The religion of Bokononism


Registered Senior Member
Its the fictional religion from the 1963 novel 'cat's cradle' - the plot of which largely centres around global politics and nuclear arms i believe.

Anyway, i found this summary of the religion's central tennants and thought it was pretty interesting.

The religion of the people of San Lorenzo, called Bokononism, encompasses concepts unique to the novel, with San Lorenzan names such as:
karass - a group of people who, often unknowingly, are working together to do God's will. The people can be thought of as fingers in a Cat's Cradle.
duprass - a karass of only two people, who almost always die together. The typical example is a loving couple who work together for a great purpose.
granfalloon - a false karass; i.e., a group of people who imagine they have a connection that does not really exist. An example is "Hoosiers"; Hoosiers have no true spiritual destiny in common, but really share little more than a name.
wampeter - the central point of a karass
foma - harmless untruths
vin-dit - a sudden shove in the direction of Bokononism
saroon - to acquiesce to a vin-dit
duffle - the destiny of thousands of people placed on one person
stuppa - a fogbound child
sin-wat - a man who wants all of somebody's love for himself
pool-pah - wrath of God, "shit storm"
Busy, busy, busy - words Bokononists whisper when they see an example of how interconnected everything is

The supreme act of worship of the Bokononists is called 'boku-maru', which is an intimate act consisting of prolonged physical contact between the naked soles of the feet of two persons.'s_Cradle_(novel)

Some pretty cool ideas there i think, must really try and read it sometime.