The Rising of the Son


The Journey is the Reward
Registered Senior Member
Paul once delivered a speech to the Greeks at Mars hill.
He found there a monument erected to "The Unknown God".
He spoke with demonstration of the Spirit and told them who that God was.
Some listened, a few laughed him to scorn and then he left.
He was God's man of the hour...sent out by God, but did they see it?
Organized religions are like that today, like those Greeks were then....each with some man's idea, all different.
If God sent someone with the truth, He would be rejected by organized religions, for standing his ground on the Word of the message God sent him with....and He would be outside their ranks.

Don't join up with organizations, because it is the mark of the beast.
The beast from the beginning, at the garden of Eden; is the beast at the end, he's a religious person and a denomination.
They're all uniting together now at the great Ecumenical Council, and going to have the world church, all coming under one head where Satan will be throned.
Even Muslims are looking to start worldwide chaos and war, so their messiah, the 12th Imam can come and declare peace.
The whole world has been plunged to a spiritual, denominational death, the whole church. She's dead.

But remember, as it was in the days of Lot, just before the fire fell, so will it be when the Son of man will be manifested.
What happened when the son of man was manifested in Lot's day?
A man came to Abraham and displayed the sign of the messiah, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.
How about in Jesus day...the woman at the well after He told her all said;
"When Messiah cometh this is what He'll do."

If Israel had've recognized their Messiah, that promised sign, they wouldn't have been where they are today.
And it's the same God has said in the end of the Gentile age that said this would happen, and here it is before them.
Now, remember, He promised to do that same thing at the end of the Gentile race.

The Jews had had four thousand years to look for that Messiah, four thousand years of teaching He was coming, and what He would do when He got there; and they failed to see Him, failed to recognize it.
And when He made Himself known in the very Bible terms that He said He would, He'd been a theophany, and then become flesh and dwelled among them, and they failed to see it and called His works the works of the devil.

Now, we Gentiles have had two thousand years of teaching, coming down through the Roman Catholic church, after the apostles.
Then we come down through Luther's age, and Wesley, ect...
Over a thousand different organizations in Christianity alone
Now, He promised just before the end time would come that the picture of Sodom and Gomorrah would happen again...
"As it was in the days of Sodom," that God came down and was manifested in human flesh, and told what Sarah what she was thinking back in her heart, in the tent behind Him.
Thats the last sign the Gentile world got before it was destroyed by fire.
Did you know that, did the churches tell you this?
The organized churches have their people looking for the wrong thing.
And He's been here right under their noses, and like a thief in the night is about to leave.

Notice, the prophet Zechariah said, "There'll be a day that won't be called day nor night, but it'll be a day of gloom; but in the evening time, it shall be Light."
Civilization has traveled with the sun, and so has the Gospel.
The Gospel has crossed the waters. It come from the Mediterranean, and it crossed to Germany, with a reformer named Luther; from Germany it crossed to England with another of God's reformers named Westley; from England it crossed over the Atlantic to the United States, and now it's back again to the Pacific.
He said, "In the evening time it shall be Light, the Son would return again."
"As the lightning shinneth from the east to west so shall the coming of the son of man be"

There will be few that see this....
The son of man is Christ in heaven, being revealed by speaking through a prophet to the Gentiles at the end of the Gentile age to call a people for His namesake, then again being revealed from heaven speaking through two prophets to Israel to call the 144,000.
He doesn't come in his own physical form until He comes with the armies of heaven to dispose of the Antichrist at the end of the tribulation.
Meanwhile the false messiah,the Antichrist comes to be received by the whole world...Imitating, impersonating the Son of Man.
"As the lightning shinneth from the east to west so shall the coming of the son of man be"....and now look;
"Behold I saw Satan fall as lightning"
The scene is set. God came back in human flesh, the Word that's sharper than a two-edged sword, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
He appeared on the scene, to make Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the organized Christian churches of today turned Him down.

They will accept the one thats coming to bring "peace and safety"
Bringing all religions together as one, compromising on God's Word in the process, just as Satan did to Eve saying "Surely, God will not..."
Did God ever come like that..?
Was He ever a part of some organized religion of man?
Notice God's nature in the past to see how He really is.

In His first coming remember, Jesus did many miracles, according to Isaiah 35, "The lame shall leap like a hart,"
That was good. They believed that. They believed that sign.
Then He even discerned the very thoughts and intent of the heart, as is told in Heb;4:12.
But when the voice of the one that sent that sign spoke and said, "I and the Father are One," They couldn't believe that. "You make yourself God."
They didn't want the voice. They didn't want to hear that they were wrong.

When the true doctrine came from God that cut their organizations and their hierarchies to the ground, exposing that their traditions wen't based on any solid foundation, removing the power of God from His Word, they didn't want Him then. See what made the difference...the Word.
He said; "My doctrine is not mine, but is of the Father who sent Me".
He told them; "By teaching for commandments the traditions of men, you have made the Word of God of none effect to the people"
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
It's a promised Word that's been allotted for this day.
We're living in that day, and God is here with us to manifest that and make it true.

The churches won't show you this.
They saw it and turned it down over forty years ago.
They would have had to denounce their organizations, they would have been put out, as it is in every time God comes on the scene.
But an individual still might be able to see...if you can see theres something wrong with organized religion, thats a start.
But can you see this? If He's not there where is He?
God said men of reprobated minds would be given over to a delusion to believe a lie and be damned by it...
But He also promised in that day that He would make Himself known;
The Son of man would be revealed, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, by His same characteristic that identified Him in every age.

We know that God's way of doing things was always sending a prophet to vindicate His message.
It has never failed. He never will fail to do it that way.
Amos 3:7; "Surely God will do nothing unless He first reveal it unto His servants the prophets."
God never did deal in great groups. He always deals with an individual.
That's how He's taken a people out of the Gentiles for His Name.
Just an individual, one here and there for His Name.

Look at that poor little woman standing down there at the well.
She'd just been told she'd had five husbands and the one she was living with now wasn't hers.
She said, "We know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us these things."
He had told her what her trouble was.
She said, "Sir, I perceive that You're a prophet.
We know when the Messiah cometh, He'll tell us those things." Watch.
God talking to a prostitute, and asking a favor, "Bring Me a drink." think of it. Talk about a paradox...
She saw what I'm talking about, and the religious leaders of the day turned Him down......Same as it is today.

She might have been a prostitute, an outcast of society in her flesh, but down in her heart she was predesignated to Eternal Life.
When the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the earth, according to the Bible, our names were put on that Book.
Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him, and all the Father has given Me will come."
Just scatter the Light.
Those who are ordained to Eternal Life, will reach up and get ahold of this.
This is the time of visitation.
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