the power of logic


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I with some net friends (they were there before though) went to the main christian site of our country yesterday.We started discussing bible and religious dogmas from a skeptical and atheisical point of view. Brought up bible contradictions. Christians were miserable. All their counter attacks was laughable and they couldn't disprove any of our claims.
Today when I logged in I noticed that TWO forums have been made-> one for "christians only" and one for- "all".:D
They gave up, they were so afraid about their faith , they couldn't take the opposition.

We Are Victorious!:cool:

Of course we plan to not to go away and continue our quest for reason.

special thanx to-> Sciforums, Avatar, XPEH BAM, Pilots
the site is in latvian unfortunately:(
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I gather that your knowledge of religion and the problems encountered with christainy come from the religious section here. If so you have found what I have found (and not only the religion section). That frequently, at scifourms, you are on both the cutting edge and also you recieve knowledge far in advance of most of the public. When the public learns of subjects, you are already informed and usually have a better set of tools with which to understand the topic and it's avantages and disavantages.
I have studied christianity apart from sciforums as a part of my mythology and ancient civilization studies.

But you are very true wet1 .
At Sciforums I have gained much knowledge on many subjects and also have increased my debating skills a lot.

I couldn't have done that feat in Latvia if it wasn't from international education of Sciforums...

I'll put them in credit.