The Romanized Christ


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1 Samuel 15:2-3

Voltaire: "Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit atrocities"

Surely one can't believe they are more righteous than God? So how is it that many who claim to believe1 Samuel 15:2-3 is truthfully said of God, find that what God commands men to do in 1 Samuel 15:2-3 is contrary to their own sense of what is righteous? For 1 Samuel 15:2-3 perfectly illustrates a perverse belief of God, that any sane person should find repugnant to their own sense of what is righteous. There is no difference, whatsoever, in the vileness done by Islamist terrorists on 9/11 and the vileness of 1 Samuel 15:2-3. The evil deeds of both are manifestations of insane beliefs of God. For the Hitlerian like commands in 1 Samuel 15:2-3 reflect not the mind of God, but a depraved mind. No child of God can stand before God or men and truthfully say that what is said of God in 1 Samuel 15:2-3 has not troubled them. The best they can say is they have believed it because they were fearful not to believe it, which is the evidence of being in bondage to an unrighteous fear of God.

1 Samuel 15:2-3 Thus says the Lord of hosts,.. (3) Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camels and donkey!

How can any sound-minded person not see the utter depravity of saying God commanded men to be the butchers of men and women, which by itself is vile enough, but that God even commanded that they be the butchers of children and infants? To believe that God is that bloody butcher in 1 Samuel 15:2-3 leaves little need of a devil to fear. Common sense alone should tell one that had God wanted the Amalekites destroyed, He would have done it Himself!

Unlike the primitive mumbo jumbo in the claims of the Great flood and the slaying of the firstborn of Egypt, where God is said to do the dirty work, 1 Samuel 15:2-3 has God commanding that men do the dirty work. Thus, it can be personalized by simply imagining one's self in that scenario. By making it personal, one has to visualize the horror of that bloody scene. They must see the sword in their own hand and the terror in the eyes of those whom they are to butcher and hear the screams of women and children literally being hacked to death in front of one another. It is in making this bloody atrocity personal that it becomes real, rather than just some ancient abstract account. It should force one to truthfully consider whether or not they could have been obedient to the claims of priests: It's the command of God! And to honestly question whether or not they could love one that would command them to do such horrible things.

Only morons and lunatics could think that butchering people is not an atrocity. And only a liar would claim that God has personally told them that 1 Samuel 15:2-3 speaks truthfully of Him. Thus, the only excuse a sane sound minded person can offer for not questioning what 1 Samuel 15:2-3 says of God, is that they are fearful of questioning what the Bible claims, which is the evidence of their bondage to an unrighteous fear of God.

Yet not everyone that claims to believe what 1 Samuel 15:2-3 says of God does so out of an unrighteous fear of God, but believe it because it agrees with their spiritual nature. Their spiritual nature is different than those who if Moses commanded them to stone another would seek a small pebble and hoped it caused no harm; for they would seek a large rock and be happy for the harm it would cause. Much is revealed about the spirituality and mentality of those who try to rationalize the butchery of people in 1 Samuel 15:2-3. For they argue that those who were ripping terrified children from their mother's arms and bashing their brains out were righteous before God because God commanded this slaughter. Regardless of how one tries to justify 1 Samuel 15:2-3, there is no nice way to butcher people. Trying to put a happy face on the vile deeds of 1 Samuel 15:2-3 requires the same kind of twisted thinking that Islamic terrorists are using today in Iraq to justify the evil that they do.

The Romanized Christ

Harrington Sites - Revealing the Spiritual duality of the Bible. For it serves neither God nor truth to try and rationalize irrational things the Bible says of God.
That's assuming that an extra-corporeal entity actually gave those orders. More likely, an influential mortal said "God said to do this, and if you oppose the word of God, then God says I have to kill you, too."