The Princples of the Bible


Registered Senior Member
In the Old Testament we find story upon story upon story... Can someone, preferrably a Christian, lay out the major principles of the Old Testament in some kind of bulleted format. What are the major messages or lessons of the OT summed up in brief bullet points.

Also, in a separate list, can someone please list out the major principles or ideas of the New Testament. Something like the following for both the OT and NT:

OT Principles:

- God created mankind in his own image
- Mankind sinned
- We must serve God
- etc.

NT Principles:

- Faith
- Kingdom of God
- etc.
- God created mankind in his own image: not physical, cause God is not. But all the principles of the Cosmos are intrisic in ourselves, in our very life force.

- Mankind sinned: society (parents, religions, school, friends) gives you a specific set of rules. It is a caraban of camels. If one of the camels is stronger and can carry more baggage, then all the camels respect him, they honor him, they give him a novel price.
But when a camel turns into a lion, the rest of the camels feel threatened, and the kill him.

- We must serve God: God is in our inner-self, our conscience, our intuition, our instinct. We must listen to that, and not what others impose on you.

- Faith: We know that our conscience is there, even if we don´t listen to it. We know that life resides ammong all living creatures, but we don´t see the miracle in this. We know that Earth is full of life in a vast ammount of darkness in the Universe. And we still don´t see the miracle in this.

- Kingdom of God: It is when we cristhalize our inner self, when we let go of our ego, and start listen to the voice inside us, that make us unique.
In the Old Testament we find story upon story upon story... Can someone, preferrably a Christian, lay out the major principles of the Old Testament in some kind of bulleted format. What are the major messages or lessons of the OT summed up in brief bullet points.

Also, in a separate list, can someone please list out the major principles or ideas of the New Testament. Something like the following for both the OT and NT:

OT Principles:

- God created mankind in his own image
- Mankind sinned
- We must serve God
- etc.

NT Principles:

- Faith
- Kingdom of God
- etc.

Here are a few items to consider:

OT Principles:
- God will hold children responsible for the sins of their parents even to the point of killing them for their father's sin.
- God demands that you kill your own children if they stray from the faith.
- Slavery is O.K. and you can even beat your slave to within an inch of her life because she is your own "property".
- If you rape a woman she must marry you. Then you can have sex with her as often as you like.
- The Law is in full force and makes the whole world guilty before God.
- If you work on the Sabbath you must be stoned to death.

NT Principles:
- No one can resist the will of God for their lives whether it be salvation or damnation.
- Only the predestined "elect" will be saved, no one else.
- All who go to hell have been created, designed, and predestined for that very purpose, to bring glory to God. Yes, in some mysterious way the eternal agony and torture of billions of souls brings glory to God.
- The Law is in full force and makes the whole world guilty before God.
- If you work on the Sabbath you must be stoned to death.

I personally regard all of this as the deception of men.

Here are a few items to consider:

OT Principles:
- God will hold children responsible for the sins of their parents even to the point of killing them for their father's sin.
- God demands that you kill your own children if they stray from the faith.
- Slavery is O.K. and you can even beat your slave to within an inch of her life because she is your own "property".
- If you rape a woman she must marry you. Then you can have sex with her as often as you like.
- The Law is in full force and makes the whole world guilty before God.
- If you work on the Sabbath you must be stoned to death.

NT Principles:
- No one can resist the will of God for their lives whether it be salvation or damnation.
- Only the predestined "elect" will be saved, no one else.
- All who go to hell have been created, designed, and predestined for that very purpose, to bring glory to God. Yes, in some mysterious way the eternal agony and torture of billions of souls brings glory to God.
- The Law is in full force and makes the whole world guilty before God.
- If you work on the Sabbath you must be stoned to death.

I personally regard all of this as the deception of men.


If you are going to debate the contents of the Bible, at least quote it; you won´t get anywere by just posting your opinion about it, quote it, then we can talk.
In the Old Testament we find story upon story upon story... Can someone, preferrably a Christian, lay out the major principles of the Old Testament in some kind of bulleted format. What are the major messages or lessons of the OT summed up in brief bullet points.

Also, in a separate list, can someone please list out the major principles or ideas of the New Testament. Something like the following for both the OT and NT:

OT Principles:

- God created mankind in his own image
- Mankind sinned
- We must serve God
- etc.

NT Principles:

- Faith
- Kingdom of God
- etc.

If only it were that simple. The contradictory messages from diverse authors make a concise summary of the major points impossible.
If you are going to debate the contents of the Bible, at least quote it; you won´t get anywere by just posting your opinion about it, quote it, then we can talk.

I won't get anywhere even if I do quote it, so what is the point?
I won't get anywhere even if I do quote it, so what is the point?

My point is, you shouldn´t judge what the Bible says just because some things are not right according to your standards, you should read it carefully and try to understand it. If you read it superficially, like you would read a novel, then you would miss the whole point.
My point is, you shouldn´t judge what the Bible says just because some things are not right according to your standards, you should read it carefully and try to understand it. If you read it superficially, like you would read a novel, then you would miss the whole point.

I have read it carefully and sought to understand it for thirty plus years! I sought the truth and I found that the Bible was the work of men not the "Word of God".

What do you now recommend?

Am I supposed to give up what I know to be the truth about it?

I have read it carefully and sought to understand it for thirty plus years! I sought the truth and I found that the Bible was the work of men not the "Word of God".

What do you now recommend?

Am I supposed to give up what I know to be the truth about it?


Yes, you have seen well, it is not the "Word of God", the true word of God is in each and every one of us, not is a piece of paper, not even in words.

After I wasn´t convinced with the Bible, like you, I started reading about Gnosis, that lead me to the Upanishads, Tantra, Hermetic philosophy, Buddhism... on the top of my head. I started seing similarities in all, things that are not explained in the Bible are perfectly explained in Tantra.
The "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra" is awesome, it teaches you meditation techniques that have been around unchanged for more than 5000 years. They are allegedly written by Shiva. Shiva doesn´t tell you the explanation to anything, he just gives you the techniquest to experience it yourself.

I guess what I´m trying to say is, don´t get stuck into 1 belief system, seek for knowledge everywere, everything is available to us now in days, it is the first time that happens in history. I believe this will sometime lead to a highly evolved revolution of the spirit in mankind.