The purest form of water

Sir Aristrotle

The C.E.O. of Teen-Moods
Registered Senior Member
I hear that those large companies that make ice actually don't use tap water but make pure water with Hydrogen and Oxygen, why can't we make water that way? Wouldn't it be like the cleanest water you could possibly get?
1) Consider supply. You need absoltuely enormous amounts of water to supply cities, irrigated land, et cetera. The best way to supply it is simply to catch rain in dams, as we do.

2) The water coming from dams needs to travel through many miles of OLD pipes. To keep it relatively palatable, it needs chemicals in there to kill all the crap in those pipes. Chlorine and such.
I am not sure that ice companies do this. The reason is that it would cost a bundle to keep the necessary compressed hydrogen and oxygen on hand. Not to mention the cost of the storage methods used. The most efficient way to store would be super cooled. That requires a lot of equipment. If you would use it in compressed form, then consider safety and waste. All those cylinders have a valve on the top. One of the prime fears of industry is the bottle falling and knocking off that valve. I have seen pictures of these bottles going through roofs when that has happened. At some point, the pressure of the bottle becomes useless. That is usually before the pressure is gone from the bottle.

The easiest way would be to tap a spring. Testing to ensure water quality. The cheapest would be to add what ever is necessary to ensure good water.
oh god, then look directly at the theory. If you create water directly from the pure clean hydrogen and pure clean oxygen, wouldn't that give you the purest form of water. And my LEAP Science Professor told me that they do create water for the ice cubes like that, all they have to do is use a simple machine to create the oxygen and purify it and the same for the hydrogen... no one said anything about any tanks..
I was thinking on a commercial scale but not the way you were. I see what you are referring to now. Makes sense.

Use it as you make it. No compression, no tanks, nothing but a holding area, mixing chamber or whatever. OK, I can see that.
Sir A ...

Dumb question but ...

Where does all the hydrogen and oxygen come from?
How do you 'make' it ... To make water?

Curious :cool:
You would use a Oxygen Machine to produce the oxygen and filter it and a ummm.... whatchamacallit... an electrolzer to produce the Hydrogen

imagine the auto of the future. when idle it hooks up to the power grid and water supply and dumps the excess power and waste water


in any case, why the need for the purest water possible? maybe a few manufacturing processes require it, a few beverly hills types might pay some big bucks for it............
Sir A ...

So what you're saying is you would use the electrolysis
of water to produce oxygen and hydrogen ... To make
water. Am I missing something?

Why not just boil water and condense the steam? You
know, like to make distilled ... 'pure' water ... as is used
in a laboratory.
As long as its clean and pure. If that process is just as good why not do that downtown at the water plant? but anyway look at these diagrams..
i ask again why is it so important to have pure water? wouldnt it taste like crap? wouldnt it be better if we devoted our energies towards making a great tasting beer?

Ice in mexico gives you monezuma's revenge just as easily as the water.

Glaciers commonly spit out long frozen insects that then thaw and come alive. Probally fish as well.

Deer pee in and salmon spawn in spring water.

Still want to drink bottled water?
oooooook.... Someone tell those people who went and bought like 4 tons of bottled water during the Y2K Crisist that..crazy freaks.
Originally posted by wet1
Not to mention the cost of the storage methods used. The most efficient way to store would be super cooled. That requires a lot of equipment. If you would use it in compressed form, then consider safety and waste. All those cylinders have a valve on the top. One of the prime fears of industry is the bottle falling and knocking off that valve. I have seen pictures of these bottles going through roofs when that has happened. At some point, the pressure of the bottle becomes useless. That is usually before the pressure is gone from the bottle.

Would supercooling of the water be the most effective method of storage though?
We all know that good old h20 is at its densest at 4 deg C (and in any case can not be compressed).
Would this temperature not maximize storage potential of any likely container?

The point at which internal presure becomes useless in a LP cannister is the point where it is equalized with the ambient environmental pressure.
Safety features (which you're probably aware of) built into most pressurized containers (industrial at least) include a spiral winding of the bottle's skin.
This allows an 'explosive' decompression of the cannister rather than the contents being vented like some sort of attitude control thruster.

Also, do we really want totally pure water?
Have you not read or listened to 'The War of the Worlds'?
lol, people buy these big bags of ICE to put in coolers so they can put pops and beverages in there and haul the cooler around while having cold drinks. Yes, the USA