The President simulator

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Registered Senior Member
I just woke up 10 minutes ago with this idea, thought I'd share it with you guys before going off for breakfast:

We're currently having Student Elections in my school (college), and all of a sudden I see faces I really hadn't known at all before. What irks me time and time again is that I really don't know much about the candidates until they finally run for a position and start presenting what would be their term proposals and/or goals.

I thought it'd be nice to show people the possible outcomes if a given candidate won and actually went with their proposals and how this would affect the school. I'm thinking of this system, the President simulator (for lack of a better name, I'll discuss this later) which will have:

* A database concerning the current status of the school, news and updates

* A probabilistic model (Bayesian or Markov model) which, given evidence of past events and the current status of the University, estimates how well can a set of proposals be implemented, which proposals can be implemented and which can be discarded due to various reasons (feasibility mainly).

* An Artificial Intelligence model to make estimate error adjustments due to events which are as of yet unknown (last minute data and the such), and which can also give a fair estimate of what the consequences would be if and when the term proposals for a candidate were actually implemented. This would help evaluate which proposals would be more beneficial in the long run.

It is a very limited model which can definitely be improved on in the future but that's the main idea. The reason I called it the President simulator was that maybe in a trillion years ( :p ), it could be implemented at city, state or even country level, but it's a bit farfetched right now since I'm focusing mainly on a school-level proposal simulator.

I was thinking of a different name (something which had to do with whatever Greek dude(s) came up with democracy in the first place), I'll have to dig into my Politics notes, which I haven't seen for the past 5 years, heh :confused:

Might I add, I was undecided between posting this in the Computer Science and Technology or the Politics forum given the dual nature of the topic. That's why I posted it here. Comments? Yay? Nay?
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Test this idea on the last nine (elected) U.S. Presidents. Could anyone have predicted that Eisenhower, the Republican, would be remembered for creating the Department of Health, Education and Welfare? Kennedy, the peacemaker, for bringing us to the brink of nuclear war over the Bay of Pigs? Johnson, the redneck, for advancing civil rights? Nixon, the honorable Quaker, for getting caught trying to manipulate an election? Reagan, the champion of small government, for adding a whole new zero to the national debt? Clinton, the hippie, for escalating the War on Drugs? (Carter and the Bush Dynasty make such easy targets, I'll leave them to your imagination.)

Political success does things to people. It changes them in ways that make them unrecognizable. Beware of your own expectations.
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