The Quran foretells about a future meeting with the people of Mars.


Registered Senior Member
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرحمنِ الرحيم
The explanation: (In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.)
Salam to you.
The Quran Foretells about a Future Meeting
With the People of Mars
In the book“The Universe and the Quran”, by the late Mohammed Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, that I have translated ; this book was first published in Arabic at 1947; in which we find:

• The weather of Mars is similar to the weather of Earth; its natural conditions are suitable for life, because it has air and water, and there is life on it and various kinds of plant and animal. On it there are human beings who worship and serve God; God sent to them- out of themselves- prophets and apostles (or messengers) to guide them.
Traveling to Mars is successful
The emigration to Mars
Moreover, Mars comes next to Earth in its distance from Sun; its volume is larger than that of Earth. It rotates around itself and around the Sun, just like Earth. It also has two frozen poles. The inclination of its axis is more than 23 degrees (i.e. more than that of Earth); so it has alternation of the day and night and the seasons are longer than that of Earth.

God-be exalted- said in the Quran 17: 55
(و ربُّكَ أعلمُ بِمَنْ في السماواتِ و الأرضِ )
The explanation:( [O Mohammed] your Lord knows best about all those who are in the heavens and the earth.)
The interpretation: God is All Aware of the work and deeds of all the inhabitants of the terrestrial planets and the earth, and He sent them messengers (or apostles) –out of themselves –to teach and guide them.
--Therefore, the journey to Mars is successful, and this will take place in the future, when the natural factors will deteriorate on the planet Earth, which will stop rotating around itself just like what happened to Mercury and Venus; at that time the emigration will be from Earth to Mars.
--It is possible that meeting may take place –in the near future –between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of Mars; and that will be very useful and fruitful for mutual exchange of information and experience.
An anticipated meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets
God-be exalted- said in the Quran 42: 29
(و مِنْ آياتِهِ خَلقُ السماواتِ و الأرضِ و ما بثَّ فيهِما مِنْ دابّةٍ و هوَ على جَمعِهم إذا يشاءُ قديرٌ)
The explanation: (And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein[: in both earth and heavens] of beasts [:lit. moving creatures], and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)
The دابّة translated here as (beast [:lit. moving creature] ): is every mobile alive being, including man. This Quranic revelation (or aya) points out to the possibility of gathering the people of Earth with people of some of the inhabited planets, in this life of the World; the indication of that is His saying-be exalted-
(إذا يشاءُ)
i.e. (if He wills); because – in the Quran- the “gathering-together of the Hereafter” is inevitable, that God does not mention it in the Quran with “if He wills.”
--Moreover, the following comment is mentioned in the book (The Universe and the Quran), by the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:
"Comment: Americans sent their space probe [Mariner] to Mars at 1965 [which was followed by other attempts of space exploration of Mars]; it viewed the surface of the planet, and they said that they did not discover any sign of life on Mars. But I say: they did not view the inhabited parts of Mars; their camera picked-by chance- some pictures of the desolate desert of Mars; and if they search carefully they will find in the future that there is life on Mars.” [ and may be on some other planets and moons of our solar system, but not on Venus nor on Mercury; see above.]
• Moon is a stony earth piece, having neither life, nor water, nor air nor any atmosphere; because it has no gravitation which keeps an atmosphere and water on Moon. God-be exalted- said in the Quran 21: 30
(و جعَلنا مِنَ الماءِ كلَّ شيءٍ حَيٍّ)
The explanation: (And We made- of water- every living thing.) Therefore; wherever water exists, life also exists, and vice versa.
[ Comment: This article was published in this book at 1947, when this fact was unknown, because only after they landed on Moon at 1967 they became certain that no life exists on Moon.]
• There was life on the planet Mercury [the nearest planet to the sun], and on the planet Venus [the second planet to the sun.] But life on these two planets was exterminated-long time ago- when they stopped their rotation around their axes,
[Mercury and Venus revolve around Sun, with one side always facing the sun; just like Moon which revolves around Earth with one side always facing Earth; the other side is invisible to us;]
and - on Mercury and Venus- the day became everlasting on the side facing the sun; this side has severe heat and high temperature; the night became also everlasting on the opposite side that does not face the sun; here the temperature became extremely low causing severe coldness and accumulation of the ice. Both these conditions of the extreme heat and extreme coldness led to the extinction of life there. The next turn will be for Earth, to stop its axial rotation when its central heat [:eek:f its core] will be depleted by time, a period of time following Venus in this respect when the day will be continuous and everlasting as will the night be. God-be exalted- said in the Quran 28: 71-72
(قل أ رأيتم إنْ جَعلَ اللهُ عليكم اللّيلَ سرمداً إلى يومِ القيامةِ مَنْ إلهٌ غيرُ اللهِ يأتيكم بِضياءٍ أفلا تسمعون؟ قل أ رأيتم إنْ جَعلَ اللهُ عليكم النّهارَ سرمداً إلى يومِ القيامةِ مَنْ إلهٌ غيرُ اللهِ يأتيكم بِليلٍ تسكنونَ فيهِ أفلا تبصرون؟)
The explanation: (71-Say [to them, O Mohammed]: “What’s your opinion: if God makes for you the night everlasting till the Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you [ day-] light? Will you not then hear [the wind and the falling of the snow?]”
72-Say: “What’s your opinion: if God makes for you the day everlasting till the Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you night, wherein you may rest? Will you not then see [the severe hotness of the sun?]”)
Accordingly, the journey to Venus is dangerous and not successful, because the natural conditions make life impossible there; due to the extreme heat in the side of the continuous day, i.e. the side that is continuously facing the sun, and due to the extreme coldness and the freezing in the side of the continuous night on the side that is not facing the sun. ( Traveling to Venus is dangerous )

E. A. Nassir
So, Mohammed wrote this:
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Mohammed your Lord knows best about all those who are in the heavens and the earth.

And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein[: in both earth and heavens] of beasts [:lit. moving creatures], and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.

And We made- of water- every living thing.

Say [to them, O Mohammed]: “What’s your opinion: if God makes for you the night everlasting till the Doomsday, who is a god other than God who could bring you [ day-] light? Will you not then hear [the wind and the falling of the snow?]”

And from that you deduce people on Mars? I think this interpretation is overly, um, creative. Also, wrong.
Eanassir, the mere fact that Venus and Mercury DO rotate on their axis, should make it clear that what you've translated is simply more religious rubbish and has no place on a science forum.
And from that you deduce people on Mars? I think this interpretation is overly, um, creative. Also, wrong

Well that guy certainly has writen a lot. I bet if you count up all consonants with the exeptions of the L and R's and devide them through the sum of all the chapter pages and then revert the numbres back to lettres you will get a badly spelled Irish love song.
Cool, let me know when it happens. I can't wait to try out that Martian technology . . .
So, because we have observed Mars to be devoid of life, this disproves Islam?

Someone should tell al Qaeda...
And leaning.

Man. I miss that lunatic. I think I should update his profile soon.
This is about as believable as War of the Worlds. What is with people and mars? Like that is the only planet out there...jeez...if you want ppl to believe you make up your own damn planet and keep telling people that "it's not meant to happen yet" when the martians never come and the planet is never found.
So, because we have observed Mars to be devoid of life, this disproves Islam?

Someone should tell al Qaeda...

I wouldn't count on Mars being 'devoid' of life just yet. It's going to be a wait-an-see thing until we actually have enough time to explore all the possibilities yet. The planet Mars has been around for a long time and had some form of appreciateable atmosphere and probably considerable water at one time. Who knows what lurked on the very ancient surface of Mars several millions of years ago?
I wouldn't count on Mars being 'devoid' of life just yet. It's going to be a wait-an-see thing until we actually have enough time to explore all the possibilities yet. The planet Mars has been around for a long time and had some form of appreciateable atmosphere and probably considerable water at one time. Who knows what lurked on the very ancient surface of Mars several millions of years ago?

Fair enough, but the stuff that I read in the original post seems to imply that Mars was inhabited now or in the near future by people who aren't humans.

Maybe I misread something.
Fair enough, but the stuff that I read in the original post seems to imply that Mars was inhabited now or in the near future by people who aren't humans.

Maybe I misread something.

If there is anything alive on Mars right now, we 'haven't' found it yet (at least fossil evidence anyway). However, my bet is that something might have been alive on the martian surface several millions of years ago when it had an atmosphere and some so-called shallow seas (if it did at all). What form that may have been has yet to be confirmed. If it is found out that Mars once had some form of life frolicking on or below it's surface, then what it looked like and how it lived should make for some pretty good reading.