The Prophecy


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
No, not the awesome Christopher Walken movie (with Viggo Mortensen as satan). Bible prophecy. Or Nostradamus or whoever.

Can a religious scholar here please tell me why prophecies can only be recognized clearly after they have occurred? And after the "facts" are adjusted to fit the ambiguous prophecy? I understand that the bible says thus-and-such will happen. How do you know that it really is the right set of circumstances that confirm a given prophecy?

This was inspired by something my new BFF Sandy said in another thread. Maybe she can help answer this?
let's take a specific one, just to show how metaphorical these prophecies can be...

god told me that these locusts were aliens. you know, the same aliens that people have been complaining about for decades plus now. abductions, impregnations, genetic experiments, anal probes, yada yada...

in this scripture it says that men will seek death in these days and not find it.

god also told me that these aliens would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist, the false prophet, and the mark of the beast. the mark being a genetic alteration that makes the life of this flawed flesh eternal, and completely severs you from the holy spirit. just like the original sin in genesis inhibited our communion with god, the mark is the final nail in the coffin.

would you make the connection?
let's take a specific one, just to show how metaphorical these prophecies can be...

god told me that these locusts were aliens. you know, the same aliens that people have been complaining about for decades plus now. abductions, impregnations, genetic experiments, anal probes, yada yada...

in this scripture it says that men will seek death in these days and not find it.

god also told me that these aliens would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist, the false prophet, and the mark of the beast. the mark being a genetic alteration that makes the life of this flawed flesh eternal, and completely severs you from the holy spirit. just like the original sin in genesis inhibited our communion with god, the mark is the final nail in the coffin.

would you make the connection?
Oh sweet Jesus!

Two things:

1) The red-on-green background? I just lost several million important synaptic connections trying to read that. And...

2) Oh sweet Jesus, no. I would not have come up with that in my worst night-terror. Do you suffer from Hypnogogia?
From Repo Man:
Miller: "Suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly someone will say, 'Plate' or 'Shrimp' or 'Plate of shrimp,' out of the blue. No explanation and there's no point in looking for one either. It's all part of the cosmic unconsciousness."

"You know the way everybody is into weirdness right now? Books in all the supermarkets about the Bermuda Triangle, UFO's, how the Mayans invented television, that kind of thing? Well the way I see it it's exactly the same. There ain't no difference between a flying saucer or a time machine."

"People get so hung up on specifics, they miss out on seeing the whole thing. Take South America for example. Every year in South America thousands of people turn up missing. Nobody knows where they go. They just disappear. But if you think for a minute, realize something: there had to be a time when there was no people right? Well, where did all these people come from? I'll tell you where: the future. Where did all these people disappear to: the past. How did they get there? Flying saucers, which are really, yeah, you got it: time machines."

Miller explains the weirdness going on.
Oh sweet Jesus!

Two things:

1) The red-on-green background? I just lost several million important synaptic connections trying to read that. And...

2) Oh sweet Jesus, no. I would not have come up with that in my worst night-terror. Do you suffer from Hypnogogia?

i had to look that shit up. no, i have not. and to my knowledge, i have never been abducted. i was though with an abductee once, and experienced missing time. i have no idea what happened...neither does she.

you like that? here's some more...

i was lying in bed one night preparing to sleep when i had a vision. my eyes were closed. it was as if i was looking through a telescope. i saw an alien at the other end. it looked like a large and powerful a grasshopper on steroids. it wasn't large in my view because i could tell it was far away, but if it had been close, it would have been big. i had no idea why it was there or why i was looking at it. and all of a sudden it came at through the telescope, and it, of all things, headbutted me. it didn't hurt, but i swear i could feel the vibration of the hit inside my body. it did that 3 times. i was shaken in more ways than one. and i said, "in the name of jesus christ, i command you to leave me." it just looked at me. so i said it again. and it was still there, though i had the feeling it knew it had to go and didn't want to. so i said it again, and poof, it was gone.

my life is weird sometimes.
i had to look that shit up. no, i have not. and to my knowledge, i have never been abducted. i was though with an abductee once, and experienced missing time. i have no idea what happened...neither does she.

you like that? here's some more...

i was lying in bed one night preparing to sleep when i had a vision. my eyes were closed. it was as if i was looking through a telescope. i saw an alien at the other end. it looked like a large and powerful a grasshopper on steroids. it wasn't large in my view because i could tell it was far away, but if it had been close, it would have been big. i had no idea why it was there or why i was looking at it. and all of a sudden it came at through the telescope, and it, of all things, headbutted me. it didn't hurt, but i swear i could feel the vibration of the hit inside my body. it did that 3 times. i was shaken in more ways than one. and i said, "in the name of jesus christ, i command you to leave me." it just looked at me. so i said it again. and it was still there, though i had the feeling it knew it had to go and didn't want to. so i said it again, and poof, it was gone.

my life is weird sometimes.
Did you look up hypnogogia? It is the blending of the dream-state with the conscious state. You would say it's when your nightmare has invaded your waking world. Fucking terrifying. Once was enough for me. But it explains many of the things you describe.
Did you look up hypnogogia? It is the blending of the dream-state with the conscious state. You would say it's when your nightmare has invaded your waking world. Fucking terrifying. Once was enough for me. But it explains many of the things you describe.

oh, what i read described it as sleep paralysis. it was clearly a vision that i could stop at any time by opening my eyes. i didn't feel as though anything had control of me. i was allowing it to happen because i felt as though i was being shown or taught something.
same thing happened to me one night when i was all disgruntled because benny hinn said an angel had visited him in his bedroom one night. don't ask me why i was watching benny hinn, i was just in a mood...

anyway, i was at god all like, "why does benny hinn get to see an angel and i don't?" at the time, i would have welcomed some in your face experience like that. it would have changed my life...changed my perception.

so same scenario...i'm in my bed, eyes closed, not asleep, and there he was. it was not an angel; it was a vision of an angel. it looked like it was made of fiber optics. like it was lit from the it was made of light. and it's little particles were moving within it. it was beautiful. it was male, and it's face was an adult, with absolutely no signs of aging. i can not tell you what it was wearing, or if it had wings. i can't believe i didn't take note if it had wings! but i was too busy engulfed in it's expression. i couldn't figure it out. it didn't look shocked. it didn't look scared. it didn't look angry. it didn't look friendly. it was just staring at me, eyes wide, intently and intensely, with no expression whatsoever.

when the vision was over, i was befuddled by that expression, or lack thereof, and so i asked god about it. he explained to me that angels are very different from humans. that they have a very specific purpose at any given time, and they have absolutely no distractions from that purpose. they don't have emotions. they don't have their own agendas, other than to serve that purpose. they don't have conflicting thoughts. they don't have doubts. and he said that the only reason that angel was there, was because i wanted to see it. so it was watching me, watching it.

again, weird.