The Riddle


Registered Member
The Riddle

Soaring into the sky, no logic can contain me, no cage can confine me.
I am thoughtlessly overlooked on the street corner or mall,
yet I control your life and you answer my every call.
I allow you to travel, I allow you to live,
very few can live without me, but none of them wish they did.
I will cause strife and envy but you gratefully condone me.
Put me in a box and place locks upon me
I’ve inverted the wuh in we.
But don’t get me wrong, I can do great things,
the most versatile of creatures, the only immortal thing.
You look upon me as though I’m evil, but it was you who birthed me.
You raised me and shaped me into what I am today,
and now, love for slavery your deeds I promptly repay.
I dictate where you work, where you eat and where you talk.
Now board these leaden vessels in their distant Egyptian docks,
for on this vehement summer day,
TODAY you will pay.
For in my right hand I hold the keyless lock,
and on the left, the ceaselessly constraining stocks.
I laugh and I mock for I am the meanest of my kind,
the dumbest and the weakest, the very last in line.
Then I count my slaves, and see, just how clever I must be! I am…


We will have lots of fun here... :D:D



Welcome William... ;)


They are not a joke...

They are both almost there...

Have patience with them... ;)

This thread has only two days... :D

I was thinking something along the lines of unrestrained science or science without ethics
Actually, given the clues, I'd be very surprised if the answer makes much sense. To be a correct answer, I believe it must fit all of those expressions while no other answer can fit them all. Should be interesting to see if that is the case.
Welcome. ;)

I'm confused. Who was the you people are a joke comment directed at?

Adam, I think that lots of the 'constraints' in the riddle must be metaphoric. Else what you said is correct and there can be no true answer.

I think that the answer may be Society or Civilization or similar.

Hmm... or possibly Freedom
No, he says that I am close.

(That's because I'm better and smarter than all of you :D )

More specific than money.....

I would almost say...


No Asguard, science is logical, and 'no logic can contain' the answer to the riddle.
A penny?

Soaring into the sky, no logic can contain me, no cage can confine me.
I am thoughtlessly overlooked on the street corner or mall,
yet I control your life and you answer my every call.
I allow you to travel, I allow you to live,
very few can live without me, but none of them wish they did.
I will cause strife and envy but you gratefully condone me.
Put me in a box and place locks upon me
I’ve inverted the wuh in we.
But don’t get me wrong, I can do great things,
the most versatile of creatures, the only immortal thing.
You look upon me as though I’m evil, but it was you who birthed me.
You raised me and shaped me into what I am today,
and now, love for slavery your deeds I promptly repay.
I dictate where you work, where you eat and where you talk.
Now board these leaden vessels in their distant Egyptian docks,
for on this vehement summer day,
TODAY you will pay.
For in my right hand I hold the keyless lock,
and on the left, the ceaselessly constraining stocks.
I laugh and I mock for I am the meanest of my kind,
the dumbest and the weakest, the very last in line.
Then I count my slaves, and see, just how clever I must be! I am…

It doesn't really fit very well.
- It doesn't usually soar into the sky.
- Logic can define it.
- Cages can contain it.
- It doesn't control my life.
- I don't answer its call.
- It helps for long-distance travel, yes.
- It doesn't allow me to live.
- Many do live without pennies.
- Strife and envy, yes, sometimes.
- Not very versatile, and not immortal.
Et cetera...