The Pope on evolution


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Not this one but the previous one. I don't get it. If evolution was good for II John Paul, why is it not good for IAC??

"That happened in 1994.
That was the year in which the Pope announced to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences that Darwin's theories are sound so long as they take into account that creation as described by him was the work of God. The Pope said that "fresh knowledge leads to recognition of the theory of evolution as more than just a hypothesis"
IAC is Born Again, not Catholic.
The Pope means nothing to him, at best.
It would be profoundly ludicrous if this universe were in the body of a twisted, morally weak evil being who theists worship as god. How can you respect a mind that extols as the greatest that creates a universe as imperfect as this, in some sense those who have repeatedly told me "I can feel he is real, i just know it" are not lying but it's more the probable case of a child only a mother could love scenario.

Theists molest not extol progressive values while embracing the immoral values this universe is built on. They say look at the beauty of nature as the work or proof of god while ignoring that underneath the placid facade is a hideous cycle of sacrifice, brutality and suffering. They blame man yet not their god which created man. It's true humans have free will and should be held accountable but this is not a thiests way, they are always on the lookout for that proverbial scapegoat.
"Embracing the immoral values this universe is built on." Huh?

You say the your god created everything. This universe is built on the cycle of predation and murder. Therefore your god is evil and you embrace his values as you 'justify' the murder of this or that. If he was truly good he would not allow the predation of suffering and allowance of anothers whim to sin against another just to exercise that socalled right. Stupid god, evil god, insane god, take your pick theist.
Just because something exists or runs doesn't mean its perfect nor good nor best etc etc etc.

Please elaborate on its imperfectness.
How could it be perfect in ways that it is lacking now.
Define "perfect".
Well, atavisms could certainly be removed for a start. As asked on another thread by me, (and completely ignored apart from one theist that basically said why would he care), why would a pig grow an extra pair of legs out of its bum, or snakes growing two heads, or whales growing legs, or a man growing wisdom teeth and an extra nipple.

These things can never come under the guise of "intelligent design".
Yeh Snake, those are plainly the results of Darwinian evolution. I imagine that whales with legs will become more commonplace in the future, and one soon may walk up to you to ask for the nearest plankton take-out spot.
Yeh Snake, those are plainly the results of Darwinian evolution

Evolutionary 'throwbacks' yes, I am glad to see you're starting to wake up. Unfortunately I'm also under the impression that you don't really mean it, indeed think instead that with all the intellect in the universe your god created an animal that never walks with legbones. I bet siamese twins are thankful for his "intelligent design" every day of the week.
Legs on whales is an "evolutionary throwback," so whales evolved from humans? Tell us more!

What other "evolutionary throwbacks" do you see in nature Snake?
Legs on whales is an "evolutionary throwback," so whales evolved from humans? Tell us more!

That in itself is a vast giveaway to your lack of understanding. Why would "legs" imply human? Do you deny the millions of other animals that exist and happen to have legs?

What other "evolutionary throwbacks" do you see in nature Snake?

Many. In humans:

Wisdom teeth, goose bumps, tailbones, (and sometimes fully formed tails), etc etc.

P.S Sorry if there are any typos or anything, but as we are on the subject of "intelligent design" I thought it best to type without my glasses on. I'm still wondering why my eyes can't focus on anything, but hey I'm sure there's something "intelligent" in there.