The Prophet


Valued Senior Member
Polygamist 'prophet' gets five years to life in prison

Another Last Prophet goes down - score one to the good guys yeah!

But wait folks, it's a tight game: Priests fail to coax out suicide cult

This got me thinking.
Are polytheistic religions less prone towards cults of personality?
Is the reason why polytheisms were initially so successful is because it they are less susceptible to these Last Prophet psychos? Maybe monotheistic religions were dead ends because sooner or later there was the inevitable rise of some psycho like these two. Perhaps Xianity and Islam were only able to succeed because they militarily took over societies that were already well established. Most of us agree that once these monotheisms were entrenched, societies decline (see dark ages, mordern day ME)

When human society was very first developing, when we humans were first growing past our tiny tribal grouping and civilizations were beginning to flourish - polytheism appears to be more successful than monotheism.
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yeah i agree there with ya
when a person can abuse their religeon and thier positon as a higher authority
then making them comit suicide just cause they can
is no religeon is no god no higher power its just murder
they should not be aloud on this earth much longer
they probably clash with other rligeons and cause problems with nice people like doctors tha just wanna help the needy or the sick
sometimes they just attack people to prove that their much better than the aponent
when in actual fact they cannot get back to the world they once were born they cant get back to rality they are just used peices of shit for the purpose of others to look better
so the reasons for them killing dont make sence when their doing it for higher powers
making others see what they do is only gonna make people run to the church
ami right or ami rong
I don't understand? Polytheism initially was more successful because monotheism is more focused?