The Picture Thread

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I didn't realize the Australian Navy was in such dire need of people they allowed minors to join up. Or was that just when they were worried that Boatload of refugees might land there?
* posted by scilosopher
I figured ... I was just kidding. When I shave my beard I still look like I could be <18.

I'll be looks like <4 if I shave all of my hairs.... and wearing diaper.

kidding too. I'm not that chubby :D
When I shave my head w/o shaving my beard I look like an ex-con (the picture on my license)

When I grow a big bushy beard and long hair I apparently look Omish (the picture on my undergrad id)

No beard and medium length hair I look like the canonical white bread shmuck (previous drivers license).

No beard long hair my face looks way too small - at least right after being Omish.

Too many people have goatees, so they're out.

Maybe I should try shaving my head and beard, it couldn't be any worse than the rest ... Besides women always go crazy over how cute baby's look. It couldn't hurt. (I know better than to shave the rest of my body hair - that episode of Seinfeld made me itch)

If I actually have the balls to try it, I'll post a pic. I was planning on shaving my beard and getting a short cut anyway once it gets a bit warmer ...

(since you can all view a pic or two with a beard and medium length hair I'll let you draw your own conclusions about what I look like ; )
An old picture of me when I was a young surf grommet. (+15 years ago).

Believe it or not I still look the same. (apart from longer hair)


Tony H2o
Bebelina & Porfiry


A basilisk is a mythical creature whose breath, as I recall, could turn you to stone (stone you? :D) .... Fewments? Droppings. Dragon droppings, as I recall from L'Engle, and probably a few mundane animals as well.


A beard ... ugh. Imagine Japanese coarse-hair texture and a Norwegian beard. The primary beard comes in reasonably if I keep it just a touch longer than Don Johnson, but these weird, pubic-looking hairs crawl down my cheekbones, like a single line of them on each side beneath my eyes. Xev, for instance, might find it Cthulhian if I grew just those hairs. I can't bring myself to put Neer on my face, and I'm obliged here to make the joke that I won't let Nads anywhere near my face. :D )

Tiassa :cool:
Well, here goes ...

All right, I've decided to post my little collection of pictures as well.

Since I tend to have a near-to-impossible time of <i>not</i> growing facial hair, these all have some form of facial hair in them. Admittedly, I look a little psycho in the bottom-left, pissed-off in the bottom-right, stoned in the upper-left, and usual in the upper-right.

Overall, I think I resemble a real goofball.

Oh yeah. I know. They're not what you were expecting, but neither was any of the other pictures so far posted. Great pics by the way.


Re: Well, here goes ...

Originally posted by pragmathen
I know. They're not what you were expecting...
I don't know what you mean... they are exactly what I expected.
Especially the look of evil in the picture taken just before you devoured an innocent child! :D

Sorry, Pine_Net. does not seem to like your links. :(

If it's of any help, goofyfish, you are not alone in not being able to view the picture of Pine_net.

Pine_net (Unusual name!)
At the risk of putting a few noses out of joint (yours included) I have to say you are probably THE cutest thing to hit the boards since me. ;)

Please accept this as an appreciation of a lot of hard work in the gym on your part. There's no need to fly over and come after me witha gun or anything.:D:D

Peace man,

What bona thews
Talk about yummy!

Dat's right! stRgrL saw me first! :D

Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off da floor. You sweet sweet thang!

Well, I said before I have long hair. Not any more. Chopped it ALL off last night, very short now.
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