The satanic meaning of burying John Paul II in the tomb of John XXIII (JFK, Fatima)


<p>The election of pope John XXIII was a key moment in the satanic plan of destroying the foundation for the survival of christian Europe for almost 2000 years. <b>The burial of Pius XII was to be the symbol for the begin of satan's rule over the catholic church</b>.<br>
<br><b> The first consequence was that the third secret of Fatima was not revealed</b>, against the expectations of millions that were anxiously waiting for 1959 to come to an end, since the secret was to be announced the <i> latest until 1960</i>. <p><i>October 11 1962</i> - Second Vatican Council opens, a milestone in the <b> plan to destroy the catholic church in one generation</b>, i.e. until 2000. It called for abolition of the ancient liturgy. The Church no longer had enemies, said 'Good Pope John' (XXIII), as the media immediately called him.&nbsp;<br>
<br> As in <i>1962</i> NATO deployed Jupiter missiles in Turkey and Russia retaliated in Cuba, <b> the nuclear clock reached the timetable foreseen in the third vision of Fatima,</b> in November.<br> And then the miracle happened:<b> <font color="#FF0000"> John XXIII, before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima and the cross, renounced his satanic vows and accepted God</font>.</b><br> Immediately after, 5 minutes before midnight, he informed Kennedy and Kruschev about the third secret of Fatima.<br> JFK refused to launch a full scale nuclear attack against Russia.<br> John Fitzgerald Kennedy, that was<b> more than just the first catholic to have become US president</b>, vowed to oppose satan to the last consequences.<br> John XIII died <i>June 1963</i>.<p>The stage was set for Vatican II to complete the satanic task.<i><br> November 22 1963 </i>- The Council's first edict, called Sacrosanctum Concilium (This Sacred Council), was issued. St Cecilia's Day, patroness of the very music it destroyed, while in Dallas Texas, indeed while the Council still deliberated, President Kennedy was assassinated.<p><i>October 22 1996</i> - Pope John Paul II writes history, <a href="">proclaiming implicitly the destruction of the catholic church</a>.&nbsp;<br><i>March 25 2005</i> - The martyrdom of Theresa Maria Schindler on Holy Friday symbolises, among other things, that the dream of JFK for America is gone. For ever.&nbsp;<br><i>April 8</i> - John Paul II will be buried in the tomb of John XXIII, to symbolise, among other things, that God's hope for humans to refuse satan is gone. For ever.<br clear="all"></p>

Made public by Matt Marriott first time worldwdide at
No more available. Deleted by the "christian" censor in charge, (the Colonel) after some hours. He was just following orders...
This should be renamed. Please read my ignorance.
Just like in the case of Ronald Reagan, the only other non-illuminati president ever, the illuminati had made clear that unless JFK allowed them to decide who would be vice-president & Co., JFK would be dead before being president.
24 years ago God saved Ronald Reagan from the illuminati bullets - 7 years grace time

It's over - <a href="">buried
March 25, 2005</a><br>
<img src="" border="0"></font><br>
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I've got news for you, Matt. While there is no shortage of actual conspiracies out there, there is no one group able to control everything in secret in the way you attribute to the Illuminatii. Events are just too unpredictable, people get disillusioned with the program and talk, the leaders die and the new people have different agendas. I'm afraid the idea of an all powerfull world governing conspiracy is not much different than how the religious see God. Don't you think if you really knew the truth, and were telling the world through the internet, they would kill you? (...perhaps when you sleep through that tiny hole they have been drilling in the ceiling to drip a slow acting poison through) Hey, if they can do it to JFK, you should be a piece of cake.
I suggest that the Illuminati only really came back into the public limelight with the release of the "Deus Ex" game which was filled with twisted plot turns and fullfilled every conspiracists dream.

As for the Pope's death, He probably would of lasted longer if people hadn't kept him up all night praying.

As for JFK, there were many different conspiracy theories over what caused his assassination, however they all come down to a single assassins bullet. One of my pet theories was that JFK was attempting to deal with the racial inequalities at a time where people were still predominantly racist, this would have been enough to cause people that were racist to see him as a threat to their racial purity.

Especially since the FBI made many tapes of telephone conversations between JFK and Malcolm X.
A not so often sited theory on the assasination of presedent Kennedy was that he had autherized a coup that claimed the lives of South Vietnamese presedent Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother and chief of the secret police Ngo Dinh Nhu not two weeks before the assasination of Kennedy. After the death of these two tyrants South Vietnam would never again be a viable independant political body and there were pleanty of people who knew it at the time. This assasination was one of the (many) frequently sighted reasons for our loss of the Vietnam war. It is possible that Kennedy's assasination was blood for blood.
I was somewhat intrigued, until I read this "Sacrosanctum Concilium" Either you, or someone who heard the latin butchered it, or they're flat out lying, if anyone speaks latin well, it would be the only country left in the world to use it as a national language.