The Rapture



Hi all... :)

What crazyness is this? They look ansious for armagedon. I've read that Tim Lahey, the preacher of rapture theology has links to the white house. He's also connected to the religious right. What do they want?
I'm not sure what you're getting at but I'm not crazy about the so-called "religious right". Christianity does not have a political affiliation. I think the religious right is just misguided christians. War, as I see it, under almost any circumstance can be prevented so if they're affiliated with warmongers, then I don't doubt their beliefs, but their understanding of it. A religion seeking to unite the brotherhood of humans is against anything that divides humanity.

What crazyness is this?

....And BTW, welcome to the crazyness that is the religious forum :)
He means this book: link

Armageddon will look awesome on CNN. Too bad the book of revelations was some guys opium trip that ended up in the bible. I remember there being a 4 headed lion with swords for tounges. Revelations = ancient godzilla movie.
Welcome to the forums also Mordrukk. I take the bible metaphorically, not literally. Man believed in those things in those days, therefore, it was told as that. Just like how you may talk to a child in a way he relates even though it's not how adults see the world to get your point across. The bible was wrote by man in his literary infancy and as such, comes across that way.
Thanks for the welcome, usp. I can understand the bible in a metaphorical context, I'm just saying the rapture is nothing but pure fantasy. Hell, I think it'd be great if I tuned into CNN one day and Wolf Blitzer is telling me "Unbelievable, unbelievable, there simply aren't words to describe the fact that the Rapture has begun. That's right the Christians were right, it's the end of the world. This just in -- a gigantic 4 headed lion with swords for tounges is stomping through downtown Tokyo. Godzilla has been called in for the rescue." It'd make for very entertaining television, but it's a fantasy all the same.

Nothing to worry about kids, the end of the world will be caused at the hand of man, and not that of divine interferance.
Migs said:
Hi all... :)

What crazyness is this? They look ansious for armagedon. I've read that Tim Lahey, the preacher of rapture theology has links to the white house. He's also connected to the religious right. What do they want?

tim lahey is not the founder of the "rapture theology" But He is one of the main promoters of a specific kind of rapture theology called Pre-Tribulation rapture.

This theology claims that true believers in the Messiah Jesus will be removed from the earth Just before a time of great world troubles. These troubles (called the tribulation) are prophesised to happen just before the return of the Messiah Jesus.

Many Christians (me included) do not believe in the Pre-tribulation Rapture that is being promoted by people like tim lahey.

i believe in a second coming rapture. One that occurs at the second coming of the Messiah Jesus, i believe true Christians will suffer great persecution (tribulation) before the time of the Second Coming Rapture.

As for the links between tim lahey and the white house i cannot comment on that because i do not know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days