the Real god speaks



Reality is Silence
the Universe is its noise

Silence is the quantum-gap.
Noise is all around
but none can enter this Reality,
the quantum-gap, Silence.

The quantum-gap filters noise into thoughts.

The quantum-gap filters noise into thoughts
the mind has for all its
ignorance and knowledge
order and chaos.

The order is NOW
and chaos is time.

The quantum-gap filters the thoughts we call particles
into the elements the universe needs for all its
metals and non-metals
chaos and order
order and chaos.

The order is Maya, Now
the Chaos is Karma, time.

I AM Untouchable, Complete and Content.

I need no gods
‘cause I need no servants
And if I needed servants
I would still need no gods.

I need no scriptures
‘cause I need no toilet paper
And if I did need toilet paper
I would still need no scriptures.

I AM Silence
that some call Samadhi
but the gods call nothing
even though I AM the EVERYTHING
without which there is no noise
I filter into thoughts, particles, toilet paper
and gods.

Reality is SILENCE
this mind is its noise.
if this you wish i unravel too?
i could do it while sat on the loo,
then when the toilet flush i pull
shall wash away thine heavenly bull.
YOU are in MY dream.
So I can kick your ass
until you make me laugh
or kill me to Wake me up.
so make me laugh: tell me your awake
to pull your bull.
My baby´s got a heart of stone
can´t you people just leave her alone
she never did nothing to hurt you
so just leave her alone

The motion of her tiny hands
and the quiver of her bones below
are the signs of a girl alone
and tell you everything
you need to know

I can´t explain it
I feel it often
everytime I see her face
but the way you treat her
fills me with rage and I
want to tear apart the place

You try to tell her what to do
and all she does is stare at you
her stare is louder than your voice
because truth doesn´t make a noise

-The White Stripes

Ah, I love that little ditty.