The Religion that's fit for everyone.


I've invented a religion that everyone will be satisfied with. It's got everything most world religions have incorporated in them, and has all of humanity's characteristics that drive us to go faster and farther. I think I'll call it Sciforumism.

The central beliefs of Sciforumism go as follows.

1. Your own beliefs are the absolute truth.
2. Everyone who disagrees with you is an enemy.
3. Everything you don't understand or comprehend is a work of evil.

There. I'll be awaiting the converts.

Wait. I don't need to. Everyone's already subscribed to Sciforumism. Most of us, anyway. For about the entire history of humankind. :cool:
ok then, i know what to do
ill tell everyone you guys picked on me
i swear
im gonna tell porfiry too

Philosopher Philocrazy

I'm sorry but your ideas are already taken - you appear to have described Christianity and Islam.
I know.

This religion is meant to be a condensation of all human religious belief. Or nearly all.

In fact, it encompasses the very way the average person thinks, if one can call the slurry of half-retarded hatred and mental conservatism "thinking".

Of course there will be overlap with other religions. They feed on the average person's "intellectualism".
Zero said:
I've invented a religion that everyone will be satisfied with. It's got everything most world religions have incorporated in them, and has all of humanity's characteristics that drive us to go faster and farther. I think I'll call it Sciforumism.

The central beliefs of Sciforumism go as follows.

1. Your own beliefs are the absolute truth.
2. Everyone who disagrees with you is an enemy.
3. Everything you don't understand or comprehend is a work of evil.

There. I'll be awaiting the converts.

Wait. I don't need to. Everyone's already subscribed to Sciforumism. Most of us, anyway. For about the entire history of humankind. :cool:

You have it completely backwards.

My beliefs are the absolute Truth, etc.

It is one of the Paradoxes of Civilization that only by consolidation of the largest territories does Civilization succeed in bringing Peace. Civilizations require a Unifying Theme. One would hope that the Greatest Unifying Thought would be the Most Moral and Best of All Possible Thoughts. If Civilization is to be Peaceful, then Hostile Counter-Systems must be confronted and either Reconciled or Eliminated. Just as Western Civilization rubbed out Anarchism, then Fascism, then Communism, so it is fair for any Civilization to attack its attackers.

Yes, while the World is adrift in a General Barbarism, there is necessarily a Conflict between those of Competing Moral Visions. That Society which provides the most survivable Institutions (and they are always founded upon some Religious/Moral Vision) will become the Core Society of the New Civilization.

My beliefs are the absolute Truth, etc.

Riiiight – spoken with the total arrogance that we have come to expect of the religious fundamentalist.

….That Society which provides the most survivable Institutions (and they are always founded upon some Religious/Moral Vision) will become the Core Society of the New Civilization.

Yet that paradigm is changing. Religious ideas have ruled in the past because of widespread ignorance and subjugation of the masses by religiously inspired authoritarian regimes. All the statistics show that the percentage of world population that is religious is declining as science and technology replace religious ignorance with knowledge and truth. What is emerging is a state of some confusion since the outdated religious guidelines are rapidly being seen as obsolete and nothing in terms of a powerful replacement is clearly appearing. How we exit from this transition is unclear but it seems highly unlikely that we would ever return to the failed concepts of religious doctrine in the light of our new found scientific discoveries. History shows us that scientific discoveries always replace the ignorance of religious assertions and at the current time science is advancing at an accelerating pace.

I suspect the next big hurdle to overcome is the concept of the soul. As neuroscience provides us with a steady increase in knowledge of how the brain works it is also eroding all the past ignorance of religion that make enormous claims for the soul. What we are seeing from science is that all these past claims so far are no more than natural brain function. When we can fully explain the brain and eliminate any vestige of hope that a soul might exist then religion will lose all credibility and will die quietly as it should.
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Cris said:

Riiiight – spoken with the total arrogance that we have come to expect of the religious fundamentalist.

I'm no 'fundamentalist'. Fundamentalist are rural protestant conservatives. I am an Urban Catholic Liberal.

Theologically a 'fundamentalist' is one who wishes to strip Religion down to only the most necessary minimums for personal Salvation. Protestant Fundamentalist suppose they do this by assuming that by mere assent to the Belief that Christ was Murdered for their Sins, they are automatically forgiven for any and every offense against God and will be welcomed into Heaven -- their Judgment being waived because of their compliance to these bare minimal requirements.

Catholics, on the otherhand, reject the notion that some Revealed Teachings can be rejected as non-essential. Yes, it complicates things when a plethora of Teachings must be interwoven and reconciled into a coordinated Plan of Redemption, but this is why we are given Lifetimes... so that we may make a Life's Work of things that are Truly Important.

I was using the term in its more common meaning and not referring to that particluar brand of protestantism.

From webster: fundamantalism - 2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles.

This describes you and your strict observance of Catholic principles.
Cris said:

I was using the term in its more common meaning and not referring to that particluar brand of protestantism.

From webster: fundamantalism - 2 : a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles.

This describes you and your strict observance of Catholic principles.

You ignore your own definition!


Is this NOT what I said that Catholicism isn't.

BASIC refers to stripped down versions. Also, note that Webster's theory of definition is that each word is somehow like every other word. Webster therefore gives definitions in terms of words that are similar in meaning -- thus Webster says that "Fundamental" is like "Basic". and you think you have a definition when all you have is another similar word. Random House is much more systematic, intelligent and professional. Random House will give you a concept which explains the meaning of the Word in question, not just another word.

Anyway, Catholicism is a Complexity of Systems and Beliefs. Anybody who talks about Basic Catholicism is probably a moron.

You are ardently following a set of religious principles which you are convinced is true but without regard to any objective truth. That is the everyday accepted definition of a religious fundamentalist.

That you might view yourself differently, as you clearly do, does not affect in any way how others see you. You appear to me to hold religiously distorted views of reality similar to any Islamic terrorist. And you are potentially equally dangerous.
Leo Volont: You have it completely backwards. My beliefs are the absolute Truth, etc.
M*W: Delusion! Delusion! You are playing the Messiah card.
Cris: Yet that paradigm is changing.

All the statistics show that the percentage of world population that is religious is declining as science and technology replace religious ignorance with knowledge and truth.

What we are seeing from science is that all these past claims so far are no more than natural brain function. When we can fully explain the brain and eliminate any vestige of hope that a soul might exist then religion will lose all credibility and will die quietly as it should.
M*W: I believe it is the innate function of the cumulative human mind to create these new paradigms for the progression of humanity.

All creation comes from within the mind, like begets like, and nothing exists outside the mind. ~ Medicine*Woman

(Hey, Cris, I'm not sure what I stated here, but it sounds enlightened, doesn't it?
I vote that Medicine woman and Leo Volont should be left to fight each other to death.
guthrie: I vote that Medicine woman and Leo Volont should be left to fight each other to death.
M*W: There's no way he could win. I'd end up killing the sorry bastard!