The Rise of Judeo-Christianity




The Rise of Judeo-Christianity
From its beginnings in the obscure and threatening climate of the middle east, the Judeo-Christian religion embraced the idea of a single god who had a sense of moral, or absolute "right" and "wrong," justice. As characterized by Nietzsche, Jung and others, this religion was a revenge of primitive humankind on an environment that was incomprehensible and a death that was unfathomable. Initially confined to the tribal environment of Zoroastrians and their dualist fundamentalism, Judeo-Christianity reached full stride with the emergence of Judaism.
Judaism, as the first monotheistic religion with an imperative toward change in the world, was based in a racial cult adhering strictly to the ascetic principles of a moral religion whose "eye for an eye" became infamous in their local area. Where Judaism succeeded was in its creation of a culture whose focus was on domination of others an enrichment of those within that culture at the expense of others. This paranoid viewpoint led to a dogmatic, absolutist, violent series of regimes.
When the Jewish and Roman citizens of the time became overwrought with the archaic symbolism of paganism and the rigid moral judgment of Judaism, a religious thinker named Jesus Christ came to the forefront with a "kinder, gentler" non-racially-based Judaism. Christ suggested forgiveness instead of war, and peace instead of domination, but at the heart of his ideas was the same morality in which one either did "right" or "wrong" according to a doctrine of social compromise and arbitrary benevolence. While Judaism had stayed confined, this new religion - preaching freedom from death through "correct" behavior - grew like wildfire and soon left the middle east.
In the hands of the most advanced culture of the time, Europeans, Christianity became a nightmare as the logical and assertive peoples of the north attempted to interpret its metaphors as literal commandment. A new fundamentalism of interpretation arose, and from it the final form of Judeo-Christianity, the protestants. These new Christians accepted all of what was said in the Bible, but considered material outcome on earth to be a sign of God's favor of disfavor, a throwback to the materialism of Judaism or Islam. Because of this conflict in ideology, soon crusades against Judaism and recent arrival Islam, a warrior cult of mystical naturalism, split the Judeo-Christian religion into oppositional branches.
Since that time, Christianity has become the founding supposition of all modern "Westernized" empires, whether in actual form or in the presence of morality, the judging of individual deeds according to an absolute social logic. Currently, debate over moral right or wrong still occupies most of acts of law and lawmaking bodies, and while crucial issues like intellectual advancement and destruction of our natural environment are denied the religious conflict continues on symbolic issues like abortion, prayer, and civil rights.
That site is what? A joke? Good one, if so.

Simpler food with an emphasis on exotic and violently spicy preparations of common staples is the norm, but Hessians are adventuresome and often unorganized in belief.
Elders tend to mate for life, with Warriors and Source having various serially monogamous relationships lasting from 10 minutes to life.
Most Hessians seem to prefer THC-based drugs (marijuana, hash) and psilocybin (mushrooms) but experimentation is common. During the decades of roughly 1975-1990 metal experienced a dramatic surge of methamphetamine use, but this is being discouraged now as the many casualties straggle back from the front in an aphasic stupor. :m: :D

But I have a problem to find a proper word if it is meant seriously:

10)Belief in meritocracy, elitism, eugenics, fairness, honor, nationalism, renaissance thinking and other codes of the ancients' culture.

13) Preparedness for warfare in the name of the Hessian people.

So I see absolute no reason why somebody felt it appropriate to post here something from that site. What is it? An intellectual sabotage? But as it is once posted, let’s look at it….

Although there are some nice thought in this post, there are also some many inaccuracies and false claims, that make it totally unacceptable. Just few examples:

Originally posted by and2000x
From its beginnings…Judeo-Christian religion embraced the idea of a single god who had a sense of moral, or absolute "right" and "wrong," justice.
This is simply not true. Although there is that story in the book of Genesis about stealing the apple from the tree of right and wrong, this “right and wrong” is not defined here even slightly. God, on the other hand, is depicted here as highly immoral and cruel deity, interested only in his own profit (the profit being number of humble and obedient believers). This “highly moral “ God not lied Adam about that tree, expelled Adam and Eva because he feared that “they can be like him”, tested Abraham by demanding sacrifice of Abraham’s son a instructed Moses and Joshua to kill thousands of innocent inhabitants of Canaan.
So yes, the idea of absolute good and evil is „borrowed“ from Zoroastrianism, but much later.

Originally posted by and2000x Where Judaism succeeded was in its creation of a culture whose focus was on domination of others an enrichment of those within that culture at the expense of others.
False again. That idea was nothing new and all ancient empires were based on it – Sumer, Asyria, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. The only thing in which Judaism succeeded was in putting Jews in almost complete isolation from outside world. Jewish kingdoms were never much powerful or significant and were always short-lived.

Originally posted by and2000x When the Jewish and Roman citizens of the time became overwrought with the archaic symbolism of paganism and the rigid moral judgment of Judaism, a religious thinker named Jesus Christ came to the forefront with a "kinder, gentler" non-racially-based Judaism. Christ suggested forgiveness instead of war, and peace instead of domination, but at the heart of his ideas was the same morality in which one either did "right" or "wrong" according to a doctrine of social compromise and arbitrary benevolence.
Inaccurate and unfounded claim at best. We just do no know whether such a person like Jesus Christ ever existed and even if he did, we have no idea what was his teaching about. The first information about Jesus Christ come form apostle Paul, who is in his epistles quite clear what is the main condition for being saved – to accept Jesus as a personal savior.

And there are more…

This is the site that made this "Hessian" site. It's a hoax. But a very convincing one at that...It's a part of a project called mockHim Productions, and their goal is to make websites that basically piss off Christians and the like. Read the aformentioned link for more.
Judaism, as the first monotheistic religion with an imperative toward change in the world, was based in a racial cult adhering strictly to the ascetic principles of a moral religion whose "eye for an eye" became infamous in their local area. Where Judaism succeeded was in its creation of a culture whose focus was on domination of others an enrichment of those within that culture at the expense of others.
I would hardly call this infamous. The code Hammurabi outlined behavior that was probably common place in those times. Nor was Juadaism a racist cult because it was written in Genesis that all nations would be blessed by Abraham's name.

In the hands of the most advanced culture of the time, Europeans, Christianity became a nightmare as the logical and assertive peoples of the north
The people of the north at that time were a loose collection of tribes. It was christians after the fall of rome who brought greek logic and science to them.

These new Christians accepted all of what was said in the Bible,
They accepted their own personal interpretation of a bible missing some books.

but considered material outcome on earth to be a sign of God's favor of disfavor, a throwback to the materialism of Judaism or Islam.
You must be only speaking of puritans and not the numerous other protestants.

Because of this conflict in ideology, soon crusades against Judaism and recent arrival Islam, a warrior cult of mystical naturalism, split the Judeo-Christian religion into oppositional branches.
The crusades were before the reformation.
Haha, Okinrus, why did you bother to reply to something, which was evidently meant as provocation? It is more than enough than I made such a meaningless effort.;)
So yes, the idea of absolute good and evil is „borrowed“ from Zoroastrianism, but much later.

So what? I don't understand the point of your post since it told me nothing that would refute the statement.

Nor was Juadaism a racist cult because it was written in Genesis that all nations would be blessed by Abraham's name.

The Jews are god's people. All those nations that are to be blessed are only done so if they are under the Jewish religion.

The people of the north at that time were a loose collection of tribes. It was christians after the fall of rome who brought greek logic and science to them.

The Greeks were European! But it is true that they brought a lot of technology to the Germanic tribes. A simple glance at history shows that the European nations would become the most powerful machine on the earth in technology, philosophy, and arts.

They accepted their own personal interpretation of a bible missing some books.

This only reinforces the statement that Christianity is the most destructive religion on the planet.

False again. That idea was nothing new and all ancient empires were based on it – Sumer, Asyria, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc.

The Romans allowed autonomy of the citizens and they did not force their religions or customs onto the people. Egypt was more or less the bitch of Rome, but they were still allowed to follow their own gods and traditions. Paganism is exclusive to a specific people, while Judeo-Christianity is violently inclusive. Come back when you know more about Roman imperialism.
This is the site that made this "Hessian" site. It's a hoax. But a very convincing one at that...It's a part of a project called mockHim Productions,

Wow, great logic. If you disagree with something, then it must be a hoax, there can be no serious reason behind it, right? Yep, suicide bombings are actually just jokes and nobody is serious about it.
This only reinforces the statement that Christianity is the most destructive religion on the planet.

No, Judaism spawned both Xtianity and Islam, making it the most destructive religion on the planet.

Kudos to the Jews for killing Jesus and for Heinrich Heine, though.

Zoroastrianism was not dualistic in the Judic sense. Zoroastrians believed that good and evil were interdependant, although opposite. Look into the Daoist concept of opposing yin/yang to better understand the idea.

The crusades were before the reformation.

Jesus, you know simple history and can point out absolutely irrelevent facts! Can I suck your dick now or am I not worthy? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Xev

Kudos to the Jews for killing Jesus

I don't understand where you are getting this from. Was it not the Romans who were nailing people to crosses?
Originally posted by and2000x
Wow, great logic. If you disagree with something, then it must be a hoax, there can be no serious reason behind it, right? Yep, suicide bombings are actually just jokes and nobody is serious about it.

Oh my, look at that site more properly, and2000x. If it is not a hoax, than it is a work of complete loony! Ideology and political movement based on heavy metal - does it sound serious to you?:D
The Greeks were European! But it is true that they brought a lot of technology to the Germanic tribes. A simple glance at history shows that the European nations would become the most powerful machine on the earth in technology, philosophy, and arts.
"In the hands of the most advanced culture of the time, Europeans, Christianity became a nightmare as the logical and assertive peoples of the north attempted to interpret its metaphors as literal commandment." Well I don't quite get this statement? Is there soimething about the cooler temperature that makes northern barbarians more logical.

Jesus, you know simple history and can point out absolutely irrelevent facts! Can I suck your dick now or am I not worthy?
I thought you were dating Nietzsche. Do you have some incessant need to put yourself down?

The Romans allowed autonomy of the citizens and they did not force their religions or customs onto the people. Egypt was more or less the bitch of Rome, but they were still allowed to follow their own gods and traditions. Paganism is exclusive to a specific people, while Judeo-Christianity is violently inclusive. Come back when you know more about Roman imperialism.
The Romans just happended to like to throw christians into lions. Sure, some of the emperors allowed other religions but only if they kept in line with Rome. I don't think this was a virtue of the Romans, just a necessary condition due to the size of their empire.
Nobody will answer my question. Therefore I take it that I am correct. Please let me know if this is not the case.
I don't understand where you are getting this from. Was it not the Romans who were nailing people to crosses?

Jesus was sold out by a fellow Jew. I don't think the crucifixion of Jesus was a good idea, since it made him a symbol. If they had let him rot like Manson he would have faded into obscurity.

Well I don't quite get this statement? Is there soimething about the cooler temperature that makes northern barbarians more logical.

Look at history and maybe you will see. Duh.

The Romans just happended to like to throw christians into lions. Sure, some of the emperors allowed other religions but only if they kept in line with Rome. I don't think this was a virtue of the Romans, just a necessary condition due to the size of their empire.

Maybe it wasn't, but nobody was getting killed for worshipping a certain god. Christians and Jews met the lions because they were in opposition to the state, and their religion was seen as a derranged cult of anti-authoritarians as depraved as the Dionysians.
I don't understand where you are getting this from. Was it not the Romans who were nailing people to crosses?

It's tounge in cheek, not serious.
Ugh. Have you no knowledge of Christian history? For centuries the Jews were blamed for inciting the Romans to crucify Jesus.

And no, the fact that I was in class does not mean that you are right.
Presumably, the Pharisees and Saducees were the instigators of the fiasco which culminated in Jesus' gory crucifiction. Considering this, it seems the Romans were only acting to placate the ever restive Jewish populace, whose bloodlust had been fomented by the jealous religious coterie. It is that group that should be held responsible, if any.
Originally posted by and2000x
Wow, great logic. If you disagree with something, then it must be a hoax, there can be no serious reason behind it, right? Yep, suicide bombings are actually just jokes and nobody is serious about it.

Umm, no, actually, if you WEREN'T blind, then you would scroll to the bottom of the page and see the ©mockHIM productions with the attached link. Thank you.
Umm, no, actually, if you WEREN'T blind, then you would scroll to the bottom of the page and see the ©mockHIM productions with the attached link. Thank you.

Unfortunate for you, I am an associate of Spinoza Ray Prozak, the author of that site. There is nothing funny about mockHIM productions when you strip away the silly inverted crosses and raunchy jokes.

try some of these other fine sites:
"Currently, debate over moral right or wrong still occupies most of acts of law and lawmaking bodies, and while crucial issues like intellectual advancement and destruction of our natural environment are denied the religious conflict continues on symbolic issues like abortion, prayer, and civil rights".

Abortion, prayer in schools and civil rights are important issues. If not more so than "intellectual advancement" because there's no point in learning something unless to debate it or apply it.

"Christianity has become the founding supposition of all modern "Westernized" empires, whether in actual form or in the presence of morality, the judging of individual deeds according to an absolute social logic."
You cannot judge individual deeds unless if you use some form of of absolute social logic. Otherwise we either have the emptyness of not judging or the unfairness of not having an absolute. Still, any argument that this is somewhat beneficial to us must be judged absolutely if it's going to be absolutely true.
Abortion, prayer in schools and civil rights are important issues. If not more so than "intellectual advancement" because there's no point in learning something unless to debate it or apply it.

These issues have no importance in the big picture. They are trivial and time consuming. People don't want a solution. They just want to argue.

It is easy to solve problems:

1. Abortion: legalize it or don't legalize it.
2. Prayer in school: remove it or keep it.
3. Civil rights: segregate or intergrate

Nobody can decide these simple issues because they have their head stuck in a debate over what is right or wrong.

Meanwhile, topics important to the future and present majority, such as resources, public health, and environment are at the end of the list.