The Purpose of God?


Registered Senior Member
Do you not think, assuming there is a God, and here I make no claims one way or the other, that the only conceivable reason for making the sexual drive so strong in Homo Sapiens was so that they would experience all possible highs and lows, thus maximising the sum total of human experience.
Or possibly a lesser god, or maybe just an enterprising student god, made a mistake with his (her?) (its?) amounts of testosterone and oestrogen and thought he’d (she’d?) (it would?) just leave the experiment and see what happened.
Your speculation has instantly become invalid because you have assumed God to have human motives.

If human intelligence is a drop in the ocean compared to a God-like intelligence, then why do we assume the God is going to do such human-like things such as experiments. Why would God create such miniscule forms of life for pleasure or to see the outcome. To see an outcome indicates that God too lives by what we know as time, which I doubt.
I don't know. If sex was boring or bland or had know pleasure value, then who would do it? If people didn't have sex often, then humanity would eventually die out. If you are looking at it from a God point a view, he did command Adam and eve to reproduce and multiple and fill the earth.
Itseemstome said:
Do you not think, assuming there is a God, and here I make no claims one way or the other, that the only conceivable reason for making the sexual drive so strong in Homo Sapiens was so that they would experience all possible highs and lows, thus maximising the sum total of human experience.
humans sex drive is nothing compared to other animals,
such as rats or cockroaches for example,what reason would god have for that?
Yeah, and why allow cockroaches to survive inside nuclear reactors, when if we did the same our skin would melt, we'd grow an extra eyeball, and then die? :D