The Power of the Mind


Open-minded Scientist
Registered Senior Member

This is my first time posting a topic in this part of the forum. I wanted to share an idea, and invite some(sensible) discussion on the matter. I've always wondered when I heard stories about telepathy, telekinesis, precognition, teleportation, that could it actually be possible. I have no doubt in my mind, that these abilities can be acquired by technology. If one thinks about it, the principles they are based on, are logical and can be scientifically realized.

Telepathy: by intercepting the signals from the brain, with an implanted nanocomputer that detects it, and decodes it.

Telekensis: by projecting an invisible signal or beam, produced by an implanted pschotronic device, that can interact with surroundings objects.

Precognition: A device that can tune into higher frequencies of matter, and access parallel dimensions that or more or less identical to our timeline.

Teleportation: By fully dematerializing into a pure state of energy, and being rematerialized - assembled by powerful quantum computers.

Yet this entails implanting the brain or body with many artificial devices and computers. Is it possible, that we can naturally, have these abilities?

I'm not completely sure, though it does not seem completely far-fetched either. We have extremely complex brains, far more complex and advanced than the most powerful computers today. A single molecule of DNA contains all the information to build us. In fact, we are like a super-process, and our supposed consciousness a sofware to regulate and control those processes.

I think this supposed consciousness could be a key to accessing this super process of our body, our mind, and also, it's interaction with it's surroundings. In fact, the computing within our own system is so intricate, it manages us at the atomic level, pehaps even at the quantum level.

We can utilize our supposed consciousness to interact with our environment through out senses. However, can that sense be turned inwards? You can try a minor experiment: Try to visualize a part of your body, do not stress on it, just visualize that part of the body, concentrate on it, and now imagine it becoming subject to an intense heat. You may feel, at least I have, a tingling in that part of the body, you even notice more blood rushing to that part of the body. This may indictate that it maybe possible to physically affect our own self by merely thoughts.

We already know the power of our mind by placebo effects; when we believe we are being cured or are cured, we are actually physically cured. This is why sometimes, healers, can physically heal you, by only suggestions.

Yet, perhaps the mind is capable of far more powerful acts, if only we knew how to utlise it. Again, analogous to software; the more powerful the software, the greater its abilities. If we can cure ourselves of physical and psychological problems, simply by the suggestion of mind, by our current abilities, it may also be possible, we can cure more fatal diseases, like cancer or aids, with greater abilities - for example, sensing the cancer, understanding its composition, and then releasing antibodies to exploit it's weakness and remove it - it's somewhat like genetically engineering your own antidote.

In fact those abilities may not even be confined to just our internal functioning. If it is true that our computing operates at the quantum level, then it maybe possible to modify the very quantum consistuents of our matter - to modify gravity, our electrical energy, and interact with our universe via the quantum vacuum fields that links us to every manifestation in the universe. Try this: Sit in front of a table with a small object in front of you. Concentrate on it, and will it to levitate, put every ounce of energy into it untill you are completely red in the face. Now unless you have something I and 99.9% of humanity don't, then you will fail miserably. Now do this: Concentrate on it again, and will it to levitate, put every ounce of energy untill you are red in the face. Now reach out and pick up the object.

It may seem to you that this time you were in contact with the object, hence why you could "levitate it" but no. In fact you were in contact with the object in the first trial too. You are linked by a vacuum energy field, also known as the ether. In other words the suggestion you made by your mind, did in fact interact with the object. If and only if, you knew how to interact with the object to cause it to levitate, you may have actually succeeded.

In other words, what will be possible with technology, may already be possible with us, who are already equipt with a powerful quantum computer. If that is indeed possible; the possibilities are endless. We just have to tap it.
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crazymikey said:
Telepathy, by intercepting the signals from the brain, with an implanted nanocomputer that detects it, and decodes it.

Does the brain send any signals in the first place that can be picked up?

Telekensis, by projecting an invisible signal or beam, produced by an implanted pschotronic device, that can interact with surroundings objects.

Interact how? How does it actually move anything tangible?

Precognition: A device that can tune into higher frequencies of matter, and access parallel dimensions that or more or less identical to our timeline.

Interesting but you'd kinda have to prove parrallel dimensions exist in the first place not to mention that they have to be more or less identical to our timeline. Say they do exist how is a device suppose to channel into other dimensions and be compact enough to fit inside the body? far we can not even get good reception on cell phones all around the globe.

Teleportation: By fully dematerializing into a pure state of energy, and being rematerialized - assembled by powerful quantum computers.

There isn't enough computing power on Earth at present state to accomplish this with one human being...

Yet this entails implanting the brain or body with many artificial devices and computers. Is it possible, that we can naturally, have these abilities?

NO...and the future for such devices isn't looking too bright either. The ideas are interesting and exciting but you completely ignored the technical side of this. The technology you mentioned is no way near in the future...well maybe except Quantum computers.

We have extremely complex brains, far more complex and advanced than the most powerful computers today. A single molecule of DNA contains all the information to build us. In fact, we are like a super-process, and our supposed consciousness a sofware to regulate and control those processes.

Two different systems. We are analog, computers are digital. While no computer can emulate us faithfully, no human can match the processing power and mathematical problem solving efficiency of a computer.

Also what is this super conciousness? Control what processes? Human development?

I think this supposed consciousness could be a key to accessing this super process of our body, our mind, and also, it's interaction with it's surroundings. In fact, the computing within our own system is so intricate, it manages us at the atomic level, pehaps even at the quantum level.


We can utilize our supposed consciousness to interact with our environment through out senses. However can that sense be turned inwards? You can try a minor experiment; try to visualize a part of your body, do not stress on it, just visualize that part of the body, concentrate on it, and now imagine it becoming subject to an intense heat. You may feel, at least I have, a tingling in that part of the body, you even notice more blood rushing to that part of the body. This may indictate that it maybe possible to physically affect our own self by merely thoughts.

Monks have been known to do this. Siginificantly alter their body temperatures in different body parts. Some have known to drop their heartbeats to dangerous levels and other controlling their blood pressure. Gaining control of involuntary functions has been known to occur in some monks in India. Though not everyone is built for this.

We already know the power of our mind by placebo effects; when we believe we are being cured or are cured, we are actually physically cured. This is why sometimes, healers, can physically heal you, by only suggestions.

People who become physically cured by power of word are never ill or at physical harm from any ailment to begin with. Mere words and confidence do not solve actual physcial problems...they can help (laughter does release chemicals into the body which aid healing).

Yet, perhaps the mind is capable of far more powerful acts, if only we knew how to utlise it. Again, anagolous to software; the more powerful the software, the greater its abilities. If we can cure ourselves of physical and psychological problems, simply by the suggestion of mind, by our current abilities, it may also be possible, we can cure more fatal diseases, like cancer or aids, with greater abilities - for example, sensing the cancer, understanding its composition, and then releasing antibodies to exploit it's weakness and remove it.

No, no (physcological yes), no...cancer can not be treated through intense mediatation.

In fact those abilities may not even be confined to just our internal functioning. If it is true that our computing operates at the quantum level, then it maybe possible to modify the very quantum consistuents of our matter - to modify gravity, our electrical energy, and interact with our universe via the quantum vacuum fields that links us to every manifestation in the universe. Try this: sit in front of a table with a small object in front of you. Concentrate on it, and will it to levitate, put every ounce of energy into it untill you are completely red in the face. Now unless you have something I and 99.9% of humanity don't, then you will fail miserably. Now do this: Concentrate on it again, and will it to levitate, put every ounce of energy untill you are red in the face. Now reach out and pick up the object.

It may seem to you that this time you were in contact with the object, hence why you could "levitate it" but no. In fact you were in contact with the object in the first trial too. You are linked by a vacuum energy field, also known as the ether. In other words the suggestion you made by your mind, did in fact interact with the object. If and only if, you knew how to interact with the object to cause it to levitate, you may have actually succeeded.

Interesting but simply moved your hand to pick up the object because you realized levitating things with the mind is extremely out there....the mind does not send tangible waves or signals that interact with objects and move them. What you posted is pure speculation at this point.

In other words, what will be possible with technology, may already be possible with us, who are already equipt with a powerful quantum computer. If that is indeed possible the possibilities are endless.

A BIG if....and so far fro mwhere I stand and isn't.
sargentlard said:
Does the brain send any signals in the first place that can be picked up?

Yup. Every hear of alpha and beta waves. If you have a spare $2,050.00, you can buy a neural interface from your computer from here:

sargentlard said:
There isn't enough computing power on Earth at present state to accomplish this with one human being...

It doesn't matter. That's not teleportation, that's "faxing". Personally, I'm not all that set on any system that requires me to be killed to "transfer" me to another location. I'll wait for wormholes.
Dapthar said:
Yup. Every hear of alpha and beta waves. If you have a spare $2,050.00, you can buy a neural interface from your computer from here:

Do they mean anything? any patterns to them that can useful?

It doesn't matter. That's not teleportation, that's "faxing". Personally, I'm not all that set on any system that requires me to be killed to "transfer" me to another location. I'll wait for wormholes.

Faxing is sending a duplicate of a document after it has been scanned, not the actual document itself. He is talking about dematrializing and rematrializing through taking apart every atom in the body, sending it through light signals to another location and putting the atoms back together ala Star Trek style...highly dangerous and improbable.
sargentlard said:
Does the brain send any signals in the first place that can be picked up?

Yes, it does. I am not completely sure about these signals being transmitted externally, as in brain waves, though I would imagine, that some ripple effects or brain waves, are released externally. These signals can be detected by scanning the brain with a device that can decode them. Quite recently, "we" have innovated technologies that detect signals sent to the mouth when we think of speaking. It is not a far strech of imagination from thereon to detect signals produced by other thoughts.

Interact how? How does it actually move anything tangible?

It is actually possible by shining a visible beam of light to interact with an object, and even modify its atomic structure. This is how a "tractor" beam operates, by trapping the atomic construct of an object in the beam. Quite recently this technology has been demonstrated by British scientists, that caused atoms to be trapped in the beam, and rotate. In fact this technology is going to revolutionize micro medicine by treating cells with beams of light.

It is thus not a far strech of the imagination, that an invisible beam could be generated that can cause tangible matter to be moved.

Interesting but you'd kinda have to prove parrallel dimensions exist in the first place not to mention that they have to be more or less identical to our timeline. Say they do exist how is a device suppose to channel into other dimensions and be compact enough to fit inside the body? far we can not even get good reception on cell phones all around the globe.

I do believe parallel dimensions exist - simply by the infinite probability of an infinite universe. As the universe seems to be infinite, I think it becomes extremely logical, that there are infinite variants of our own realities. Then, as proposed by string theory, there are other dimensions of existence, operating at higher frequences.

Thus I think it is very possible to channel into these dimensions, and what we call precognitions, are the events of another time-line. Which may or may not be identical to our own. Which means, if people do claim to have precognitions, they genuinely could be channeling into other dimensions, but their predictions are not necessarily accurate for our timeline.

With regards to cell-phone technology. Reception technology becomes better in time.

There isn't enough computing power on Earth at present state to accomplish this with one human being...

No, and I certainly do not claim that this is possible with the computational power of today. Yet in principle it is possible, provided we have the required computational power. Considering our unnatural rate of change in technology, we may have this power in the foreseeable future - operating on either powerful nanocomputers or quantum computers. Who knows, we may live to see quantum transport systems.

NO...and the future for such devices isn't looking too bright either. The ideas are interesting and exciting but you completely ignored the technical side of this. The technology you mentioned is no way near in the future...well maybe except Quantum computers.

No, I have considered the technical aspects of it, that is why I am so confidently proclaiming how possible they are. The future does indeed look very bright for such devices. However, will it ever be possible to implant these technologies as many microchips in the human body. I cannot say for sure, but my gut tells me, it'll be possible.

What I don't know, and where I concede I am speculating and ignoring the technical aspects, is if we are capable of this technology naturally.

Two different systems. We are analog, computers are digital. While no computer can emulate us faithfully, no human can match the processing power and mathematical problem solving efficiency of a computer.

Also what is this super conciousness? Control what processes? Human development?

Yes, I understand, the computer can emulate and outpace in some areas, that no human could match in the state of consciousness. Yet you are only basing this on the processing of information by a human. That is like judging the hardware of a system by it's software. In terms of terms of sheer processing power, the brain far outperforms the computer. As we know very little about the brain we cannot quantify it's processing speeds. To get a small idea of how powerful that is however, you can compare the information the retina recieves - ten one-million-point images per second, multiply this by how much bigger the brain is than the retina - 100,000, and it'll yield around 100 million MIPS(million computer instructions per seconds)
Even our most powerful computer computers today, comprising of hundreds of thousands of the fastest micro processors, cannot manage that.

Bear in mind tha this is an extremely crude calculation, the actual power could be many orders of magnitude higher.

In addition to this the human brain multi-tasks zillions of processes, the most powerful super computers cannot even come to close to the sheer power of the brain. The information the brain handles in a second, and stores is quantum leaps ahead of the information our most powerful computers can ever handle and store. Roughtly speaking, the brain can handle 100 million MB of information on 100 trillion synapses. Imagine a computer storing every bit of information through your entire lifretime - every second.

In addition it is capable of far more than computers; imaginaton; thought; emotions and learning.

There is therefore no doubt, that the human brain is far more powerful than the the computers of today. The technology on which the brain operates is beyond current technology. Hence, why I contend, that if the brain operates at a quantum level, it may be able to yield far more power than it does today.

A higher level of consciousness, or a super consciousnes, in other words, more powerful software can be used to tap this power.

Monks have been known to do this. Siginificantly alter their body temperatures in different body parts. Some have known to drop their heartbeats to dangerous levels and other controlling their blood pressure. Gaining control of involuntary functions has been known to occur in some monks in India. Though not everyone is built for this.

Yes, and monks are also more mentally alert, and if I may say so, have a far more higher level of consciousness. You see how this supports my analogy of consciousness being software; the higher the level of consciouness; the greater the abilities and control of oneself.

People who become physically cured by power of word are never ill or at physical harm from any ailment to begin with. Mere words and confidence do not solve actual physcial problems...they can help (laughter does release chemicals into the body which aid healing).

No, that is not necessarily correct. Some people, do have physical illness diagnosed by doctors. That miraculously are cured by healers. As you can see, from monks, it is possible to use the mind to control ones body. Sometimes placebo effects do actually cause real physical effects or dramatics changes in ones psychology. Healers only exploit that.

No, no (physcological yes), no...cancer can not be treated through intense mediatation.

I will not argue with you on this. It is just my theory, that it maybe possible, with a higher level of consciousness, to gain absolute control of ones body. So instead of being reliant on genetic engineers to devise a antidote with their limited intelligence. It maybe possible for you to devise this antidote, by using that mega-powerful quantum computer that operates you, to locate the cancerous cell, understand it's composition, and genetically engineer antibodies to remove it - simply by suggestions of the mind.

Interesting but simply moved your hand to pick up the object because you realized levitating things with the mind is extremely out there....the mind does not send tangible waves or signals that interact with objects and move them. What you posted is pure speculation at this point.

Actually, we don't know, if the mind can send such signals. However, I am not talking about brain waves. I am talking about the invisible quantum vacuum fields that links you to the object and every other manifestation in the universe. You maybe right, that the brain cannot send tangible signals to levitate the object, naturally. However, I am not contending to affect the object by sending brain waves. I am saying, that we have always been in contact with the object through the vacuum energy field. It's the same as picking it up. We just don't know how to pick it up yet.

A BIG if....and so far fro mwhere I stand and isn't.

I can understand that; however I'll give you an example: If you have the most powerful computers at your disposal, by itself it's useless, only when you can control that power, you realize it's potential - from running pacman, to quake, to realistic holograms, to dematerializing and rematerializing matter, to constructing matter from void. Similarily, we may indeed be equipped with a computer so powerful, that if we could use it, we could be capable of everything mentioned and much more.

Remember the superpowerful 3g computer and the body, was once instructions contained within a single molecule of DNA. It really should make you appreciate what you actually have.
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Well, telekinesis would be possible if, somehow, the mind works on (or in) an external dimension (external to those which are scientifically measurable) and if, at the same time, all matter also works within that same external dimension.

Teleportation would be possible if, as has been stated, matter could somehow be transformed into raw energy and if this raw energy could be transported to any location instantaneously (via the same external dimension mentioned above) and then if this energy could be reassembled into the object which it was. Only problem (if this was even possible to do) would be that you could not use this method with anything living as it would instantly die as soon as you transformed it into raw energy. When it was reassembled, it would be a dead animal/person/plant/etc...

Mind reading would be possible if, again, there exists this external dimension and, again, if the mind works in this dimension, and if your mind could find the mind of whomever it was you wished to read. At this point, I think it would be more of a mental data decryption problem as, I believe, each person's mind works uniquely and so data is stored in unique ways in each person's mind. Your internal mind storage is not "English" for example. (If it was, then HOW did you learn English in the first place?) This internal mind storage would be what you would be able to read (if mind reading were possible and if you mastered it). The decryption (which would be a different and very complex encryption algorithm for each human being) would prove to be difficult, yet not impossible.

All of this is dependent on the existence of an external energy dimension, so to speak.
Yes, I guess you could call it an external dimension. Yet, this external dimension you say, is simply a energy field encompassing the entire universe. If the mind is capable of functioning at a quantum level, then it is capable of quantum effects.

The key is the software, or the consciousness. As we raise our level of awareness, we could consciously cause these quantum effects. In other words, it would be like having magical powers; teleporting; levitating; transmutating; telepathic communication; dematerialization; manifesting matter

This may sound like complete fantasy, but all these abilities CAN be realized with scientific technology. Hence, one day, we may have these technologies imbeded into us, and who knows, we may have them already.
Incredible Halcyon!

I have always thought about this universal field. I was never aware that we already know about's its existence. Quantum entanglement, has quite a zing to it.

I completely believe we are linked to every other manifestation in the universe, space and time are only imaginary. Some day, we will have the technology to instantly teleport between interstellar and intergalactic distances. I honestly believe so.

However, do we have that technology today? Is our mind capable of connecting with this universal field and bringing about effects. I wonder.. I just wonder..
lol without going into great depth here, I do believe our minds are capable of Telepathy,Telekensis, Precognition, and Teleportation. Our only problem is the technology today. I think technology is just making us lazy, were not doing as much as we had to before computers, even the basic technology we have invented before computers. It's all about practise the more you use your mind and body the better it becomes therefore I think we could eventually one day do those things with our minds.
I think technology is just making us lazy, were not doing as much as we had to before computers, even the basic technology we have invented before computers. It's all about practise the more you use your mind and body the better it becomes therefore I think we could eventually one day do those things with our minds.

Now before you say that ask yourself this: Every species has a certain trait that stands out in them and is their primary means to survive...even two traits...right? Bears have thick coats and powerful muscles giving them a physical advantage over many animals. Elephants have size and physical might, cheetahs have speed etc etc....what do humans have? What has gotten us this far?
gendanken said:

Brains and evil.

Exactly. This technology...primitive or advanced is an extension of our survival skill. Where we lack sharp claws, speedy structures, brute force etcetc we make with the ability to sharpen a rock and set a trap. Sure we have more than we need but only in collective force. Alone even a genius would sucumb to a tiny insect, so why not get these geniuses in a room and make the fuckers venom null in the first


Technology isn't holding us back, it what has gotten us this far.
Your right sargentlard but personally i don't believe in technology, id prefer to live a simple life in the bush...if we were a lot smarter about what we have done then sure why not, but i can only see bad things happening with technology, sure we are getting better as to us and the environment but i think technology is going to kill us one day.
Under altered states of conciousness I have been able to understand a number of personal physical afflictions and whilst not experienced enough to erradicate them psychologically I have been able to moderate them by learning to compartmentalise the symptoms and diminish them with thought and meditation alone. i have been able to take this learning into non altered states. it has proved very beneficial.
Technology isn't holding us back, it what has gotten us this far.

true in many ways.

but i think that these technologies have robbed us of our spirituality.
and that is not right.

see, for a race to be balanced i see that Physicality(technology) and Spirituality(inner awareness) have to rise together, or else one or the other will topple the delicate balance of life.

We can see in the past spirituality reigned, but they did also have advanced technolgy. They didnt survive.

We can see now that technology is overtaking our lives, to the extent where we aren't spiritual anymore. Religions have been losing favor, but that doesnt mean spirituality has to go away too.

If u study any alien information you will see what i mean. Some of these civilasations are either too Spiritually oriented or too Technologically (Physically) oriented... and they are always fighting...

Earth is the integration point. But we seem to be sliding towards Physicality more and more today.

Look inside yourselves and realize the powers of yourself.

Like crazymikey meant with this thread, we can combine the two and yield TREMENDOUS POWERS !
we can combine the two and yield TREMENDOUS POWERS

This is so true. Its a shame that most people see the two (technology & spirituality) as individual and opposite rather than two forces that if brought together would bring about an age of inlightenment that of which man has yet to even come close too.
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Good post crazymikey...

"Yet this entails implanting the brain or body with many artificial devices and computers. Is it possible, that we can naturally, have these abilities?"

I am afraid not. Life has been here in this planet for a long time. There are all types of animals who have superior abilities in basic input/output. Some even change their body color at will....but to influence external objects without a gadget...I do not think so.

But...if we can find out that objects or life forms appear (like fruitflies) out of nowhere, that is the universe produces objects spontaneously, then we can do all those things.

Until then, watch for sensors and AIs to do your bidding. One does not need to be wired except perhaps a nano transmitter on your forehead (like the Indian women wear between their eyebrows).

During the Vimana days in anceint India, a dime shaped disk was used as the computer/transreceiver ....just kidding....but in 100 years we could have them that could transmit and receive directly to pineal gland....:D