The REAL distance from SUN to EARTH - revealed worldwide first by Matt Marriott


There are no doubts that Earth does not orbit the sun.
The hoax was created by the satanists to destroy the credibility of the Bible.
There are no doubts that Earth does not rotate (1). So there's only one question left:
How fast is the sun REALLY moving around the Earth?
Or in other words: what is the real distance from Earth to the Sun?

Answer: A fraction of what you were told in school...
A sun which size is a fraction of what you were told in school...

1 + 1 = 2
End Times is when some of those 1 + 1 equations that were previously hidden finally surface.
Solar eclipses (2) are not even in that category. They have been around from the beginning ...

(1) Reminder: to explain "scientifically" their hoaxes, the satanists use two types of "magic": unspecified equations for observable facts (examples: evolution, earth's rotation) or equations for dummies for the rest (example: theory of relativity).

(2) Here the reply from one poster in original thread, to illustrate this:
Simple equation:
Sun Moon and Earth in a straight line.
Sun emits light, Moon blocks light, creates shadow on Earth.
Take the diameter of the Moons shadow, and distance of Moon from Earth.
I dont think the sun is as big as the solar scale says it is.
there is no doubt this thread is circling within the Dark Age century clerics...surrounded by heretic scientists burning on sticks of Salem-like cities
wait for it.... waiiit for it.... BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhaAHAHAHAHAHA..... ahhhhhh, thanks for making my day MattMarr.

Okay, so he's regressed to pre-copernican times. What next? The earth is flat, revealed first worldwide by mattmarr?
Okay, so he's regressed to pre-copernican times. What next? The earth is flat, revealed first worldwide by mattmarr?

that Earth was formed on back of a Turtoise!


---The Story of Creation---

In the beginning there was only one water and the water animals that lived in it. Then a woman fell from a torn place in the sky. She was a divine woman, full of power. Two loons flying over the water saw her falling. They flew under her, close together, making a pillow for her to sit on. The loons held her up and cried for help. They could be heard for a long way as they called for other animals to come.

The snapping turtle called all the other animals to aid in saving the divine woman's life. The animals decided the woman needed earth to live on. Turtle said, "Dive down in the water and bring up some earth." So they did that, those animals. A beaver went down. A muskrat went down. Others stayed down too long, and they died. Each time, Turtle looked inside their mouths when they came up, but there was no earth to be found. Toad went under the water. He stayed too long, and he nearly died. But when Turtle looked inside Toad's mouth, he found a little earth. The woman took it and put it all around on Turtle's shell. That was the start of the earth.

Dry land grew until it formed a country, then another country, and all the earth.. To this day, Turtle holds up the earth. Time passed, and the divine woman had twin boys. They were opposites, her sons. One was good, and one was bad. One was born as children are usually born, in a normal way. But the other one broke out of his mother's side, and she died. When the divine woman was buried, all of the plants needed for life on earth sprang from the ground above her. From her head came the pumpkin vine. Maize came from her chest. Pole beans grew from her legs. The divine woman's sons grew up. The evil one was Tawis-karong. The good one was Tijus-kaha. They were to prepare the earth so that humans could live on it. But they found they could not live together. And so they separated, with each one taking his own portion of the earth to prepare.

The bad brother, Tawis-karong, made monstrous animals, fierce and terrifying. He made wolves and bears, and snakes of giant size. He made mosquitoes huge, the size of wild turkeys. And he made an enormous toad. It drank up the fresh water that was on the earth. All of it. The good brother, Tijus-kaha, made proper animals that were of use to human beings. He made the dove, and the mockingbird, and the partridge. And one day, the partridge flew toward the land of Tawis-karong. "Why do you go there?" Tijus-kaha asked the partridge. "I go because there is no water. And I hear there is some in your brother's land," said the partridge.

Tijus-kaha didn't believe the bird. So he followed, and finally he came to his evil brother's land. He saw all of the outlandish, giant animals his brother had made. Tijus-kaha didn't beat them down. And then he saw the giant toad. He cut it open. Out came the earth's fresh water. Tijus-kaha didn't kill any [more] of his brother's creations. But he made them smaller, of normal size so that human beings could be leaders over them. His mother's spirit came to Tijus-kaha in a dream. She warned him about his evil brother. And sure enough, one day, the two brothers had to come face to face. They decided they could not share the earth. They would have a duel to see who would be master of the world. Each had to overcome the other with a single weapon.

Tijus-kaha, the good, could only be killing if beaten to death with a bag full of corn or beans. The evil brother could be killed only by using the horn of a deer or other wild animal. then the brothers fixed the fighting ground where the battle would begin. The first turn went to the evil brother, Tawis-karong. He pounded his brother with a bag of beans. He beat him until Tijus-kaha was nearly dead. But not quite. He got his strength back, and he chased Tawis-karong. Now it was his turn. He beat his evil brother with a deer horn. Finally, Tijus-kaha took his brother's life away. But still the evil brother wasn't completely destroyed. "I have gone to the far west," he said. "All the races of men will follow me to the west when they die." It is the belief of the Hurons to this day. When they die, their spirits go to the far west, where they will dwell forever.
The turtle creation story is true but it makes no sense if you don't understand the allegory.

Didn't Einstein say that because everything is relative you can't say that the earth orbits the sun so you could as well say that the sun orbits the earth?

Does any of us really know if the earth orbits the sun or reverse: sun orbits the earth?
I mean, we only assume the earth orbits the sun because we've read it in books.
Does any of us really know if the earth orbits the sun or reverse: sun orbits the earth?
I mean, we only assume the earth orbits the sun because we've read it in books.

no....because we see that other bodies like Jupiter and Neptune behave in the same pattern as we do...and since everything (in solar systeM) is circling around the Sun and not the Earth...The Sun is the center. of course the sun than circles around the galaxy...which circles around the...emmm something else...
The sun is actually no bigger than a dime. Don't believe me? Look at the sun. Now hold up a dime. You may have to move the dime back and forth until it lines up correctly, but they're the same size I tells ya! :rolleyes:
The sun is actually no bigger than a dime. Don't believe me? Look at the sun. Now hold up a dime. You may have to move the dime back and forth until it lines up correctly, but they're the same size I tells ya! :rolleyes:

MattMar's l0gic.
The Sun is not going around us. You need to look at the universe around us. Just as the world is flat until you get way back and take a look at it. The planet we stand on is very important until you get a good look at what is out there.

I can't say that the distance of the sun we are given is right, I have never verified it. I am happy with it being far for now and note the 96 million miles.

I do however agree with you about the point of evolution. There is a factor of evolution but it is taken WAY out of proportion. Its another instance of a theary that gets made and the truth is stepped on in a effort make it truth.
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the sun is only the size of a dime, but i've heard that if you try to reach it, it becomes bigger. i wonder why.

similarly, the earth is flat, but it becomes round if you go to space. so i guess the earth is both flat and round.
the universe does not go around earth or the sun, it goes around you.
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I do however agree with you about the point of evolution. There is a factor of evolution but it is taken WAY out of proportion. Its another instance of a theary that gets made and the truth is stepped on in a effort make it truth.
What then, in your opinion, is the truth?