now you find out he unites his power, then , when he become both state and church , the ecclesiastical. Then what are you going to do? He forms his own religion (Nicolaitanes) And now he can do what ever he wants to. Then he has the right to put to death whosoever will not agree with him. That's exactly what he did, too. And he did that just exactly. He did it to the true saints of the living God , who kept the Word and wouldn't agree with him on him dogma's. He put them to death.

Bush and and his headlong rush to make war, and with the arrogance of thinking he can tell the world what to do, and if they don't do what he says......absolute power corrupts absolutely.

A born again Christian sitting on the throne of the most powerful nation in the world and he is on the verge of plunging the world into war - hell has arrived on Earth.
Originally posted by Lady

* And, of course, you will remeber that Satan is the head of all political power. of every nation(Matthew 4:8)
Satan is behind all those politicians? Yep, I can believe it.