Actually it's Nightshift/Reiku who can't do any math. His modus operandi is to cut and paste terms and expressions from actual math which he doesn't understand, and then to assemble them haphazardly, enclosed in pretentious nonsensical text. From what I've seen he's at best just barely able to comprehend high school algebra. For some reason he has chosen to make blanket claims about advanced math topics from upper division and college graduate school courses, as if they are the same species of math as an 8th grader's.
Contrary to his narcissistic claim that it takes three readings to comprehend him, all of what he wrote can be reduced to one fundamental equation which illustrates his central mistake. Here he's pretending to know differential calculus. The rule he is violating is that he's taking a function of time, say f(t), and declaring that the when you differentiate this function over space, for example df/dx (which means the change in f with respect to a change in distance x) that it simply vanishes, for example df/fx = 0, proving that time does not exist. The correct answer is that df/fx = 0 simply means that f does not change on account of any changes in position. It says nothing about how f behaves over time, and his mistaken belief that it does tells you he couldn't work the end of chapter problems in the introduction to differential calculus in a typical textbook.
An honest average person who can't get admitted to any college of math or science due to a lack of adequate preparation will either give up or else take a course in remedial math to get their skills up to snuff. They would simply post a question asking how to solve a sample problem, or they will ask for an explanation of the subject matter. By contrast a dishonest person will pretend to know material he never studied and which he could not solve if given questions directly from the freshman text.