the power of the Bible



well some attack Bible like it would be trash and many laugh when someone said that he/she reads it...

first of all my deep respect goes toward all ancient writings, because they permit us to study our past. But Bible is something more, is the only and one book that is ancient and at the same time living in our culture, You could think at the kuran but it's younger than the Bible and Buddha's writings went lost ( many of them ).

After it it contains a lot of principles that many people find them useful and follow in thier lifes ( let think to gandhi and what he said about gospels )

Yes the Bible is a true book living among us...
Welcome to Sciforums, Sunflow.

You can get power from the Bible if you burn it - or if you attach two Bibles to a pulley, and use them to turn a generator.

I've read the damned thing. It's 75% boring, 24% appalling, 1% useful advice.

Oh yes, and the BG is much older and more useful morally - and a 'living' document.

So who cares?
The bible is but one book among millions. Why restrict yourself to one?
Oh!! goodie a new one!!.

Sunflow, cool name, hey check out "Gilgamesh's epic" it's the eldest book known to man!, it was written about 1500 BC, it's a boatload older than the bible.

Another odd thing is that the bible is made of many tales of older books, from other civilizations. So it's not entirely original.
Sunflower..... Italy huh? My guess is that you are a full Italian Roman Catholic and probably grew up going to church and idolizing the Bible.

Hey, I'm half Italian so atleast we have something in common.

As Godless said, the Bible is not completely original. It stole alot of it's context from other civilizations that have nothing to do with Christianity.

The Bible might be a living Book to you due to the culture and environment that you grew up in and are around now. The Quran is just as living for a Muslim who grew up and lives in a Islamic Community and dedicates their life to their Holy Book. So your attempt to redeem your Bible has failed due to the fact that you have been influenced throughout your life and now have a bias and closed mind.

Sorry if I was a little harsh :)
In defense.

Seriously, with the exception of some incredibly boring parts as Xev said (he beget her beget whatever) the Bible does have some good things to say about living if read for face value, also it has some stories with very common themes that have echoed throughout the history of humanity. So its not so bad if you don't read into it too much.

And the Bible can give you incredible power a extremely well known and deeply respected book with words in it that anyone can twist to their advantage - good stuff.
Cactus Jack,

And the Bible can give you incredible power a extremely well known and deeply respected book with words in it that anyone can twist to their advantage - good stuff.

Unfortunatly... :(
