The Policy of Christian Recruitment


Registered Senior Member
I'm absolutely tired of reading about "Christians" who directly persecute paltry things such as Harry Potter, or what not. On top of that, there are these over zealous Christians who believe it is divine right that they recruit new members into Christianity. It honestly gives Christianity a bad face. One of God's gifts is the freedom of choice, people need to stop bothering other people's business and get the hell out of their own deranged views. Not everyone wishes to be Christian, let them be what they wish. Let everything be created as it wishes. If God truly affects all, then that Harry Potter book could have easily been prevented or some other mere trifle could have been stopped. Now I'm not saying that all Christians have disgruntled outlooks and that everyone else is right, no. One thing that made me angry was the whole removal of the ten commandments issue. Come on, it's just a set of laws. If one thinks about it, our government is a theocracy in essence, religion (or lack thereof) governs one's morals and general decisions. Since this is true, people are controlled by their religion. Ok with that said <prepares the bomb shelter for the immense amount of flack> .
Ummm... the U.S. government is not a theocracy "in essence" or in anything at all, and many people are irreligious and moral, surprisingly.
Oh shoot, the second part of my post was taken out due to being contained in arrow brackets. Yes, yes I understand that people who are irrelgious have their morals. Where does it come from? Innate? From their irrelgious parents? (Btw the arrow brackets said that I was preparing the bomb shelter for the good amount of flack I'd receive) Also, religion is a cause or principle that one believes in. Regardless of how atheist one believes they are, they must believe in something 'eh? Isn't the disbelief of no God a belief? Yes, this doesn't give support to my previous statement about religion being the basis of morality, but I suppose it's something I cannot support. Hypothetically one can say that some of everyone's morality was based in religion because regardless if the person themselves are irreligious or their best friend is irrelgious, somewhere down the line religion showed someone what it believed was right and wrong and that was passed along until it may have somehow landed in the hands of some religionless child. Lol, indeed it is bliss.
You don't need religion to have a conscience. It's part of the natural human brain; comes free of charge.
Thanks Consequent, except I say all religion, not just one facet. Also this article is one view, provide me something with different views yet similar conclusions and I shall make way for you :p. Oh! and something that shows my idea of the thread God and Evolution from the website Consequent gave me (haha, yes proliferate my God evolutionists, proliferate!!): "In contrast, and of far greater importance to humanity, the idea of a biological God, one who directs organic evolution and intervenes in human affairs (as envisioned by theism)." Okay, so I'm leaving out a part due to supporting my own selfish ways ;) .
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If I am babbling then what you speak of is utter lucrity. Aka, keep comments that needn't be stated to yourself. If I was babbling, so be it, you do not need to waste space to say so. If you add something of importance to the forum, the go right ahead. If note, screw you =D, much love.
Esstazq said:
If I am babbling then what you speak of is utter lucrity.
Oh my: "utter lucrity" no less. Unfortunately, I'm not even sure what partial lucrity entails or, for that matter, what it has to do with your insipid babbling.
Ha, actually that was not babble. Perhaps because you do not understand that it actually contributes to another thought in another thread and that your supposed article was a purely unilateral argument. You are just talking idly, wasting time (perhaps to get more posts?). You rarely add anything of real value to a thread because you must not have anything to give. Please, if you have any wisdom in a subject, share it. If not, then go to the next thread to find something you can critique. Brain.... :p hahaha our little joke.
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Yes, yes I understand that people who are irrelgious have their morals. Where does it come from? Innate?

Where do you think it comes from? God?
Well, that makes sense, since the Christian God has murdered and committed genocide without blinking an eye, or feeling a twinge of remorse. Maybe we are made in God's image...

However, I agree with C. Atheist when he contends that we evolved morals. If every human went around raping and pilliaging, the human species would be in chaos, and would probably be heading for extinction.

Then there is a scenario with Richard Dawkins brought up. A's enemy (B), is also an enemy of C. Therefore, if you kill B, you are doing C a favour. Therefore, it may be far better to let B and C harm each other...
Esstazq said:
somewhere down the line religion showed someone what it believed was right and wrong and that was passed along until it may have somehow landed in the hands of some religionless child. Lol, indeed it is bliss.
quite a bliss indeed,good thing we dont follow your bibles religious morals anymore,or do you?like these ;go to and click on "bible quotes"
O angry ones. Please read the first post in this thread about that angry God. No, people do not follow Jesus as is supposed to be. You judge too much from the suppossed representer's actions. One of the main ideals Jesus calls for is free will. Make notice, he makes no mention to hell or any of that when he asks for followers. He does not make fear tactics because he knows that will create a shallow following. Jesus also did not see a man committing a sin and walked right up to him and say, "Hey, you! You're going to hell if you don't repent. You are wrong, all that you do is wrong! Hell I say, hell!!" No, Jesus let's them live their life without interference, because one of our greatest gifts is the gift to choose. Hare, you also said Christian God. In the new testament God can be considered to be quite different. He wasn't nearly as hell and brimstone, fry your behind if you disobey. Consider it a change of views from dictatorship to freedom. Q25, I briefly looked at the website you gave me and saw a bunch of opinionated humor essays and left. If I looked further and there were quotes that did not make any sense or quotes that show "an angry God," then this goes back to the argument of the translation of the bible. It changes its views according to the person who translates it. I'm not saying the whole bible is purely changed, maybe little idiotic things such as you're going hell when you say bad things, who knows.
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Esstazq, I agree with you. I am new to this site, but have found a lot of the posts to be very entertaining and thought I would add my thoughts.
There are a lot of "Christians" out there, but of that number the ones who actually KNOW CHRIST is a very small percentage. It is the ones who do not know HIM that are running around going crazy on Harry Potter and every other little thing they can to show they are a "Christian". In reality, they are working against CHRIST. Too bad they don't understand what they are doing.
One group of "Christians" that don't know CHRIST is the the televangelists. Now THEY give Christians a bad name! But I have a little peice of news for them. The one unforgivable sin in the Bible is Blasphemy against the HOLY SPIRIT. This does not mean what we make take it as meaning. Since the HOLY SPIRIT is truth, this means blasphemy against the truth. IE televangelist and all those running around whining about Harry Potter and other irrelevant subjects, well, they are blasphemning against truth or drawing attention away from it. What does that tell ya?
Hey Jevlr, I've heard about that supposed unforgiveable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Do you know the scripture that states that? Also, supposedly if one adds or takes away from Revelations, their name will be taken out of the book of life (unforgiveable sin).
Mark 3:28-30 Unforgivable sin - lying or teaching untruths about GOD which leads to confusion, doubt, then unbelief

Revelations 22 18-19 Adding or taking away - He that adds to the book, GOD will add to him the plagues of the book, he that takes away, GOD will take his part from the book of life.
Honestly Consequent, I don't care. I suppose you're desensitizing me. Ah, my first 100% shallow post. What a cruel day it is today, I pulled a consequent. Wait, I do have one important thing to say. Your article provides an opinionated answer to only one miniscule part of the thread. If you can at least provide new input (as I previously said in the post you got quotes from), that would be highly appreciated. Focus more on the actions of people involved in Christianity and stop trying to defend your own intelligence.
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