The Pope is dead! All hail to the dead Pope!

daktaklakpak said:
Just heard from the CNN.


Me and my cousin corey did a little tribute...
What worries me is thinking about who the next Bishop of Rome is going to be. Chances are its going to be some tight assed italian who stands so far to the right that it would disturb even me. I am hoping for a pope selected from a latin american country though I doubt it will ever happen.

If we are lucky, it will be one like Pope John the Twenty-third. Only longer lived.
Well I don't personally have anything against the pope, but he is not my father. I wouldn't trade my salvation for his plus $10 million, that's for sure!
I heard that when the Pope is dead they hit him three times on the head with a blunt object to make sure he's not just sleeping.

Can anyone verify this for me?
Roman: I heard that when the Pope is dead they hit him three times on the head with a blunt object to make sure he's not just sleeping.

Can anyone verify this for me?
M*W: Yes, this is true. However, back in the Dark Ages they probably smashed the dead Pope's skull to make sure he was really dead. Now, since
we have the use of medical science to tell us when one has died, I believe they tap the skull symbolically three times. It's just another Catholic ritual.
Clockwood said:
What worries me is thinking about who the next Bishop of Rome is going to be. Chances are its going to be some tight assed italian who stands so far to the right that it would disturb even me. I am hoping for a pope selected from a latin american country though I doubt it will ever happen.

If we are lucky, it will be one like Pope John the Twenty-third. Only longer lived.

I think your concern is misplaced. The bulk of Cardinals and Bishops have been quite frustrated with this Conservative Pope. You see, he was a Pope from out of a Communist Regime, and though he was nominally against all of that Totalitarianism, it was the Style of Rule which he grew up in and was used to. So, really, the Pope quite disenfranchised all of the more liberal Cardinals and Bishops, and NOW they will want to have their say.

Of course, just last summer the Pope played a dirty trick by enrolled a slew of new Conservative Cardinals, in order to pack the College so that another Conservative could be elected. However, the problem with that strategy is that many of these "conservative" young Cardinals may only have been acting or pretending to be Conservatives... kissing up, playing politics, getting promoted the way an ambitious man gets promoted, by being exactly the kind of guy the Boss promotes. But with The Boss dead, the disquises can come off. We may find that many of the Church Conservatives may simply melt away in one huge sigh of relief. The Pope is dead. Long live the Pope.
Roman said:
I heard that when the Pope is dead they hit him three times on the head with a blunt object to make sure he's not just sleeping.

Can anyone verify this for me?

Its an old Mafia joke -- you go to the funeral, not to pay respects, but to make sure the guy's really dead.

I heard that when the Pope is dead they hit him three times on the head with a blunt object to make sure he's not just sleeping.

Can anyone verify this for me?

Apparently this is no longer the tradition.
Immediately after the pope has passed away, a document known as the Apostolic Constitution drafted by John Paul II himself in 1996 enters into effect. At this point, the pope’s camerlengo (chamberlain) verifies the pontiff’s death by calling him by his Christian name three times. If there is no response, the chamberlain declares “The pope is truly dead.”

The confirmation used to be accompanied by the chamberlain tapping the pope’s forehead three times with a small silver hammer, but the tradition fell into disuse after Pope John XXIII’s death in 1963.

Hmm. A silver hammer. Wonder if the Beatle's song Maxwell's Silver Hammer is based on this quaint little ritual? The song appears to be more about cold-blooded murder but the silver hammer might still have its source in the tradition somehow. I'm sure there's a story as to how the tradition started... I oughta look it up...

Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Came down upon her head.
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Made sure that she was dead.

Speaking of looking things up. What's up with John Paul I? He was Pope for less than a year? Why?

(By the way, welcome back, Roman. I thought for a bit that we'd lost you after your useless banning.)]
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That is absolutely brilliant. Thank you MW and Invert.

(I just took a little break. A spring one. ;))
I remember John Paul 1. I was about 12, and I mostly remember because there was all the news about the Pope dying, and all I could think was, "Didn't that just happen a few months ago?"

I guess John Paul 2 had a good run as far as Popes go.