The popularity of this religion forum.


Secular Humanist
Registered Senior Member
The amount of threads on this religion is currently 3,547, posts is 112,554.
That means it is the 3rd or 2nd most popular sub-forum on sciforums.
It seems a shame that the religious have come here to stir us up and create arguments that distract us from talking about real science. :(
I myself have been drawn to the religion forum because of my convictions more often than any other forum. :bugeye:

Now its not my decision to go deleting posts where some moron starts blabbing about how god MUST be real and science is wrong, nor would it be good for my emotional well-being to go to a religious forum and start talking about evolution and the world being a sphere that revolves around the sun.

I am concerned that in the USA, parents and students alike are trying to force schools to teach creationism in SCIENCE classes.

funny quote 1:
Well I'll stop thinking in your church if you stop praying in my school!

funny quote 2:
I'm for the separation of CHURCH and HATE.

You know that tree the serpent got the forbidden fruit from that adam and eve weren't allowed to eat from? It was called the "tree of knowledge".

The point I'm trying to make is that the religious have too much power in places like USA, UK, Australia etc.
What can we do, politically, to reduce that power?

But seriously, that is a question I don't have an answer for.

The Christian religion teaches people that they are created in the image of the creator of the universe. Evidently most find this very flattering to their self esteem. They like to feel important.

Science has come to the conclusion that life in general, and human life in specific, is based on purely naturalistic processes, with no need for any sort of creator. This seems to make most people feel very unimportant, and bewildered at the prospect of an indifferent universe that does not care about the fate of humans one whit.

Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
-- Bertrand Russell (attributed: source unknown)

As much as I admire Russell, I can't agree with him on that point. The egocentrism of most humans seems to overpower their faculties for critical thinking. The victory of fiction (bad fiction at that) over facts and evidence is enough to make you lose all hope for the long term fate of humans. But don't mind me, I'm a pessimist.
make them THINK


The main problem of course is that they recruit young. A kid has barely popped out of it's mother before someone's jamming a bible down it's throat.

Of course even fantasy can have it's benefits, and as a keen UO player, I must confess that the mythical and unreal has a certain allure at times. However, it's when people can't discern a difference that the problem starts. The best way of dealing with it is in education. I am all for the complete removal of any religious oriented study from schools. That wont eliminate the problem altogether - but it's certainly a welcome start.

For those who see problem with that: If you really want your children learning all about your gods, heavens and beliefs then you have the right to do so -- in an appropriate place, (i.e at home or church).

Another method would be to put the much needed; "this is a work of fiction" stamp on the front of all bibles :D
I dont know man if one spends enough time reading this particular sub-forum then one would probably see that most threads are anti-religous not religous....I would be willing to say that the atheisits outnumber the theisits 6 or 7 to one(at least) for every one religous poster there would be five or six non-religious answers usually flaming the religious person as being niauve(or worse) who is really running this particular sub-forum?
Huwy said:
The point I'm trying to make is that the religious have too much power in places like USA, UK, Australia etc.
What can we do, politically, to reduce that power?

Well, the first thing you can do is go from being a whiny little minority to being a majority.

Europe was largely able to become predominantly atheist by making it Atheism appear both mocho and practically necessary. Men in Europe are convinced that only women can be religious, and since the Sexual Revolution kicked in, now women are even reluctant to participate in something so decidedly 'feminine' as religion. Then there is the matter of getting jobs and keeping careers. In Europe, even more than America, the Secret Society of the Free Masons has largely taken control of everything, and it is a huge priority for them to hold back any person who is the least bit religious. Primarily they hate Catholics.

In the United States where there are few Catholics, there has been less emphasis for the Free Masons doing everything they could do to make Religion appear as a Sex Role issue. Then there is Zionism's influence upon the Free Masons. Somebody in that Organization has been told to promote Protestantism along with the notion that the Protestant Word of God says that the Jews are the Chosen People and that only those Nations that fight for Israel will survive the Day of Judgement. They have been so successful in embedding this Pro-Zionist Doctrine into American Protestant Political Assumptions that Mighty America has virtually become a colony of little Israel.

I know the Mormons operate as a counter to the Free Masons, as their own bullying wedge to social and economic influence. It is virtually the truth that in Utah a man cannot own property or hold a job unless he first enrolls into a Mormon Temple. In many of the 'Red' States I often wonder whether Protestantism does not hold some of the same influence, where social encouragement and employment only go to "good Churchgoing people" and everyone else is informally but inexorably run out of town.

So, it would seem you scientific atheist need to start your own Secret Society. Emulate the European Free Masons. Make it your life's work to get your first Secret Member on the board of some Company where he can control hiring and firing. After 7 or 8 generations you will have people in every major company and institution who control hiring and firing. It effectively puts the Society into your pocket.

You know, it is factors such as these that make Revolutions so bloody. If everyone were honest, it could be live and let live. But with so many Secret Organizations wielding power secretly, for a Revolution to truly guarantee its own success against secret social sabotage, the safest thing to do is simply lop off the heads of anybody who is presently wearing a tie and a nice suit.

Of course, the Scientific Atheists would have no luck with Revolution. The last time I checked the Militia NRA Crowd was not very science oriented. Indeed, I wonder whether anybody in Washington is the least bit concerned that the NRA Militias now have more guns and three times the personnel than the Police and the National Guards put together. America is anarchy waiting to happen. And too much power or prominence going to Atheists would be just the thing to set them off. And it isn't like you can defend yourselves by throwing your sliderules and pocket protectors at AK-47s.

You want to be Atheists and in power... move to France and wait around until you are asked to join the Masons. It took them 400 years of constant daily insidious subversion to arrive at their present state of power and influence over Religion. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.
People NEEEEED ecstasy. they NEEd release. why do you think sex is so important. some stats say that people think about it every other moment

think of the Afro Black chruches on America. have you ever seen old fottage at the times of the'd see young and old really getting down in church..'getting the spirit'. i was always moved by the power of that music even though i dont believe the dogma. somehow behind all the dogma you are seeing people communally wanting release. a sense of emotional expression

In ancient cultures and in Indogenous cultures you also see rituals where people can really let themselves go as a community

we haven't got that as such. ours is commodified, and fragmented. we have MTV for example, but its all corporate led

what i am getting at is that logicky science AINT enough. we are not all inclined to just eat facts and figures and wait for th whitecoats to do their Sci, Meth. and inform us 'lay-people' what is THE 'truth' of now. we have logical capacities, yes, but we also desire ecstasy

These fundys asically are literalists. they don't even realize the origins and pre-origins of thier belief systems. they have gotten themselves in a cage of dogma--some being drilled in it since being young, and surrounded by families and communities that think the same and give pressure to conform

ALL 'we' can do then is explore explore ....all about mythology, OUt of the fukin cage, so that in the process We are liberating OURselves and then we go to the task of finding skillful ways to get through the dogmatic crusts religionists, and hard-nosed science people have around them
surenderer...exactly the cause. Most threads are antireligious. They often address issues no one has raised. Christians believe this or that, why can't they believe what I believe is the gist of most of them.
The point I'm trying to make is that the religious have too much power in places like USA, UK, Australia etc.
You could kill them all :D
The main problem of course is that they recruit young. A kid has barely popped out of it's mother before someone's jamming a bible down it's throat.
This is an issue I'm currently dealing with, the persistent insistence from my in-laws in giving\preaching religous crap to my daughters. If my daughters want to believe in this shite they can do it once they've turned 16 (their ages 4 & 1).
So you got a family problem. Doesn't mean people should not be free to express their faith.

They never both me.
So you got a family problem. Doesn't mean people should not be free to express their faith.
Can you even read "bright spark". Where did I imply people shouldn't be able to express their faith? Expressing your faith does not entail brainwashing children with religous propaganda. Young children can not make an informed decision about religous propaganda that is rammed down their throats, this is why children are targeted by the religous zealots. And by your reckoning it'd be fine for me to engage my children or other peoples children in ritualistic satanism, I'm just expressing my faith?
They never both me.
And your point here is?
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The worst propaganda is pushed by liberals in government schools and liberals in the media.

I see nothing wrong with some balance. Secularists run amok in our society. Let people of faith share the public square.
Athelwulf...used to be bothered by them in college. But what is the point? Better to learn about faith than discount them with the type of language we see on this thread. Southern Baptists for instance generally want school choice, the second amendment protected, lower taxes and a less intrusive government. What is there not to like about that? Catholics believe in subsidiarity. A great concept. And for history, the Catholic encylopedia of 1917 is the place to go. A better (and very fair) acount of, to Catholics, heresies such as Unitarianism there than from the Unitarian churches of today.

Then there is the issue of moral codes. Better people have internal codes, even if they often don't live up to them, than they are cultural marxists, situational ethicists, moral relativists and Gramscian socialists. The more people take care of each other and the more they self-regulate, the fewer laws and fewer taxes for everyone.
Huwy: The amount of threads on this religion is currently 3,547, posts is 112,554. That means it is the 3rd or 2nd most popular sub-forum on sciforums.

It seems a shame that the religious have come here to stir us up and create arguments that distract us from talking about real science. :(

I myself have been drawn to the religion forum because of my convictions more often than any other forum. :bugeye:

Now its not my decision to go deleting posts where some moron starts blabbing about how god MUST be real and science is wrong, nor would it be good for my emotional well-being to go to a religious forum and start talking about evolution and the world being a sphere that revolves around the sun.

I am concerned that in the USA, parents and students alike are trying to force schools to teach creationism in SCIENCE classes.

funny quote 1:
Well I'll stop thinking in your church if you stop praying in my school!

funny quote 2:
I'm for the separation of CHURCH and HATE.

You know that tree the serpent got the forbidden fruit from that adam and eve weren't allowed to eat from? It was called the "tree of knowledge".

The point I'm trying to make is that the religious have too much power in places like USA, UK, Australia etc. What can we do, politically, to reduce that power?
M*W: Well, the Inquisition seemed to work very well as did the Holocaust and Communism. However, I think if we all just relax a bit, Christianity will burn itself out. I can't speak for all religions, because I am an anti-christian. Islam seems to be taking over in the formerly christian Europe. It's only a matter of time. Christianity has lost its momentum in the world. There are still those hard-core zealots on this forum, though, but they are out of touch with reality.
(I would not) go to a religious forum and . . .(talk about) the world being a sphere that revolves around the sun.

Appears you have bought the early 19th century propaganda about medieval and early Christians believing in a flat earth.

If you care to be informed check out this article the the American Scientific Affiliation Conference.
Huwy said:
The amount of threads on this religion is currently 3,547, posts is 112,554.
That means it is the 3rd or 2nd most popular sub-forum on sciforums.
It seems a shame that the religious have come here to stir us up and create arguments that distract us from talking about real science. :(
I myself have been drawn to the religion forum because of my convictions more often than any other forum. :bugeye:

Now its not my decision to go deleting posts where some moron starts blabbing about how god MUST be real and science is wrong, nor would it be good for my emotional well-being to go to a religious forum and start talking about evolution and the world being a sphere that revolves around the sun.

I am concerned that in the USA, parents and students alike are trying to force schools to teach creationism in SCIENCE classes.

funny quote 1:
Well I'll stop thinking in your church if you stop praying in my school!

funny quote 2:
I'm for the separation of CHURCH and HATE.

You know that tree the serpent got the forbidden fruit from that adam and eve weren't allowed to eat from? It was called the "tree of knowledge".

The point I'm trying to make is that the religious have too much power in places like USA, UK, Australia etc.
What can we do, politically, to reduce that power?

i have a strong feeling when it all comes down to it, science and religion will hold the answers in THEIR hands. we are all of one mind in the process of realizing itself.
Exactly. You can't repress one half of human nature and expect anything but trouble. Happens with those who get too into faith and those who get too into materialism.

Many of the best scientists ever have been profoundly religious. It added to their science, it didn't take away from it.
Leo Volont said:
Well, the first thing you can do is go from being a whiny little minority to being a majority.

Europe was largely able to become predominantly atheist by making it Atheism appear both mocho and practically necessary. Men in Europe are convinced that only women can be religious, and since the Sexual Revolution kicked in, now women are even reluctant to participate in something so decidedly 'feminine' as religion. Then there is the matter of getting jobs and keeping careers. In Europe, even more than America, the Secret Society of the Free Masons has largely taken control of everything, and it is a huge priority for them to hold back any person who is the least bit religious. Primarily they hate Catholics.

In the United States where there are few Catholics, there has been less emphasis for the Free Masons doing everything they could do to make Religion appear as a Sex Role issue. Then there is Zionism's influence upon the Free Masons. Somebody in that Organization has been told to promote Protestantism along with the notion that the Protestant Word of God says that the Jews are the Chosen People and that only those Nations that fight for Israel will survive the Day of Judgement. They have been so successful in embedding this Pro-Zionist Doctrine into American Protestant Political Assumptions that Mighty America has virtually become a colony of little Israel.

I know the Mormons operate as a counter to the Free Masons, as their own bullying wedge to social and economic influence. It is virtually the truth that in Utah a man cannot own property or hold a job unless he first enrolls into a Mormon Temple. In many of the 'Red' States I often wonder whether Protestantism does not hold some of the same influence, where social encouragement and employment only go to "good Churchgoing people" and everyone else is informally but inexorably run out of town.

So, it would seem you scientific atheist need to start your own Secret Society. Emulate the European Free Masons. Make it your life's work to get your first Secret Member on the board of some Company where he can control hiring and firing. After 7 or 8 generations you will have people in every major company and institution who control hiring and firing. It effectively puts the Society into your pocket.

You know, it is factors such as these that make Revolutions so bloody. If everyone were honest, it could be live and let live. But with so many Secret Organizations wielding power secretly, for a Revolution to truly guarantee its own success against secret social sabotage, the safest thing to do is simply lop off the heads of anybody who is presently wearing a tie and a nice suit.

Of course, the Scientific Atheists would have no luck with Revolution. The last time I checked the Militia NRA Crowd was not very science oriented. Indeed, I wonder whether anybody in Washington is the least bit concerned that the NRA Militias now have more guns and three times the personnel than the Police and the National Guards put together. America is anarchy waiting to happen. And too much power or prominence going to Atheists would be just the thing to set them off. And it isn't like you can defend yourselves by throwing your sliderules and pocket protectors at AK-47s.

You want to be Atheists and in power... move to France and wait around until you are asked to join the Masons. It took them 400 years of constant daily insidious subversion to arrive at their present state of power and influence over Religion. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.
