The Science Of Females


Valued Senior Member
We all enjoy watching females throughout our daily lives. I myself wonder at their marvelous ability to look pretty :D The question for us as men is what exactly is it about them that makes us swoon. Why does seeing a female cause us a physical reaction? Sight has long been the basis for interaction between us an the outside world, the myriad of complexities which arise in modern life can sometimes come between people.

When I see a woman (aka female) I notice their form firstly, then secondly I notice their eyes. The eyes can tell us if the female is busy with something or is merely meandering around as they sometimes do.

The point of this is what biological developments do you think are solely to attract the opposite gender? Are the things we find attractive solely for that purpose alone or is there an instinctive nature about these things.

Aheem... so does your interest in a female derive from things she's biologically developed for living life, or are they out of need to attract you?

Interesting, do we fool ourselves into liking certain things about a lady merely because they are there? Or has evolution actually created systems to get us to chase??

Good luck men, and yes this is biological, it's solely asking if things you fancy are put there by evolution for that purpose or if they serve other purposes none of which is to attract you! (evolutionarily speaking).

PS Females may comment but I seek mens input.
This is a man speaking:

I am attracted to females for two reasons

1) I am programmed inside myself to be attracted to females

2) I need a baby with my DNA from a female

End of comment by a male about a female
i dont know if its in my genes but I cant help to be attracted to females. what I wanna know is why people turn out gay? is it in theier genes or do they choose that lifestyle?

basically, nature or nurture can be applied to this question.
I think there are stages of mens desire for women. 16 -20, in this stage it is all hormones taking control over mens minds and penis. 20-30 this is the time when men are looking for a mate that will satisfy their sexual drives as well as give birth to their children. 30-40 raising the children if married. He is just getting on with life with the ms's but he still is looking to find other women for other desires that his wife cannot understand. 40 onward is where divorces, age and cheating come to play. He's not satisfied at all and wants to return to his 20's again and tries to act as if he were.
Much of what we consider "sexy" is cultural. The current fashion in America for "hot" women to have the shape of a twelve-year-old boy is considered downright creepy in some other countries, where they're expected to be recognizable by their silhouettes.

Statues found in ancient archeological digs suggest that Mesolithic humans honored women for having wide hips and large breasts: An ample birth canal and lots of milk.

Humans are often attracted to potential mates who don't look like them, mates from another "tribe." This promotes genetic diversity and increases the robustness of the species. It is in direct contrast to our close relatives, the gorillas, who are notorious for inbreeding. I don't know about you but I generally find foreign women attractive, the more exotic the better.
camilus said:
What I wanna know is why people turn out gay? Is it in their genes or do they choose that lifestyle?
Everything I've read lately says that it seems to be the result of conditions in utero, so the answer is: neither. I lived in Hollywood for ten years and knew a lot of gay guys. They all said, "You're kidding. Considering how badly we're discriminated against, even here, do you think we would have chosen this life?"

Ask yourself the question. At what point in your life did you say, "Hmmm. I thought it over and I decided I'm gonna start having a heterosexual attraction to women."
The question for us as men is what exactly is it about them that makes us swoon. Why does seeing a female cause us a physical reaction? Sight has long been the basis for interaction between us an the outside world, the myriad of complexities which arise in modern life can sometimes come between people.

I think its the drive to have sex.

The point of this is what biological developments do you think are solely to attract the opposite gender? Are the things we find attractive solely for that purpose alone or is there an instinctive nature about these things.

The biological developments like big breasts and broad hips are instinctive. I think women to a higher or lesser degree use man devised ways to make them more attractive.
Aheem... so does your interest in a female derive from things she's biologically developed for living life, or are they out of need to attract you?

Its what she's developed for conceiving life that attracts me at the primal level.

Interesting, do we fool ourselves into liking certain things about a lady merely because they are there? Or has evolution actually created systems to get us to chase??

Its all evolution unless you count money which some people may find desirable.
Much of what we consider "sexy" is cultural. The current fashion in America for "hot" women to have the shape of a twelve-year-old boy is considered downright creepy in some other countries, where they're expected to be recognizable by their silhouettes.

I don't think this is true. Most guys I know don't think anorexic looking models are hot. They go for more curvy women if given the choice. I think most prOn goes along with this.

Statues found in ancient archeological digs suggest that Mesolithic humans honored women for having wide hips and large breasts: An ample birth canal and lots of milk.

Guys still seem to find these traits attractive.

Humans are often attracted to potential mates who don't look like them, mates from another "tribe." This promotes genetic diversity and increases the robustness of the species. It is in direct contrast to our close relatives, the gorillas, who are notorious for inbreeding. I don't know about you but I generally find foreign women attractive, the more exotic the better.

Right on.

Everything I've read lately says that it seems to be the result of conditions in utero, so the answer is: neither. I lived in Hollywood for ten years and knew a lot of gay guys. They all said, "You're kidding. Considering how badly we're discriminated against, even here, do you think we would have chosen this life?"

Ask yourself the question. At what point in your life did you say, "Hmmm. I thought it over and I decided I'm gonna start having a heterosexual attraction to women."

The in utero research seems to suggest that at a certain time of fetal development the fetus gets hit with certain hormones. If the mother is under stress the amounts of hormones isn't normal which leads the fetus to develope a 'gay' brain instead of a normal one. The findings of the research seem to be accurate so far as anyone can tell.
Reading this tread makes me feel kind of dirty LOL

At least it's good to know most men apparently like curvy women...
Everything is in our genes. Even traits that supposedly came to be through nurturing were in our genes to begin with, the nurturing only brought them out. The potential of 'nutured traits' is in our genes.


they want you
<B>The in utero research seems to suggest that at a certain time of fetal development the fetus gets hit with certain hormones. If the mother is under stress the amounts of hormones isn't normal which leads the fetus to develope a 'gay' brain instead of a normal one. The findings of the research seem to be accurate so far as anyone can tell.</B>

so if a woman is stressed while being pregnant, the child comes out gay?

and as for attraction, are we talking sexual? there is a difference, i understand you are all scientist, but i personally have my girl because she is hot AND <i>smart</i>... if she was just hot... i'd probably just do her....