The Scripture Project


Registered Senior Member
I have found The Scripture Project from Project Reason:

I thought it was awesome at first, but when I look at every contradiction, there is a Christian response to it! WTF? How are we to know which is a legitamate apologetic and which is not? Or are they all legitimate? o_O

I don't get why they don't issue their own counter-responses?
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When I tried it, I got a "not equal" sign with the Christian response. I think it's designed to show the contradictions.
When I tried it, I got a "not equal" sign with the Christian response. I think it's designed to show the contradictions.

Not Equal sign means a contradiction. If you click the link below it, it shows the conflicting scriptures. Below the scriptures is the Christian Response. I am not a scientific person, and not informed about this stuff, or even if I was, it's too much to analyze each scripture and compare to the response. It'd be awesome if there were skeptic counter-responses, or the contradiction list is so pointless.
Take scripture for what it is, ancient text written by many different people. Some people are devious liars, fact.
I have found The Scripture Project from Project Reason:

I thought it was awesome at first, but when I look at every contradiction, there is a Christian response to it! WTF? How are we to know which is a legitamate apologetic and which is not? Or are they all legitimate? o_O

I don't get why they don't issue their own counter-responses?

Because they want you to think about things yourself ...