The RCC seems a bit scared right now, what with The Da Vinci Code. What do you think?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The Da Vinci Code gone Hollywood seems to be a thorn in the side of the Roman Catholic Church. The evening news is reporting on the "damage control." Although I haven't seen the movie (it opens in two weeks), I think the patristic fathers are scared about the repercussions. What's the general opinion here?
The RCC is probably worried that people who are uneducated in religion may be tempted to believe the conspiracy theories contained in an airport novel over the official teachings of the Church. Obviously, the da Vinci Code only presents one side of the story. There have been many recent books debunking the da Vinci Code, but people who only ever read the occasional pulp fiction novel probably won't see those books.