The problem with religion and atheism

Starman Avatar

Registered Member
The problem with religion is that it has set a precedent of dividing humanity, causing wars and other unpleasantries, and in Western culture stifling scientific research and ideas.
The problem with atheism is that religion doesn't go away, it merely begins to take other forms. While christianity, particularily catholicism, has declined in the USA neo-paganism, scientology, and eastern religions have begin to grow in popularity. You can't get rid of it, humanity never will. Religion will evolve, ideas and superstitions will grow archaic to be replaced with revised versions that fit better with man's current scientific understanding and not conflict with widely accepted facts.
Religion cannot be escaped, mankind will always seek higher truths that cannot be defined by science. Our modern fables of UFOs, alien abductions, faces on mars, etc. are manifestations of this trend.
Religion murders because man is a murderer. We are a vile species, capable of great beauty but at his core still a hunter in a primeval forest.
Whatever man creates or learns, including science and religion, will be used for the destruction of his fellow man. We didn't discover nuclear power seeking a cleaner, inexhaustible fuel source, superior to fossil fuels. We discovered nuclear power to create weapons of great destruction.
Such is the nature of humankind, and that will never change. Religion will continue to divide, but in the abscense of religion allegiances to scientific schools of thought, or more likely political agenda will divide man and drive him to murder his brother.
I completely disagree with the humanity is scum and killers idea. feel if we create something we should (and can) evolve to be able to handle it. As far as killing in the name of religion, blaming horrible acts on something else is nothing new.

by the way...... Jodi Foster made me kill those people :)
Humans are killers. We are animals. This is neither good nor evil, it is merely the law of nature.
As a species masters its world, and hopefully for us, outer space, it must cast aside elemental, violent tendancies. This is slowly happening. My only point is that humankind, or at least certain factions of it, will use what it creates for an excuse for violence or an implement of violence.
The argument is constant on this board "religion has killed millions of people." No, people have killed millions of people, we as a race need to make a collective movement, a conscious, global effort away from our animal pasts.
Humankind will constantly divide itself into groups. In America religion is no longer the cheif dividing factor, and that change is slowly overtaking the rest of the world. But class, wealth and ethnicity still divide us.
You can tell by my above post that I agree...... "No, people have killed millions of people"

However still I don't believe "Humans are killers. We are animals. This is neither good nor evil, it is merely the law of nature." Humans have, in my opinion, evovled enough mentally to suppress killing because of some kind of natural law. Now people kill because they are mentally disturbed or because the have some way of gaining from it. It is not in our nature.
I guess you can look at it two ways: humankind is still a killer and is able to ignore, for the most part, his dark urges, or we have evolved out of that phase. Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Originally posted by Starman Avatar
Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, Allright..... I deffinetly like that. A good idea, and a good compromise.