Lemme stop you right here. If I am allowed to think of the as local coordinates on some manifold, then I will interpret as a co-tangent vector. This is standard notation - is that what you mean here? Or, without getting fancy, is this beast a co-vector? Likewise, is a vector?
I think you're going a little over the top here. In the rigorous definition/construction you are right. You start with a scalar $$\phi$$ and construct $$e_{\mu}[\phi] = \frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\phi$$ in the manifold and then use $$\eta^{\mu\nu} : V \to V^{\ast}$$ to make this (or $$e_{\nu}$$ into the dual space, which allows you then to make the combination back into the space of scalar fields. However, bear in mind that short of doing maths like Dirac or Witten do/did, ie the rigorous construction of the mathematical notion of field theory, this is overkill.
$$\partial^{\mu}\phi^{\ast}\partial_{\mu}\phi = \partial_{t}\phi^{\ast}\partial_{t}\phi - \nabla \phi^{\ast}.\nabla\phi$$. You can think of this as the cost of energy the field has to move through time and space. $$m^{2}\phi\phi^{\ast}$$ is the energy simple to have a notion of an oscillation within the field. The cost of being a perturbation from zero. Otherwise known as rest mass/energy.
Anyway, to continue.This is a nice choice of transformation, since $$e^{-i \alpha}e^{i \alpha} = e^0 = 1$$, this implies that $$e^{-i \alpha}\phi e^{i \alpha}\phi^* = \phi \phi^*$$. This transformation is an isometry!
This is not a coincidence. It's the only way that interactions of the form $$f(\phi^{\ast}\phi)$$ can be made invariant.
Aargh, phucking physicists!! You explicitly stated that is a scalar field and that is a vector field. When will you guys learn that a) a tensor is not the same as a tensor field and that b) tensors can be satisfactorily defined as objects without reference to their transformation properties.
Grrr. Didn't I go to some length to explain this in another thread? (PS, I love you....)
Physicists are generally aware of this. For instance, the notion of a Dirac monopole is due to the inability to create a globally defined vector bundle. At any given point you have a vector but not a global vector field.
Part of my work involves the transformation of a space with a globally defined set of vector fields and a metric to a space with neither.
I also would like to know what is difference between "charge" and "flavour". How these are reflected in Lagrangian for example?
Charge is the result of the Lagrangian being invariant under a particular gauge transformation. EM charge is due to a U(1) symmetry, as Ben mentions. Colour is 'strong charge' and is also conserved.
Flavour is an approximate SU(3) symmetry. This is NOT the same SU(3) as colour, it's just a confusing coincidence in the strong sector. Flavour is labelled by indices in the Lagrangian (often the QCD Lagrangian involves $$\sum_{c=1}^{6}$$, respecting the 6-fold nature of flavour.
Find a basis for it's algebra! I confess I am still slightly confused by Ben's terminology, but it looks like this what he is getting at - the algebra of U(1) has a single basis vector, the algebra of SU(2) has three, the algebra of SU(3) has 8 basis vectors. These will define the space of all actions on these groups (I think - correct me someone if I misunderstood the question)
Yep. The dimension of the Lie algebra tells you the number of gauge bosons, because you have the number of indepentend 'gauges' in the system. There's 1 photon, 3 weak bosons and 8 gluons.
Is the vector space really real? The matrices above involve imaginary units..
Any $$dim_{\mathbb{C}}M = n$$ dimensional manifold is equivalent to a $$dim_{\mathbb{R}}M = 2n$$ dimensional manifold. Just take $$i \to \left( \array{cc} -1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right)$$ or some other 2x2 matrix which satisfies $$m^{2}=-\mathbb{I}_{2}$$. You're just picking a basis over $$\mathbb{R}^{2}$$ rather than $$\mathbb{C}$$.
Not sure I get this. Do you mean, for example, that for some vector $$v \in R^3$$, say, the image under the action of SU(2) will have "components" (unfortunate choice of words in this context!) wil be, say $$\begin{pmatrix}0 \\ i \end{pmatrix}v$$ and $$\begin{pmatrix}i \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}v$$? I'm not sure I like this.
Given the fundamental rep of su(2) you can construct :
$$J_{\pm} = \sigma^{1} \pm i \sigma^{2}$$
$$J_{3} = \sigma^{3}$$
Given the defining algebra of su(2) you find that $$[J_{\pm},J_{3}] = \pm J_{3}$$ and that $$[J_{\pm},J_{\mp}] = 0$$. From this you can construct a system of orthogonal 'integer vectors' of the form $$\left| \begin{array} n \\ 1-n \end{array} \right\rangle$$ for n=0,1.
This is because you either take the specific matrix representation in the 2x2 form of su(2) and see that's how the matrices work or you see that you can construct
$$|n\rangle$$ such that $$J_{3}|n\rangle = n$$ so $$J_{3J_{\pm}}|n\rangle = (n\pm 1)J_{\pm}|n\rangle$$ so you can say $$J_{\pm}|n\rangle \propto |n\pm 1\rangle$$, with $$\langle n |m \rangle \propto \delta_{nm}$$. The allowable range of n depends on the dimensional representation of the vector space. If you're using the fundamental 2x2 rep of su(2) then n=0, 1. If you're using the well known 3x3 rep of su(2) then you have that n=0,1,2. This is because you can also show that there's a max $$|m\rangle$$ such that tex]J_{+}|m\rangle=0[/tex] and a min $$|m'\rangle$$ such that tex]J_{-}|m'\rangle=0[/tex] (consider the eigenvalue of $$J_{3}$$.
It's from this we form the spin algebras because anything with the algebra $$[T_{i},T_{j}] = \epsilon_{ijk}T_{k}$$ is a rep of su(2).
I think I found another way to come at this, which I outline sketchily.
I worked out the algebra for SU(2) and foubd that
$$[X,Y] =-2Z$$
$$[Z,X] = -2Y$$
$$[Z,Y] = 2X$$
this suggested that my original bases were too big by a factor of 2
This is the literal algebra of su(2) but it's common place for physicists to use $$\sigma_{i} = -\frac{T_{i}}{2}$$ to get rid of the 2 on the right hand side. Also they 'complexify' an algebra sometimes via $$\sigma_{i} = -\frac{iT_{i}}{2}$$That way you get an i on the right hand side too. It's convenient for some systems.
Well, there's a bit more to it than that, but isn't that what "spin 1/2" means?
Yep. You can see that the t/2 in the specific matrix representation means that you have to rotate by 4pi to get the identity. This is the spinor equivalent of SO(n).