The problem of evil


Modern Realist
Registered Senior Member
I do not see this to be a problem, as in my own perception, evil simply does not exist. Why? God created nature, and God himself is good. As God is wholly good, nature, therefore, must also be good. Human actions are dependent on nature. As humans act dependently on nature, they are acting dependently on a good. Therefore, all must result in a good, even though we, as humans, perceive things as bad, such as earthquakes. All is manifested in nature, therefore all resulting in the goodness of nature.
so explain hell and satan. If there was no bad , then how to does 'God' choose peoples afterlife at the doors of purgatory,
Desert Rat UK:

so explain hell and satan. If there was no bad , then how to does 'God' choose peoples afterlife at the doors of purgatory,

I do not believe in an evil for the reasons I mentioned above. Therefore, I do not believe in Hell or Satan either. Of course, the entire idea of 'God' is left open to the hands of sceptics; there is no empirical method of proof to determine the actual existence of God. At least, at this moment. That factor, though, does not disprove the existence of God. Therefore, the only way we are able to know is through death, which is, in itself, a paradox.

I am a Christian. I am also a philosopher. I do not let any specific dogma determine my reason. I guess you could say I am a very liberal Christian.
liberal Christian.

I would enjoy hearing defintions of this term. ;)
Originally posted by (Q)
liberal Christian.

I would enjoy hearing defintions of this term. ;)

liberal = secular Christian
Christian = non-tribalist Jew
Jew = non-gnostic Sumerian
Sumerian = non-materialist Indic

Your god, Jahve, has said that he's the root and the begining of all good and evil that is.

it's in the bible;)

I think Xev might know the exact place (it was smwhere in the very beggining)
Originally posted by Avatar
Your god, Jahve, has said that he's the root and the begining of all good and evil that is.

it's in the bible;)

I think Xev might know the exact place (it was smwhere in the very beggining)

I'm an extremely reform Jew. Like, I don't believe any of that shit from start to finish. The best part about Jewish culture is challah and throwing gefilte fish at goyim :)
platipus, not to be a passive bastard, but i could agree more wholeheartedly.

and i'm not even christian. ;)
So why did god allow the holocaust? cos he didn't feel like they should have a perfect day?
people don't understand. the bible says god answers prayers. it never says you always get the answer you want. the answer to the jews in the holocaust was obviously a resounding "no". i don't mean to sound callous, but it can't always be roses.
Originally posted by Firefly
So why did god allow the holocaust? cos he didn't feel like they should have a perfect day?
what makes you think that even if jahve exists, he cares about you or humans or anything
so explain hell and satan. If there was no bad , then how to does 'God' choose peoples afterlife at the doors of purgatory

In my mind Satan is a good guy. He's the one taking all the evil people back to his house, and taking the time out of his busy schdeule to torture them all.

God to me is so impersonal. He's like that boss thats always out of the office and you have to leave a message with his secretary. Satan on the other hand is all up in your face like "What bitch?!".
As God is wholly good, nature, therefore, must also be good.

So when the Lion is chasing down and ripping the Zebra apart, this is good? Not that its exactly "evil", but its not good. Nature is neither good or evil - it gives balance.
Head in the sand? Pull it out!

Platipus wrote:
I do not see this to be a problem, as in my own perception, evil simply does not exist.

Tell me if you would still feel this way if it was your son/little brother/other loved one who was shot through the chest by a psycho gunman.

Evil exists alright... right now it's in Maryland.

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
So when the Lion is chasing down and ripping the Zebra apart, this is good? Not that its exactly "evil", but its not good. Nature is neither good or evil - it gives balance.

The food chain is surely not a conception of evil! It is, by nature, a condition for survival. There is nothing evil about the process, yet it is a process in which natural life is sustained and extended. The loss of the life of the zebra is used for a good in the maintenance and prolonging of the life of the lion. :)
Re: Head in the sand? Pull it out!

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Tell me if you would still feel this way if it was your son/little brother/other loved one who was shot through the chest by a psycho gunman.

Evil exists alright... right now it's in Maryland.


A tragic event, indeed, but death itself is a part of the cycle of life! The means may be unethical as we percieve it, but the end is always the same.
Re: Re: Head in the sand? Pull it out!

Originally posted by Platipus
A tragic event, indeed, but death itself is a part of the cycle of life! The means may be unethical as we percieve it, but the end is always the same.

Calling something "evil" just obscures the reasons behind it.

People called September 11, 2001 "evil" but really it was an act of war on a nation that has been terrorizing civilian Arabs since 1948.

"Good" and "evil" are psychological training wheels. Are all of you toilet trained? Then I'm sorry to see you using good and evil as "real" terms... unless you're stupid, in which case I say, "predictable."
So this post is suppose to be about evil... okay I get that.

People called September 11, 2001 "evil" but really it was an act of war on a nation that has been terrorizing civilian Arabs since 1948.

I am sick and tired of 9/11 being use as an example. That day is not an example. I have more respect for them then that.